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2.7.8/9 Instructions

Michel Kohanim

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Hi Nick,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Are you saying that the logs show that the program actually ran but the devices do not respond nor do you get any errors in the log? Please note that you are not going to see comm errors on the Admin Console if a) there was a comm error and B) the subsequent command was successful.


What we need to find out are -2s in the log right after the execution of the programs.


With kind regards,


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Hi Mark,


This error happens when the motion sensor sends a NACK to the PLM. In most cases, when motion in sensed, the motion sensor should send a group command to the PLM + all associated responses. NACK is sent when the MS has problems processing something.


Do you get these errors on ALL your motion sensors or only one? If only one, I would do a factory reset on it and retry. If on all, then I would check the location of your Access Points.


With kind regards,



Once again - I'm a relatively new user so if this is not a bug forgive my ignorance.


I have several motion sensors (2420M) in my installation. They are linked to the ISY. I am getting reports from the ISY that it is 'unable to communicate with the sensor'.


I wouldn't expect it to be able to communicate unless the sensor is in linking mode. Is this normal behavior?



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Hi Michel,


Hi Nick,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Are you saying that the logs show that the program actually ran but the devices do not respond nor do you get any errors in the log?


I have the following log entry "Main / Cupboard Relay Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log", than nothing about that device afterwords.


Please note that you are not going to see comm errors on the Admin Console if a) there was a comm error and B) the subsequent command was successful.


When I checked admin console the device was still on, and ISY listed the status as ON when it should have been turned off.



What we need to find out are -2s in the log right after the execution of the programs.


With kind regards,



There are no -2s after the above.




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Hi Mark,


This error happens when the motion sensor sends a NACK to the PLM. In most cases, when motion in sensed, the motion sensor should send a group command to the PLM + all associated responses. NACK is sent when the MS has problems processing something.


Do you get these errors on ALL your motion sensors or only one? If only one, I would do a factory reset on it and retry. If on all, then I would check the location of your Access Points.


With kind regards,



Thanks, Michael.


I'll check the access point location as you suggest.

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Hello robandcathy,


I suspect you have some signal/noise issues. Can you query this device? If not, try doing a factory reset on it and then a Restore (right mouse click | Restore Device). If that still fails, then we would have to figure out what's preventing the signal to get to your device.


With kind regards,



I tried to connect two switches together. On the admin consel it shows they are connected (linked) but the slave does not control the master. Also the 2476s which controlls the load when updating shows a [-2000000]failed writing device link [laundry load]. probably why it does not work
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Hi Nick,


We'll have to check into it ... was this the last entry in your log? Please note that log entries are flushed to the file at some intervals so, if possible, check your log again and see if you have another entry for that device now.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


No there where other entries, I checked the logs an half hour after that log entry.


Here is bigger section of my log, I have a program that fires at 11 with direct commands changing many devices, and an network command. (Scene Hallway Early and the Thermostat Query are different programs)


Outside / Barn / Barn Thermostat B2.0 R2 Status Query° Tue 01/19/2010 10:52:40 PM Program Log

Scene:Upstairs Hallway / Hallway Early Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:00 PM Program Log

0 Net Mod Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM System -140005

Main / Above TV Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Above TV Dimmer Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Basement / Basement Stairs On 25 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Upstairs Hallway / Cubby Hole Main Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Upstairs Hallway / Cubby Hole Single Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Cupboard Relay Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Deck Inside Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Flower Room Relay Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Front Section Relay Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:03 PM Program Log

Main / Living Room South Window Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM Program Log

Basement / Low Voltage 3V Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM Program Log

Main / Micromave Relay In-Line Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM Program Log

Upstairs Hallway / Stairway Single On 25 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM Program Log

Scene:Upstairs Hallway / Hallway Early Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM Program Log

Main / Above TV Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:04 PM System Log

Main / Above TV Dimmer Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:05 PM System Log

Upstairs Hallway / Cubby Hole Single Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:06 PM System Log

Main / Flower Room Relay Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:06 PM System Log

Main / Front Section Relay Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:07 PM System Log

Main / Living Room South Window Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:07 PM System Log

Basement / Low Voltage 3V Status 0% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:08 PM System Log

Upstairs Hallway / Stairway Single Status 10% Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:09 PM System Log

Scene:Upstairs Hallway / Hallway Early Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:10 PM Program Log

Scene:Upstairs Hallway / Hallway Early Off 0 Tue 01/19/2010 11:00:10 PM Program Log

Outside / Barn / Barn Thermostat B2.0 R2 Status Query° Tue 01/19/2010 11:09:40 PM Program Log





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I restored the devices, deleated them out of the system, then linked them back into ISY, set everything back up. This time when it asked my to write up dates i rtecieved the same error and a additional one failed initalizing node-continuing. The two switches were paired before the beta and worked fine. I also have a signal linc on the same circuit which sees traffic. When I querry it responds correctly, and from my computer I can make both switches turn on and off.


failed writing device

failed initaziling node


are the two errors I'm getting together


PS Michale do you ever sleep lol

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??? replaced why they worked fine till the beta update. I just thought it may have been a bug??? Is there a issue with v35?


Boy! That is a loaded question. There has been much written on both sides of the potential answer, with the vastly greater volume being on the "yes there is an issue" side. Just do a search on this or Smarthomes forum if you have a few hours to kill.


In my personal extensive testing, I was not able to show an issue with my multiple v35 devices, but many others have data that shows the opposite.

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There was a small batch of SWL v35s which exhibited the same symptoms as you are describing: intermittent response to scenes, unreliable communications, and basically unpredictable behavior.


When it comes to activating a scene, there's really not much that ISY does so I highly doubt that the bug is in 2.7.9. Of course, I would certainly appreciate it if you could go back to 2.7.7 (+ restoring your backup) and let us know if in fact the problems are 2.7.9 related.


With kind regards,


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Ok i think I have it sorted. I spoke with steve lee who called me and helped. He did say that some internal device on ver35 have some sort of filter, and can cause the ISY not to write properly. I installed the old version and strangely was getting those errors also. I suppose that the update might have cleared the switch memory and tried to rewrite on the switch a new format for group controll, with possible update. Neverthless the work around for ver35 is simply relink the devices manually. The ISY most likely will not be able to write groups controlls for v35. Once manually linked the ISY should be able to controll the devices, as expected.

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Oh did not mention that, this is not a ISY issue. The switches them self may prevent the ISY from writing to them. Micheal has a solid code written. Due the the filter in v35 prevents the isy at times. Please do not contact Smart Labs for warrenty also because the switches will function correctly using manual setup.

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The beauty of the ISY is that it is the brains behind the whole HA. If you have to manually link v35 SL devices the ISY is no longer in control. Not to mention the fact that manual linking is/can be a lot of extra work.


I am sorry but if I had problem v35 SL's I would want the next rev. and be done with it.


But thats just my opinion,



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