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Resetting Polyglot on Polisy to default


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I backed up my Polyglot config on the Polisy - and built a new Ployglot host (RaspberryPi). I restored the backup and this is now running the polys to my hardware ISY.

I now need to reset Polyglot on the Polisy so that I can connect it to the ISY running on Polisy - and begin configuring the polys there. 

What is the best way to do this without a full reset of Polisy (which would blow away to ISY configuration as well)?

Thank you!


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When swapping my ISY for the polisy that my polyglot was residing on, I found I had to uninstall each NS and then reinstall it with the new (localhost:8080 - don't forget the port number). On reinstallation the nodes were self-installed into my new ISY/polisy. Admin console had to be reloaded each time to see the nodes.

It went smooth once I figured out the process was longer than anticipated. 3 NS = about 15 minutes including re-linking to ecobee.

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With PG2 - you cannot do one at a time. I have a number of polys configured and wanted to preserve that. Hence - backing up and restoring to a nerw Polyglot install (which is working fine).

Now - the Polyglot on Polisy is in a 'funky' state. 
"Not connected to server... Try refreshing the page. This will disappear once the connection is re-established"
It never does get reconnected.

I suspect I need to blank out the Mongo DB and remove the nodes from the filesystem. I cannot for the life of me find the command to zero the MongoDB though. 

The 'Polyglot Settings' page in Polisy appears to have reset to some odd default - port 3000, no IP for the MQTT daemon etc. I try to set the correct values - but they won't save.

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I did mine on PG2 one at a time. Mind you I only use ecobee, Roku, and  Inventory. Possibly they were not functioning once I started but I was past my commit point for moving over. I did move over WiFi lighting and system clocks etc. for about a week or so and then got anxious to transfer more and got past the commitment point by accident.

My KumoApps were modified to send to both ISY/polisy for about a week and I just removed the extra lines again. CAI WC8 board was a snap with IP address changes.

I decided to restore my backup image and keep all items in the same addresses between ISY and polisy. I was using variable injections from ISY for variables that controlled basic light controls and system / house temps, humidity before commit point.

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Just now, larryllix said:

I did mine on PG2 one at a time. 

How did you do this?

You cannot configure PG2 to connect to two different ISYs. I'm trying to stop Polyglot reporting to my physical ISY - and have it report to the ISY/Polisy. To do this I'm following the process I laid out. Backed up - restored to a RPI (which worked). Now I'm trying to reset Polyglot on Polisy so I can configure it to talk tot he ISY on Polisy.


Possibly they were not functioning once I started 


That may well be the case. If you changed the IP in Polyglot then one-by-one removed and reinstalled each Poly. This would not have worked for me unfortunately since not only do I have more polys - they are deeply integrated into programs on the ISY. It will take me a few days to get things moved over - and the WAF would not tolerate many things simply not working for a few days.

I'm at a point now I can begin setting up the polys again on Polisy - but need to reset Polyglot to default first (without blowing away the ISY/Polisy config).

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Done - but something still not right. 

I rebooted after deleting the /var/db/mongodb (the mongodb was recreated at startup). Polyglot is running.

However - the settings page has strange default - and when I try to save nothing is persistent:



There is no .env file:

The log shows it reading from the .env though:

Overall - I'm still kind of stuck getting Polyglot on Polisy going again.

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I got caught on the port needed for ISY residing in the same box. I ended up using localhost:8080 just in case you forgot the port change.

The .env fle should not usually exist. If an .env entry overrides the defaiults, then the defaults are changed and will not return to original settings unless a specific option is set up to restore the originals settings again. IOW: deleting the .env file will not restore defaults.

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I tried again - this time setting my ISY settings (and other parameters) into the .env file (it was not present last time).

This is the log I got on start:
image.thumb.png.6bafdab5ab58653ef4c29e184a4152bf.pngThe IP I've blanked is the IP of the lan interface of Polisy (where the ISY is listening on port 8080). It appears to fail to connect.

