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Amazon Echo responding with the hub the device is connected to is not responding

Go to solution Solved by caknowles,

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Thank you in advance to the many who support this forum.  I have a ISY 994i installed with a PLM that I would estimate has been running flawlessly for 8 years.  Good or bad I have followed the mantra of set it and forget it, which is to say I haven't messed with updating, adding new devices or programs in years.  A couple of weeks ago I asked a Amazon echo to turn off a light and it responded with the hub the device kitchen light is connected to in not responding, please check its power supply and connectivity.  I first tried resetting the modem, the echo and the ISY994i.  Then I logged in to the ISY portal which was showing the ISY is offline.  I have had 2 new computers since I last used the ISY admin console so I ran the ISY finder using the admin.jnlp.  It opened up but did not find a ISY.  I looked in my modem to find the IP address for my ISY 994i and added it manually.  I can now log in the admin console which is showing all my devices and programs.  When I go to Configurations - Portals it is showing Offline and registered.  I tried refreshing this and nothing changed.  What would be recommended to try next?


Kind Regards,


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I have submitted the error log to support@universal-devices.com

In my searching I found a post by Michel Kohanim stating that 99.9% of the connectivity cases are related to DNS or the router not allowing the ISY to find the internet.  He recommended submitting the error log in the aforementioned post.  Thanks Michel.


Kind Regards, 


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@caknowles Are you sure that your portal license is current?

When you're logged into my.isy.io go the ISY Portal Access License under "Select Tools" -> Information



If should say:   "License Active:    Yes"


If not then you need to renew the license. It's possible it's just expired and simply renewing the license will help. They're usually only good for 2 years. It's simple to forget to log back in and renew it and sometimes I'm not sure if reminder emails get overlooked or end up in spam/junk because they're infrequent. 


Either way...if you've got a support ticket open then I'm sure you'll get taken care of, but wanted to be sure to offer help and suggestion to look at the portal license status.

Make sure to post back the solution just so it might help others if they have similar situation and find your post in a search.

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@GeddyThank you for the thought.  Yes, the license is active.  That was one of the many first checks as I have had them expire before.  I submitted a ticket and Michel Kohanim responded promptly with a working solution which I will post here as a solution in hopes it might help others and save work for Michel in the future.  His recommendation was to use the ISY Launcher to open up the Dashboard... then hit the wrench icon in the upper right hand corner to open a menu... then choose network... Lastly make sure the HTTPS Client Settings are set to TLS 1.2, Strength is set to ALL, and the verify box should be unchecked.  After making the changes and saving them the ISY will ask to self reboot.  Everything was working when it came back up.  Thank you Michel.

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