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Polisy/Zooz to eISY/ZMatter Migration

Go to solution Solved by DennisC,

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I've been kind of dreading performing the migration - Initially I was considering just doing Polisy/2448A7/Zooz to eISY/2448A7/Zooz migration with the hope that I could revert back to the Polisy if there were any issues - but after reading the Wiki, it seems that it may be best to migrate directly to eISY/ZMatter - would anyone agree with this?  Is this is one way process such that the ZMatter becomes the new z-wave controller and I would not be able to revert to the Polisy/Zooz?

  • Solution

I did the migration from Polisy with Zooz dongle to eisy with Zwave Matter this morning. Other than a brief issue with migrating UD Mobile favorites, which Javi took care of right away, all went fine.

Follow the wiki instructions which were just updated again.

I believe I saw in the wiki that you can go back to Zooz dongle if you don't make Zwave changes.


Well, I have migrated to eISY but there are some issues:

1-Several node servers report as disconnected and are experiencing the "already started" issue, where they can't be re-started - these are all configured correctly and some were actually working prior to a reboot, PG3x restart, or power cycle 

2-Zooz ZSE40 motion sensors don't work and won't complete an interview

3-I cannot seem to set up the Occupancy node server that was working fine with the Polisy

4-A couple of z-wave devices won't complete an interview, but others of the same type can...

5-Sometimes, I cannot log into the PG3x web page for the eISY - a power cycle is required to get back in if this happens

At this point I would recommend staying put to anyone considering moving from Polisy/Zooz to eISY/ZMatter - I am considering the possibility of moving back - does anyone know if it is possible to transfer Node Server licenses back from the eISY to the Polisy?



7 minutes ago, JTsao said:

1-Several node servers report as disconnected and are experiencing the "already started" issue, where they can't be re-started - these are all configured correctly and some were actually working prior to a reboot, PG3x restart, or power cycle 

As mentioned in at least one other response, this is a known issue with current work-around.  It appears to be a bug in the IoX 5.5.5 release on eisy only.

2 hours ago, JTsao said:

3-I cannot seem to set up the Occupancy node server that was working fine with the Polisy

Are you using the Portal node server with Locative?  What seems to be the issue?

Posted (edited)

FWIW I ended up going back to the Polisy for now - overall I would say that this attempt (#2 for me) came really close for a final eISY migration, but a couple of issues are breaking a lot of functionality that I have come to use on a daily basis- so I will shelve the eISY for now and try again later...

EDIT: so DennisC is right that you CAN go back to the Polisy/Zooz dongle after attempting the migration - one thing - ISY Portal is a bit unclear to me about this but it appears that I was able to migrate the node server licenses back from the eISY to the Polisy, but not the ISY portal license

Edited by JTsao
34 minutes ago, JTsao said:

FWIW I ended up going back to the Polisy for now - overall I would say that this attempt (#2 for me) came really close for a final eISY migration, but a couple of issues are breaking a lot of functionality that I have come to use on a daily basis- so I will shelve the eISY for now and try again later...



Not sure what eisy gets you over Polisy.  I moved to Polisy looking for improved Zwave operation using Zmatter.  You might consider first going to Polisy/Zmatter and then later eisy/Zmatter. 

Regarding the occupancy node server issues, it may have been a similar situation where IoX already had the node server pointed to the old portal instance (not sure what migration options were available or you attempted here).  Next time, I would go back to IoX Node Server configuration menu for Occupancy and delete it, before attempting to install it to eisy.  (Doing it this way, you will end up with new URLs that you need to enter into your devices.)


