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Polisy vs. Polisy Pro


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From a layman's point of view (no geek here) I see no difference. I got the Pro from a discount that was being offered just to supersize for maybe future needs. Right now I'm not using Bluetooth or WiFi and to tell you the truth I wouldn't know how to use them. I haven't seen any instructions on how to take advantage of these features. It's working fine with my ISY and I have 4 polyglots running; MyQ, Hue, WirelessTags, DavisWeather. I'm sure there's some more expert advice that will probably comment on your question.

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7 minutes ago, dinostop said:

@MrBill Do you know if trying to move ISY over to the Polisy if the PLM from Insteon with the cat 5 between the PLM and the old ISY will work with the Polisy?

If you mean will the 2413s serial PLM work with Polisy, yes it will, but not with the cable that you are currently using to connect it to Port A of the ISY994.   The cable being used between the 2413s and Port A on the ISY-994 only looks like an Ethernet cable, the connection carried over the wire is serial.  To use a 2413s with Polisy, you'll need the cable that came in the box with the 2413s originally-- it plugs into the DB-9 port on the back of Polisy.

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2 minutes ago, dinostop said:

If I do not have the cable to probably came with my initial setup years ago, is there a way to go about making one?  Or is it just easier to buy the USB version?

That's an interesting question.  I have mine, but I've been wondering what's going to happen as people start to need them for conversion.  I don't know if any of these cables on Amazon would work or not.  Or maybe one of these, or since this one is configurable, it should certainly be able to be made to work.

Maybe @Brian H or @Michel Kohanim could provide more info on the best route to follow with a missing cable.

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29 minutes ago, dinostop said:


Thank you for your responses.  Are you running ISY on your Polisy?  If so, does it support ZWave devices?

No it does not at this time. It's still in alpha testing in regards to running the admin console for insteon. Zwave testing is coming (700 series) but no word on when that will be at this time.

You can follow the progress on the sub-forum below this one.


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5 minutes ago, dinostop said:


Thank you for your responses.  Are you running ISY on your Polisy?  If so, does it support ZWave devices?

My ISY-994 is still the ISY running the house.  I have ISY on Polisy set up and have done some testing.  I won't be converting until there is a clearer path forward.  My system is too large with 100+ Insteon devices and around 500 programs, I won't be just starting from scratch-- it can stay on the 994 for a long long time if needed. 

25 minutes ago, dinostop said:

ZWave devices?

UDI has not yet announced the device that will be used for a z-wave controller for ISY on Polisy. 

Keep in mind that ISY on Polisy is in early ALPHA testing stage at this time (it's not even considered BETA at this time).  It's reported to be stable, but as you've wondered there are many things not quite ready for prime-time...  Z-wave, migrating Insteon systems, restoring backups, etc.

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Last I heard, ISY running on Polyisy wasn't going to support Insteon, at least not natively.  Has this changed?

I as well have Polyisy pro and that was pretty much because I bought it in the initial roll out at a special price.  The wifi would be useful if you wanted to put the polisy somewhere without ethernet, but I don't see that this is so useful.  For the most part, I would expect Polyisy to be sitting next to your router.  I have no idea what bluetooth application would run on polisy, but lets say they come up wtih something.  Obviously this is a fairly short range radio so Polisy would need to be close to your phone or whatever bluetooth device you intend on using with it.  Now, perhaps the best place to put polyisy is not next to your router or some other ethenet source but rather near the other bluetooth device, so wifi comes in handy.  But first, UD has to devise some useful bluetooth application.

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21 minutes ago, apostolakisl said:

Last I heard, ISY running on Polyisy wasn't going to support Insteon, at least not natively.  Has this changed?

I guess you haven't been reading along in the polisy sections... It supports Insteon with either the serial or USB PLM, it doesn't yet support z-wave.  Also there's currently no migration path yet.  If you wanted to move a large system to ISY on Polisy today you'd have to start from scratch adding devices and programs.


27 minutes ago, apostolakisl said:

But first, UD has to devise some useful bluetooth application.

Perhaps it will be a 3rd party nodeserver, but I think the concept is to support bluetooth beacons.. i.e. knowing where you (or others are) in your house because you carry your phone with you.  Same way retail stores track you now, you just don't know it's happening.  I don't think the concept is traditional bluetooth apps that consumers are familiar with for connecting devices.

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Good to see that UD took that route.  I am very pleased that it accepts USB plm.  I think I will pick up a couple of the USB sticks.  My suspicion is that these lack the failure mode of the line voltage PLM's.
They seem to last much longer as the units being sold are labeled 2015.

:) :)

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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19 hours ago, MrBill said:

but they aren't dual band either.  I bought a couple USB PLMs.

Rf works very well all by its lonesome. I have bridged buildings on separate utility connections using rf only with great success. Failing plms on the other hand have become ubiquitous. I also referring you to the thread using a Rpi and USB RF dongle where error free operation is reported. 

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