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Looking for someone to repair my Insteon ISY system?

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Hi all, 

I wanted to post this months ago. 

I finally made the switch to version 5.x about a year ago. 

I thought everything went fine but slowly discovered that a ton of stuff was no longer working correctly. 

I tried to handle one thing at a time but I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around everything. 

At this point I think the best thing to do is hire someone to have them fix my stuff. 

I need for my ISY units either wall plugs or wall dimmers. Especially having a major issue with several 8 key wall units. Model:  2486

I also have one I/O unit. 

And I ordered all new Motion Sensors and also got the dedicated power cabling for them. 

I need to get most of my programs back to working. 

Some of them work just fine anothers don't.

I think it has to do with version 5.x not seeing or communicating with the modules. 

I'm not looking for a completely new rebuild. I have kept things pretty simple here. 

So is there a qualified local Inteon/ISY technican in the NYC area? 

I live in Astoria Queens. 

If this isn't the proper place to reach out let me know. 

Thank you! 


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On 7/1/2021 at 10:47 AM, rlanza1054 said:

Hi all, 

I wanted to post this months ago. 

I finally made the switch to version 5.x about a year ago. 

I thought everything went fine but slowly discovered that a ton of stuff was no longer working correctly. 

I tried to handle one thing at a time but I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around everything. 

At this point I think the best thing to do is hire someone to have them fix my stuff. 

I need for my ISY units either wall plugs or wall dimmers. Especially having a major issue with several 8 key wall units. Model:  2486

I also have one I/O unit. 

And I ordered all new Motion Sensors and also got the dedicated power cabling for them. 

I need to get most of my programs back to working. 

Some of them work just fine anothers don't.

I think it has to do with version 5.x not seeing or communicating with the modules. 

I'm not looking for a completely new rebuild. I have kept things pretty simple here. 

So is there a qualified local Inteon/ISY technican in the NYC area? 

I live in Astoria Queens. 

If this isn't the proper place to reach out let me know. 

Thank you! 


If this was mostly working before you may do well to ask specific questions here, one at a time. People will be glad to help you out and you have some experience putting the system together in the first place.

The MS II units are a different beast than the original MS units and they take more reliance on the MS II timing and not so much on ISY.

Just as a shot in the dark.... I would upgrade your ISY to v5.3.3. A lot of quirks were fixed with battery operated device logic in that version.

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On 7/1/2021 at 9:47 AM, rlanza1054 said:

So is there a qualified local Inteon/ISY technican in the NYC area?

I don't know if you've had luck finding anyone, but if your open to remote assistance just with the programming and what's going on with your ISY you might have more takers.  Windows 10 Quick Assist is one method, but can be slow.. if you have the ISY portal that's even better for the person assisting, but you can't watch every keystroke they make.  It might not be too difficult to get your system working much better, some programs don't convert well from 4 to 5 once those are fixed and you're upgraded to the latest release 5.3.3 you will probably be in much better shape.

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