The Polyglot 'Settings' page is exactly as before - I cannot make any changes persistent. I still get the 'Not connected to server' error - but it's not clear which server it cannot connect to (ISY, MQTT or MongoDB).

Still not quite sure what to try next..



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Tried changing the ISY IP to with the port set to 8080 in the .env - still no-go.

In the Polyglot web interface, it still says there is no connection. When ‘saving’ and change of settings, it says it cannot save because the web interface is not connected to Polyglot.

I have no idea why the web interface is working when it’s served by Polyglot, but then the JavaScript cannot connect to Polyglot.

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11 minutes ago, MWareman said:

That was when Polyglot discovered one of the other 3 ISY devices on my network. I have the port set in the .env.

I had that .env file setup originally for PG1 and when PG2 was released it seemed like some of the definitions actual purposes changed and the git-hub defintions were incorrect. IP addresses and port definitions changed things for more than what was stated. I had my webpage console set to port 80 = no https but it suddenly affected the ISY to polisy connection also. Everything worked except commands from ISY to polyglot. I could never get it to work right again and Michel connected in and deleted ISY and a few other packages and then reinstalled them. Voila! I was off and running again. I have never tried to install an .env file again and just live with the annoying HTTPS browser warnings since.

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6 hours ago, MWareman said:

Hmmm, not wanting to redo all the Insteon stuff I have going on ISY now.

Maybe removing Polyglot and reinstalling it?

I think Michel would better suited to figure this out.

IIRC he deleted the .env file, uninstalled udx and ISY and then re-installed them, and started them again.
It many have involved mongodb also but I cannot remember exactly now.

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Did you restart Polyglot and Mongodb? In short, once you do that, you should do:
sudo service mongod restart
sudo service polyglot restart
Apologies for not being more explicit.
With kind regards,

I did the following (exactly).

sudo rm -r /var/db/mongodb
sudo mv /var/polyglot/.env /var/polyglot/env.backup
sudo service mongod restart
sudo service polyglot restart

This time, for the first time, it discovered ISY running on Polisy! Additionally, the error about not being able to connect was gone.

Seems it tried using 8443 to connect to ISY but without HTTPS. I changed the port to 8080.

The ISY address was the lan address of the Polisy. I changed this to

This time, saving settings works.

However, I then got “Not connected to server….” :(

I ran the two restart commands again, and the error did not reappear (and Polyglot connected to the ISY!).

I *think* all is good now. I’ll add a couple of nodeservers and confirm.

Thank you *so* much for the assist!
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When it shows the "not connected to server" message, it means that the user interface code running on the browser is not able to connect with the Polyglot instance.  Because it is not connected, it is not able to receive any of the configuration information from Polyglot nor is it able send any updated information there to be saved.

If refreshing/reloading the browser page doesn't cause it to reconnect, you'll have to look at the logs to figure out why it isn't able to connect.  Both the Polyglot log and the browser's console log (developers tools on the browser) should provide some help in determining that.

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13 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


sudo service mongod status
Also, please send me /var/polyglot/log/debug.log .

With kind regards,


@Michel Kohanim Here are the requested outputs.

Thank you!


[admin@polisy /var/polyglot]$ sudo service mongod status
mongod is running as pid 74044.

