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Using antenna extension cables with the ZMatter board in a Policy?


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I have a question about using antenna extension cables for the ZMatter board  My Polisy is on a shelf in a computer rack in the basement.  Because the equipment above and below shelf is much deeper than the Polisy, the Zwave and Zigbee antennas (from the ZMatter board) would have to be horizontal and surrounded by the grounded metal rack and computer cases - not good for range according to UD tech support.  So I would like to add short (~1 M) extension cables to get the antennas out of the rack and vertical.  I looked up the specs for sma extension cables, typically rg316 cable.  At Zwave and Zigbee frequencies (Zwave = 908-920 MHz; Zigbee = 902-908 MHz & 2.4 Ghz), the attenuation would be ~1.25-1.90 db/1 M, so not much.  For any of you with real rf experience, have I missed anything important?   I did notice that the ZMatter board antenna extension cables to the Polisy case are rp-sma.  Thanks  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I picked up one of these and connected it to my USB ZMatter dongle in place of the ZWave antenna.

Waterproof Replacement 5.8dBi Long Range Cellular 915MHZ LoRa Gateway Antenna with 3M/10FT Cable

I've just started the process of transferring from an ISY994i and have only set up the eISY and the ZMatter dongle for testing, which is in the depths of my basement. My home has always had serious problems with anything involving RF, it's as if the home soaks up all signals. Using the factory antenna, I attempted to add one device (with no intervening devices to create a mesh) on the other side of the house without success. With this replacement the device could be added.

It's mounted vertically in the basement rafters near the center of the home's footprint. I should know more once I start adding the rest of the ZWave devices likely this weekend.


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