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What happened to controller/responder Insteon nodes?


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It’s been a long time since I played with this, but I’m having an issue with some Insteon switches in my ISY gui.  I have a switch called KitchenSpot, which is a member of a managed scene called KitchenMain.  KitchenSpot appears in that scene as a RED node, and when I click on it, I see all of the Insteon switches which have been linked to it.

When I click on KitchenSpot under folders (BLUE) I see something completely different.  I see 5 options I can modify and the “membership” tree.

How can I modify the Insteon links in the first (RED) case?  In other words I want to link another Insteon switch to turn on (responds to) when the KitchenSpot paddle is pressed independently of the ISY.

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1 hour ago, MForman said:

How can I modify the Insteon links in the first (RED) case?  In other words I want to link another Insteon switch to turn on (responds to) when the KitchenSpot paddle is pressed independently of the ISY.

If you want the other switch to respond to commands from the switch called "kitchenspot", add the other switch to a scene to the scene "kitchenmain", as a responder.

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It's also important to remember that scenes can be programmed differently based on the controller used.

In this scene:


There are 3 Controllers: The root level (i.e. Christmas-All) and the two RED nodes.  The root level determines what happens with the ISY itself (admin console control, app control, program control, Alexa, Google Home, etc) controls the scene.  Clicking each of the Red links determines what happens when those nodes are used to control the scene.

Repeating for clarity... this scene can have 3 different behaviors based on which controller controlled it.


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