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Loading Polisy backup.


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Has anybody been successful loading a backup from Polisy with 5.5.0 firmware to eisy with 5.5.0 firmware? Once I restored the backup my eisy stayed in the system update loop. I submitted a ticket but I was just wondering how everyone is doing with their new toy.

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21 minutes ago, tazman said:

Has anybody been successful loading a backup from Polisy with 5.5.0 firmware to eisy with 5.5.0 firmware? Once I restored the backup my eisy stayed in the system update loop. I submitted a ticket but I was just wondering how everyone is doing with their new toy.

To the best of my knowledge,  we are not yet supposed to do that as UD is still fine-tuning the migration tool.

Edited by asbril
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1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Migration should work without Z-Wave. I already responded to your ticket.

With kind regards,

Thank you for working on a holiday I was really surprised to get a response from you today I thought it would be waiting until Monday while you had a nice holiday weekend!

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