11/10/2021, 00:01:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:06:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:11:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:16:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:21:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:26:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:31:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:36:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:41:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:46:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:51:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 00:56:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:01:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:06:56 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 01:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:06:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 02:53:05 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 02:53:05 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 02:53:05 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 02:54:35 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 02:54:35 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 02:54:35 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 02:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:06:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 03:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:06:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 04:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:06:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 05:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:06:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:11:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:16:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:21:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:26:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:31:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:36:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:41:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:46:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:51:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 06:56:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:01:57 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 07:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 08:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 09:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 10:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 11:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:46:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:51:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 12:56:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:01:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:06:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:11:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:16:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:21:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:26:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:31:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:36:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:41:58 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 13:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 14:53:21 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 14:53:21 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 14:53:21 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 14:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:00:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:00:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:00:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:00:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:00:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:00:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:08:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:08:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:08:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:08:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:08:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:08:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:15:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:15:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:15:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:15:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:15:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:15:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:23:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:23:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:23:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:23:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:23:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:23:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:30:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:30:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:30:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:30:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:30:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:30:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:37:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:37:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:37:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:37:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:37:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:37:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:45:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:45:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:45:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:45:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:45:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:45:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:52:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:52:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:52:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:52:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:52:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:52:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 15:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 15:59:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 15:59:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 15:59:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 15:59:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 15:59:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 15:59:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:06:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:06:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:06:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:06:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:06:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:06:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:13:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:13:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:13:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:13:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:13:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:13:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:21:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:21:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:21:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:21:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:21:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:21:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:28:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:28:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:28:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:28:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:28:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:28:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:35:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:35:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:35:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:35:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:35:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:35:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:42:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:42:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:42:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:42:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:42:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:42:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:49:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:49:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:49:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:49:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:49:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:49:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 16:56:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 16:56:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 16:56:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 16:56:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 16:56:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 16:56:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 16:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:03:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:03:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:03:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:03:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 17:03:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 17:03:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 17:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:10:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:10:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:10:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:10:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 17:10:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 17:10:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 17:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:17:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:17:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:17:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:17:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 17:17:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 17:17:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 17:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:24:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:24:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:24:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:24:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 17:24:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 17:24:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 17:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:31:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:31:02 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:31:02 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:31:04 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg authentication failed. Someone is messing with something....
11/10/2021, 17:31:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 17:31:04 [polyglot] info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.
11/10/2021, 17:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:33:35 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: keepaliveTimeout: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg
11/10/2021, 17:33:35 [polyglot] error: MQTTS: clientError: polyglot_frontend-P1dVg keep alive timeout
11/10/2021, 17:33:35 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 17:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 17:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 18:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:21:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:26:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:31:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:36:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:41:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:46:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:51:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 19:56:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:01:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:06:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:11:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:16:59 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:22:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:27:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:32:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:37:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:42:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:47:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:52:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 20:57:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:02:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:07:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:12:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:17:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:22:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:27:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:32:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:37:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:42:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:47:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:52:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 21:57:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:00:00 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected:
11/10/2021, 22:01:28 [polyglot] info: MQTTS: Client Connected:
11/10/2021, 22:02:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:07:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:12:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:17:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:22:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:27:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:32:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:37:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/
11/10/2021, 22:42:00 [polyglot] debug: ISY: 200 - http://POLISY_IP:8080/rest/profiles/ns/0/connection/

One thing I did notice - the javascript in the webui is trying to make a websocket connection to - instead of the correct IP address of the Polisy hosting Polyglot.


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10 hours ago, bpwwer said:

When it shows the "not connected to server" message, it means that the user interface code running on the browser is not able to connect with the Polyglot instance.  Because it is not connected, it is not able to receive any of the configuration information from Polyglot nor is it able send any updated information there to be saved.

If refreshing/reloading the browser page doesn't cause it to reconnect, you'll have to look at the logs to figure out why it isn't able to connect.  Both the Polyglot log and the browser's console log (developers tools on the browser) should provide some help in determining that.

Rebooting Polisy, refreshing the browser, waiting, refreshing again. All results in the same error.
I just did a Chrome dev tools trace - and discovered that the javascript is trying to make a websocket connection to (instead of the correct ip for the backend):


Where does this come from?


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Well now - more strangeness - but a solution I think.

Even though I rebooted my client (it's windows update time) - it appears that there was something about the state of Chrome causing the error.

I tried Edge - and the error did not appear. I then went to Chrome Incognito - and again no error. What a pain. 

Forcibly terminating the main Chrome processes allowed me to use Polyglot again from regular Chrome. 

At this point - it appears functional. I'll keep an eye on things to see if it sticks this time...

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