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Gremlins? ..... IoX 5.4.5


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Yesterday, awoke to find my IoX not responsive. Opening the AC, it was not communicating with any device. Checked PLM, said it was offline. Assuming the PLM had died, I replaced it with a backup that I had and did a restore PLM.

Writing the updates took quite a while, battery devices writes were disabled.  Took 2 or 3 attempts to get through it all.

Throughout the whole day, I had trouble connecting to the polisy via AC: would get stuck on subscription services, or not connect at all.

Portal would connect and could operate, but UD mobile and AC would not. A reboot would solve it, temporarily for 1-2 hours and then I would loose connections again. 

Did one last reboot at 430 yesterday and lo and behold, its been almost 24 hours and all is working as expected. 

Very very strange. So am now wondering if the original PLM really did go bad or not. 

Just throwing this out there. No further action needed at this point. 

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Spoke too soon.. Was connected via the AC for about 90 minutes, working on all my battery devices after the PLM change, and then got disconnected, now cant get past the Subscriptions starting screen when logging in. Attached is my error log if anyone has any ideas?  

Seems like it runs fine unless I spend too long in the AC.. then I have to reboot.  Irritating at the least..:(


ISY Error Log.v5.4.5__Thu 2022.12.15 04.36.52 PM.txt

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Update: Happened again--> disconnected from AC panel, reload gets stuck on Starting Subscriptions.

Went to the portal and opened the web access page.  IoX is running just fine there.

Cleared Java cache, redownloaded the Java start.. started the AC again.

No luck. Stuck on the same spot. No access via AC.

Latest error log from IoX 

ISY Error Log.v5.4.5__Thu 2022.12.15 05.51.14 PM.txt

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After 3-5 more attempts to connect, there the AC finder, no longer finds the IoX, and the web access is returning errors as well.--> error, Loading: /config/

Was able to SSH into the polisy and send sudo service isy restart...

IoX restarted, but when I go in via the AC, it isn't talking to any Insteon device, (much like it all started, so I thought the PLM was bad, probably was fine)

Will have to figure out how to restart the whole polisy, probably via unplugging.. ugh..

UD mobile is partially loading, also has many nodes unknown. Portal web access loads but is all wrong. 



any help would be appreciated or I will open a ticket tommorow, but know Michel and the team are busy with the 5.5 roll out. 

Edited by dbwarner5
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I am sort of in the same boat. Last evening, according to the last log entries, IoP just stopped working. I can get in via AC but there is no status for any nodes. It goes into the "system busy" loop, sometimes endlessly. It also shows a UUID of 0...1. ISY Portal shows it offline. I have power cycled, updated packages, rebooted, but I am still dead in the water. The PLM doesn't show any activity while the system is busy, but it does show activity from manual Insteon activity. I do not have a backup PLM, but I reinstalled my old ISY and it talks to the PLM fine. 

From what I can tell, it is IoX 5.4.5 on a Polisy.

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14 minutes ago, tjkintz said:

I am sort of in the same boat. Last evening, according to the last log entries, IoP just stopped working. I can get in via AC but there is no status for any nodes. It goes into the "system busy" loop, sometimes endlessly. It also shows a UUID of 0...1. ISY Portal shows it offline. I have power cycled, updated packages, rebooted, but I am still dead in the water. The PLM doesn't show any activity while the system is busy, but it does show activity from manual Insteon activity. I do not have a backup PLM, but I reinstalled my old ISY and it talks to the PLM fine. 

From what I can tell, it is IoX 5.4.5 on a Polisy.

My only solution was to uplug it, let it sit for a minute or so and plug it back in and wait.. Still happening. Strange.

The only thing that has changed is that I installed the ZMatter board. so there must be something going on. Am hoping that the migration for zwave gets figured out and I can upgrade to 5.5 and it may eliminate my problem

Will be opening a ticket at some time, but know they are working super hard on the 5.5 issues right now. 