I migrated yesterday from Polisy/Zooz to Eisy/Zmatter and all went actually very smoothly.  The worst of it was dreading issues that just didn't appear.   Everything that was working seems to still be working maybe even a bit better.  This could be from an update as well that I did to the polisy just prior to migration I don't know.  I had started having problems with the programming for the lighting in the kitchen.  They seemed to be very slow.  You could see when the motion sensor went off and it could be a minute or two when lights would respond.  Requesting lights on via Amazon you would hear the sound from the talking tube and sometimes NOTHING would happen, others a minute or two they'd come on.  It was like Polisy was just busy.  However, other lighting with same programs in other parts of the house worked just fine.  After migration they seem to be back to normal?  Go figure....  The only things I see amiss is I have two programs highlighted in yellow: "Isy" and "Query".  If I remember right, they come from the original isy set up to query settings nightly?  I'm sure I just need one of them?  tips on putting it right?  Or if it's needed?  I DO see in the system configuration a "query settings at startup) tick box that isn't checked.  Should it be?

The only other thing found thus far is a Aeon Multisensor 6 that I had turning on a fan if humidity got to a set level.  For some reason there is no humidity available in settings?  It has been changed to temperature?  I'm guessing I'm going to have to reset some parameters for it?  They must have changed somewhere along the jumps from 994 to polisy to eisy?

12 minutes ago, Papa C said:

  The only things I see amiss is I have two programs highlighted in yellow: "Isy" and "Query".  If I remember right, they come from the original isy set up to query settings nightly?  I'm sure I just need one of them?  tips on putting it right?  Or if it's needed?  I DO see in the system configuration a "query settings at startup) tick box that isn't checked.  Should it be?

I had to rebuild my Query all program after the upgrade also. I matched what was originally in Polisy.

Query All - [ID 0002][Parent 0001]

        Time is  3:00:00AM
        Set 'ISY' Query
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Factory Query Program


One question about re-trying this sometime in the future - do I need to factory reset both the eISY and ZMatter (not sure how to do this) before trying again?  If not, what is the recommended procedure for cleanup prior to trying migration in the future?



I would suggest putting this question to UD via a help desk request.

Not sure what the impact will be on migration of assorted licenses or if the license can be migrated again. I believe there is a note in the wiki (?) about licensing migration being a one time affair?

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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, DennisC said:

I would suggest putting this question to UD via a help desk request.

Not sure what the impact will be on migration of assorted licenses or if the license can be migrated again. I believe there is a note in the wiki (?) about licensing migration being a one time affair?

That's what I thought too, but from my experience this past weekend and from correspondence with Michel via the ticket that I submitted on this issue, I believe that: 1-Node server licenses can go back and forth, but 2-The ISY Portal license is a one-way/one-time transfer

I would prefer that UDI allow all licenses to be more fluid in the case where software issues render the eISY unusable (like in my case) due to user requirements

Edited by JTsao
On 2/6/2023 at 1:38 PM, DennisC said:

I had to rebuild my Query all program after the upgrade also. I matched what was originally in Polisy.

Query All - [ID 0002][Parent 0001]

        Time is  3:00:00AM
        Set 'ISY' Query
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Factory Query Program

Thanks, yeah did the same.  Went back to polisy.  But wondering where along the line I wound up with the same program with two different names.  

Any ideas about the Query at startup check box?  Wonder, should it be checked?  

On 2/7/2023 at 12:04 PM, Techman said:

@Papa C

In the eisy and the Polisy, the Humidity for the Multisensor 6 appears in a separate node called "Weather Sensor"

Screenshot 2023-02-07 100301.jpg

Ok.... I had noticed SEVERAL new items with ZY (couple "weather", power, etc) and wondered what they were.  Thought it was something new for the eisy.  But what's with the ZY now?  Is that what ZW will become?  There were new items for every ZWave device I have....


When Zwave is migrated over to the polisy or eisy the ZW gets changed to ZY. Not sure why they did it, but I assume it was necessary for the migration process.

When some Zwave devices get installed, extra nodes may show up. This is due to manufacturers supporting various hubs. You can just ignore them if you don't need them. Most of us create a folder and place these unused nodes in it to get them out of the way.


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