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2413S ... Help needed in testing

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


We are trying to identify all the issues with ISY/2413S combination. As of right now, we have pinpointed the major cause of communication issues with 2413s: V1 thermostat adapters.


In the presence of V1 thermostat adapters (the more, the worse the reliability of the PLM) communications reliability gets so bad that almost all communications have to be repeated multiple times before succeeding. Once V1 thermostats are removed, everything seems to be working fine (just a little slower than 2412S in communications but not as noticeable).


Any help and feedback would be appreciated.


With kind regards,


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Well the early 2412S PLM has less than half the link database memory as the 2413S has now. 414 entries sounds like what it was. Latest 2412S is 2016 if memory serves me.


I see that they found the V1 Thermostat Adapter was one of the causes of the 2413S problems.

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Hi Michel,


I'm about to place a large order for Insteon and an ISY. It will be all Insteon, but still a fairly small installation. No V1 thermostat.


From what you've seen now and if you were starting from scratch, would you recommend getting the new 2413S or the old 2412S?



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Hi auger66,


I can say that from our testing in the lab, 2413s works fine as long as you do not have any V1 thermostats. The read/write operations are not as smooth as 2412s but they are not noticeable.


There's one odd thing that is happening in the lab for which we have not yet been able to find a cure:

Dual Band lamp linc turns on by itself and then turns back off.


Apart from the above 2, I think 2413s is safe but, then again, it has not been as thoroughly tested as 2412s.


With kind regards,


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