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ISY on Polisy v5.0.4 Is Now Available

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Hi All,

v5.0.4 is now available. 


1. You should be able to use the Admin Console directly from Polisy (LAN)
2. Stopped our experimentation with time travel ... so, the logs will now have the correct timestamp (the old entries will continue having wrong timestamps). Also, separated error log from system messages. So, now there's a different log file (SYSOUT.LOG) capturing isy operational messages
3. Fixed the issues (case sensitive) so
a) UD Mobile should start working
b) If you have any node servers installed, you might have to remove them and restart 
4. After Polisy restart, udx would need to be restarted for isy to work
5. And, finally, for the geeks out there, you can now disable uftdi driver in case you only use the serial port. All you need to do is to put the following in /etc/rc.conf and then restart the isy service:


sudo pkg update
sudo pkg upgrade (at the minimum, you should have udx (2.4) and isy (5.0.4)
sudo service isy restart (this will automatically restart udx if not already started)

With kind regards,

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Install went fine but something weird going on with node servers

Even after removing and re-installing it appears the nodes (screens) are not getting pushed to ISY

for example my wemo node server reinstalled complete with nodes and names, but if I select and switch the ISY screen is the same as the last screen it was on (as in if I was on a dimmer switch, the same screen for the dimmer is there instead of a simple on / off screen)

that said the on and off dimmer layout does turn wemo switch on / off


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Install successful except UD mobile IOS hangs at “getting program files from ISY”

Removed all nodes, restarted UDX and isy. Tried rebooting as well.

UD app version 0.37.

EDIT: Thank you @Michel Kohanim yes I did not have a program.



Edited by mbski
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Updated and upgraded no problem although I had to reboot Polisy to get things working properly.  All good and Logs show correct dates.

UD Mobile still doesn't show any controls for devices but scenes are ok.  Programs are fine.

Great work!


New Program.png

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4 minutes ago, mmb said:

Updated and upgraded no problem although I had to reboot Polisy to get things working properly.  All good and Logs show correct dates.

UD Mobile still doesn't show any controls for devices but scenes are ok.  Programs are fine.

Great work!


Hi @mmb

Can you post the output of <ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/files ?

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23 minutes ago, Javi said:

Hi @mmb

Can you post the output of <ipAddress>/rest/profiles/family/1/files ?

I think this is what you're asking? From my Polisy

<profile family="1" id="1">
<files dir="nls">
<file name="en_US.txt"/>
<files dir="nodedef">
<file name="I_NDEFS.XML"/>
<files dir="emap">
<file name="I_EMAP.XML"/>
<files dir="linkdef">
<file name="I_LDEFS.XML"/>
<files dir="editor">
<file name="I_EDIT.XML"/>

Edited by mmb
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28 minutes ago, Javi said:

Hi @mmb,

Thanks, all appears to be well there.  Can you send me the nodes as well?  This should be the last one, just need to be sure the node has a (correct) definition.


Here you go.

<node flag="128" nodeDefId="RelayLampSwitch_ADV">
<address>24 D3 42 1</address>
<pnode>24 D3 42 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="0%" uom="100"/>
<node flag="128" nodeDefId="DimmerLampSwitch_ADV">
<address>26 A6 36 1</address>
<name>Lamp Linc</name>
<pnode>26 A6 36 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="255" formatted="100%" uom="100"/>
<group flag="12" nodeDefId="InsteonDimmer">
<link type="0">24 D3 42 1</link>
<link type="0">26 A6 36 1</link>
<group flag="132" nodeDefId="InsteonDimmer">
<name>Auto DR</name>
<group flag="132" nodeDefId="InsteonDimmer">
<link type="16">24 D3 42 1</link>
<link type="0">26 A6 36 1</link>

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I am a little bit lost with ISY on Polisy.....

I understand that it is in Alpha stage, and therefore I am not yet going there, but I just want to understand the ultimate objective and know where we are right now.

Objective :  Access Polisy and Administrative together with same user name and pw ?

Current status My existing ISY would not yet show up in Polisy, and only a "new"  ISY " ?

No Zwave right now ?

UD Mobile : Will eventually do exactly the same as Administrative Console ?


Edited by asbril
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I was able to upgrade my polisy isy with problem but after this could not communicate with the PLM or any connected Insteon devices. Restarting ISY or disconnecting / reconnecting the PLM did not help.

Rebooting Polisy solved the issue.

Confirmed that LAN access to ISY now works properly.

Edited by gviliunas
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Hi @mmb,

All looks well from the requests.  I'll have to check the App's database to try to find the issue.  Please send me a PM with the backup file.

If anyone else has the same issue (missing insteon controls) after creating at least one program please send me a PM with a copy of the app's backup file.   We only need a backup from one user, so will update here when no longer needed. 


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I updated to v5.0.4. My four PG3 node servers are all showing empty in the AC. Interestingly, the values are showing up in correctly and up to date in UD Mobile.

What I've tried so far:

  • I have deleted Java cache including deleting applications. I am using ISY Finder to launch the AC.
  • Rebooted Polisy
  • Restarted Polyglot3
  • I have deleted all four node servers, reloaded and reconfigured them.



Edited by DaveStLou
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Something seems different in the Ployglot / ISY interaction on 5.0.4

I have cleared all Java re-installed ISY finder, deleted and uninstalled Node servers and re-installed multiple times.

It appears when Polyglot sends the node info to ISY, something is not coming across correctly. 

from the screenshot the wemo nodeserver is created on ISY and its sub nodes, but all nodes look empty on ISY screen

If I select the "polisy bulb" which is an insteon device I get a typical dimmer screen. If I then select the wemo switch, I then get the dimmer screen, not the wemo on/off screen

that said, the on/off does work



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I am getting the same empty screen when trying to add a nodeserver from PGC (I'm assuming PGC is supported).

In my case a number of errors are reported when the nodeserver is first started up (or stopped and restarted).

These are 503 errors stating 'Couldn't update driver to ISY', and 'Failed to load xyz... to ISY...Try again using the portal "Profile Upload" button.'.  Also: "Requested ISY not online". 

Both PGC and ISY portal show my Polisy ISY online, and I am able to control devices through the portal.

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Hurray! It's working now.

Additional information: For anyone following along, I also had to "touch" every program that referenced the nodeservers and save before they functioned correctly.

Edited by DaveStLou
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