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Alexa can't find my isy994i

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Was working fine forever then alexa started complaining that it could not find the hub the devices were associated with.

I have tried deleting all of my devices and re adding them, deleting the ISY Optimized for Smart Home V3 and re adding it.

Portal Integration is online and registered and paid up.

Alexa does not find any devices, I need some more ideas

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8 hours ago, MrBill said:

I assume it's a 994i??  not a 99i.... 

Doesn't help your current situation since you've already gone nuclear, but I find that when Alexa forgets how to do things the best thing to do is wait it out, don't do anything.... she has her stupid days when something at AWS broke...


Yes I forgot the 4 my bad, its been down for a couple months I have just been busy :)

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