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Update. Following your experience, I gave the Polisy a rest. After powering it back on, I had a valid UUID again and the Portal said it was online. It still could not talk to the PLM and said its status was offline. I then did a "Restart IoX" in the Configuration-System tab. It then started talking to the PLM. One would think that all the Polsy reboots and power cycles I did would have restarted IoX. After all that, I now have YoLink NS issues in that it says I do not have a license. Sigh!

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You were close. I couldn't stop the NS because it wasn't running. I couldn't start it without a license. The NS store said my Polisy was not registered with Portal, even though Portal said it was connected.   I could not buy another license or activate a trial. Within PG3, I restarted PG3 and all problems went away. I could then reinstall the NS and update it to the new version. 

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16 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:

@dbwarner5, I think there were two issues:

1. If PLM showed disconnected, then the PLM for sure was bad or intermittent
2. You have 100s of:
Thu 2022/12/15 03:05:17 AM    0    -140005    ISY 

These are attempt by polisy to get to one or more of your node servers. I suspect one of them is not working. Or a program is bombarding it.

With kind regards,

Thanks Michel. During this time, I was always able to ssh into the polisy without any problems, where I did check which NS were running, and they all appeared to be running, So as you said, for some reason maybe one of them got stuck in some reporting / request loop.

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13 hours ago, landolfi said:

On a hunch I disabled my Query All program and haven't had any issues since. At least not that I've noticed. Not sure that's the reason because most of the time everything works fine.

Could be that. last night at 3:06, about 20 random lights turned on last night! Wife was not happy..lol

I am going to open a ticket today. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/23/2022 at 9:05 AM, dbwarner5 said:

Could be that. last night at 3:06, about 20 random lights turned on last night! Wife was not happy..lol

I am going to open a ticket today. 

Did you ever get this figured out? I upgraded to 5.5.2 yesterday on the advice of support because the problem continues of the ISY disappearing and devices becoming unresponsive. This time it happened 2X in a day. Usually I am able to get into admin first logging in to Polyglot, then IoX sees the ISY, but that's not working any more, so I had to just pull the plug altogether. Support suggested it could be a firewall or VPN, neither of which I have. The weird thing is that when this happens I can get to the ISY via the ISY portal web interface, but it is only when I log into admin console that the ISY responds to commands. When I do finally get in via AC, there's a long period of refreshing (40 secs to 2 minutes) before it responds.

Edited by landolfi
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No I did not, but performance has leveled out.. Still havenot heard about the errors I am getting with one particular set of lights on any scenes they are included with, even though the scenes work as expected. 

So yesterday I attempted to update to 5.5.2

Hitting the Upgrade packages button on AC did nothing. I followed the second part of these instructions from Michel, plus the following steps as suggested by another user and have had success updating. 


-Ran the two sudo commands from previous post, got lots of beeps. 

-Ran them again, and a few more things happened, lots of beeps.

Total times about 10 mintues

Then opened the AC. AC was "busy" for a full 30  minutes. But everything is up and running with my Zooz 700 Dongle. Everything works!  5.5.2


Update: PG3 did not come back up. All NS were disconnected. Had to manually restart them all. And do a search for the IoX. After the search, it connected and after a few queries in the AC, got all of them running again. 

I will revisit my ticket with Michel. But since the scenes are working for now, I am not going to bother them as they are working their butts off over the holidays to get 5.5 working. 

Good luck.

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I have been back and forth with them because in my case things just weren't running when the IoP became unresponsive. We've eliminated a lot of things but now they're asking about what node servers I'm running. I'm running:

  • MyQ (PG2)
  • Ecobee
  • Sonos
  • Blink
  • Yolink
  • Virtual
  • Wake on LAN

I only use Sonos and Yolink in automations.

I had the same experience upgrading to 5.5.2. Clicking Upgrade Packages did nothing. I ran the command line commands and other than getting a notification that IoX didn't match ISY version, everything worked fine.

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