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Triggers for 99i


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Trying to determine how I can adapt my programming from another device to the 99i. Want to convince myself to buy a 99i. :D


Is it possible to use non existant x10 addresses as triggers for a 99i program. Looking for a way to work around the lack of "flags" or "counters" being available.


In other words in a program turn on or off an x10 address, and use it as a trigger for or within another program structure.



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Thanks for the reply.


Can I not turn on an x10 device in one program, and then use it for a true false , (on off) test in another?


Another question, is there a way to return an insteon dimmer to a previous state? Example; a program at the start, changes a dimmed unit to full on, but at the end of the same program return it to the level it was before going full on.

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Hi Paul,


1. Using X10 messages as flags would have delays associated with X10. You can easily do the same with a program. i.e. run the Then part to set the program to true or else part to set the program to false. Then you can use the status of that program

2. ISY does not keep previous state ... but, this requirement is part of the new triggers release



With kind regards,


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