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toggle status updating in isy but not controlling device


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I just got a isy 99i pro/ir. I have been seeing a repeated issue with using the ir toggle programs. I hit the button on the remote, isy sees it, executes the correct program, changes it's internal status correctly, but the switch does not change. I have not seen this issue with keypads or 3-way switches working in scenes (everything is same-phase, I don't have any isteon yet on the 2nd pannel).


here is a more concrete example:

So, I have a SwitchLinc Relay v.35 hooked up to my den fan.

Then I have program 1:


IR 'fan ir' is Pressed

And Status 'den fan' is Off



Set Scene 'den fan' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



and program 2:


IR 'fan ir' is Pressed

And Status 'den fan' is On



Set Scene 'den fan' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Sometimes when the light is on, I press it, isy thinks it goes off, the light stays on. The reverse being true if the light is off.


When Set Scene is called, does it wait for the ack from the plm or the ack back from 'den fan'?


Is there a log of all the events in order, so I can see "IR received, executed program X, sent insteon command, received ack from plm, received ack from 'den fan', setting 'den fan' to on 100%" The tools/log shows some of this, but enough detail for me to understand where the issue might be.


My thought also might be to add a query after the on, and then execute another program to set it on again if the status is still off. When the "query" statement finishes, has isy received all status of that device or is it more asyncronous in the execution of the command and the recept from the device?

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You still may have split phase in each panel.

Do you have any Access Points or an Insteon passive coupler on the panel in use?


You may get added date with a Scene Test or using the Event Viewer in level 3.


Both the isy and the switch in question are on the same circuit. I do also have access points on both phases (one attached to the same circuit as isy, the other on the other phase).

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Hello capsterx,


Would you be kind enough to let me know the firmware version of your SWLs. You can find this on the top center of the Admin Console screen when you click on that device.


In some rare cases, SWL 35s exhibited some signal sensitivity issues.


With kind regards,



Is 2476S what you want?

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Hello capsterx,


Michel missed that you described the version in your first post.


Since you have a v.35 switch this may be a flaw in the device. You can factory reset the switch and use Restore from the ISY menu to rewrite the links. If you continue to have these problems I suggest you phone Smarthome for a replacement switch.



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