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New Install Polyglot on Raspberry Pi - E: Package 'mongodb-server' has no installation candidate

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Following:  https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2#installation-instructions

Running the installation script:

wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2/master/scripts/install.sh | bash -e


E: Package 'mongodb-server' has no installation candidate

Simplified commands down to:  sudo apt install mongodb

Package mongodb is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

Have tried researching and it seems that maybe mongo is no longer supported on the default Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit.

Is there an updated installation guide on how to install Polyglot on a Raspberry Pi?

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If you are using Pi3 or Pi4 you can run 64 bit if that is possible you can download a 64 bit DEB at https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community or if you need 32 bit you can compile it from source. The other option is to use Ubuntu Server for Pi and just install the version in their repo. 

On a side note, compiling isn't very hard in most cases you just navigate to the folder, issue the commands ./configure followed my make and then make install and you are done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never found any of the NOOBS o/ses worked with anything. They were always missing components of the O/Sytems and every bit of advice from others never worked for one reason or another.

I completely wrote my RPis off,  after a year or two of frustration, rebuilding them many, many times. About a year later, I downloaded a proper image of Debian, or whatever the latest O/S was at the time, and things just started to work properly. I don't touch the NOOBs installation any more.

My PG1 and PG2 worked just fine with all my RPis until I ported over to polisy.

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@kzboray thank you for your insight on an older version of Pi Operating System might be required.

@randyth thank you for pointing me to the buster version of Pi OS.  That seems to have solved my problem with MongoDB.  I don't think I see any error "ee key too small" so I didn't take that step.

At the end of the installation, I received:

DONE! Login to Polyglot v2 at
Username: admin
Password: admin
Be patient. It may take up to three minutes for the interface to be available while
MongoDB and Polyglot start up for the first time.

Now, my problem is:

    This site can’t be reached refused to connect

Here's what info I've collected

  • sudo systemctl status polyglot-v2.service
    shows that we are active (running)
  • nano ~/.polyglot/log/debug.log
    shows that things started up (at least partially)
    12/27/2021, 15:47:58 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
    12/27/2021, 15:47:58 [polyglot] info: Settings: No config found in database, creating settings entries.
    12/27/2021, 15:47:58 [polyglot] info: Auto Discovering ISY on local network.....
    12/27/2021, 15:47:59 [polyglot] info: ISY discovered at address:
    12/27/2021, 15:48:02 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.11
    12/27/2021, 15:48:02 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
    12/27/2021, 15:48:02 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
    12/27/2021, 15:48:02 [polyglot] info: SSL: No HTTPS Certificate or Key found. Generating...
    12/27/2021, 15:48:07 [polyglot] info: SSL: Certificate Generation completed successfully.
    12/27/2021, 15:48:07 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
    12/27/2021, 15:48:17 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
    12/27/2021, 15:48:17 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.11
    12/27/2021, 15:48:17 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
    12/27/2021, 15:48:17 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
    12/27/2021, 15:48:17 [polyglot] info: Aedes MQTT Broker Service: Started on port 1883
    repeat the 2nd block over and over and over

So it seem to be starting up... but whatever is supposed to happen after the MQTT Broker Service starts on port 1883, seems to be failing.

I went here and enabled debug logging:  https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2#enable-debug-logging-for-polyglot

Now I'm seeing:

12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] info: Settings: Polyglot Version 2.2.11
12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config from database
12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] info: Settings: Retrieved config overrides from .env and updated database
12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] debug: TLS: Found Keys and Certificate data in database. Exporting to /home/pi/.polyglot/ssl/
12/27/2021, 12:11:44 [polyglot] debug: Checking for DB Maintenence needs...
12/27/2021, 12:11:48 [polyglot] debug: Created PID file: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
12/27/2021, 12:11:53 [polyglot] info: Starting Polyglot....
repeat prior lines

Now I have no idea what I'm really doing, but I tried this:

  • tail /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
pi@RasPi-Polyglot:~ $ tail /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
pi@RasPi-Polyglot:~ $

and I tried

  • tail -f /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
pi@RasPi-Polyglot:~ $ tail -f /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid
tail: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid: file truncated
tail: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid: file truncated
tail: /home/pi/.polyglot/polyglot.pid: file truncated

Wondering if the above information is sufficient for anyone to guide me further?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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18 minutes ago, BradS said:

@randyth thank you for pointing me to the buster version of Pi OS.  That seems to have solved my problem with MongoDB.  I don't think I see any error "ee key too small" so I didn't take that step.

I think you are having trouble because you skipped the "SSL Error 'ee key too small'" step mentioned above. So, please try following these instructions and see if that helps: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2#ssl-error-ee-key-too-small

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