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Polisy Rude Network Behavior


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I use and enjoy my ISY every day.

However, polisy is acting rudely on my network.

Thousands of DNS queries to my.isy.io, proxy.isy.io, proxy2.isy.io.

Yesterday ran pkg update upgrade.  Today my pihole reports 51K queries to my.isy.io from my polisy box. seems like every 2 seconds

2021-07-06 17:55:40    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:37    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:36    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.1ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:35    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:33    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:32    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.3ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:30    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.3ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:28    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:21    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)    
2021-07-06 17:55:21    A    my.isy.io    OK (cached)    IP (0.2ms)

Cold rebooted polisy.  Still multiple rapid DNS queries.  (my network topology has not changed)



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Thanks for the quick reply.  

A suggestion - Polisy should be respectful of the network whether it is successful or not in connecting.

Use a fallback mode, for example:

Try to connect every second for 1 minute

Try to connect every minute for 5 minutes

Try to connect every 10 minutes for an hour

Try to connect every hour for as long as polisy is booted.

After 1 hour - send an email alert to the administrator that connection is unsuccesfull.



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