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Failed migration: Polisy appears dead after Upgrade Package


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After deciding I'd finally migrate my ISY994/IR to IoP, I followed the instructions in the Wiki to do so. One of the first things it says is to go the Admin Console, and click "Update Packages" for the Polisy. Hmm ... the button in the Admin Console reads "Upgrade Packages".

I sat there paralyzed for a moment, as that kind of variance between instructions and reality in the past has always led to disaster. But what else could I do? I clicked on "Upgrade Packages". Nothing happened, no LEDs flashed, no beeps or boops, nothing. But knowing how slowly this black box crunchs through commands, I walked away from it for 4 hours to let it do its thing.

Alas, after coming back to continue the migration process, my Polisy is dead in the water. I rebooted the box, and now I can ssh in and look around, I can log into the the web interfaces for PG2 and PG3, but I can no longer see Polisy in the Admin Console, nor can I add it. I experimentally deleted IoP in the PG3 webpage under ISY, hoping I could add it back - but no such luck: same as for the Admin Console, the IoP can't be discovered or found.

I've read the threads here on Upgrading that lead others to the same problem, and tried their various solutions. None of them have helped me. I guess I'm left with reflashing the box to factory state, and starting from scratch. Again.

I have no words to describe the frustration. I'm just not sure its worth another two-day effort, the hours and hours of Michel's time, trying this and that until we stumble upon the magic combination of commands and updates and reboots that gets it running. Until the next time. I can live with my trusty, bulletproof ISY which has asked nothing from me while providing years and years of quiet solid service.

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10 hours ago, f11 said:

After deciding I'd finally migrate my ISY994/IR to IoP, I followed the instructions in the Wiki to do so. One of the first things it says is to go the Admin Console, and click "Update Packages" for the Polisy. Hmm ... the button in the Admin Console reads "Upgrade Packages".

I sat there paralyzed for a moment, as that kind of variance between instructions and reality in the past has always led to disaster. But what else could I do? I clicked on "Upgrade Packages". Nothing happened, no LEDs flashed, no beeps or boops, nothing. But knowing how slowly this black box crunchs through commands, I walked away from it for 4 hours to let it do its thing.

Alas, after coming back to continue the migration process, my Polisy is dead in the water. I rebooted the box, and now I can ssh in and look around, I can log into the the web interfaces for PG2 and PG3, but I can no longer see Polisy in the Admin Console, nor can I add it. I experimentally deleted IoP in the PG3 webpage under ISY, hoping I could add it back - but no such luck: same as for the Admin Console, the IoP can't be discovered or found.

I'm confused, you state update ISY994 and then you indicate "my Polisy" is dead.

Are you attempting to migrate from ISY994 to Polisy and your Polisy failed when trying to update to latest version?

If so, try power cycling. If that doesn't work, how long have you had it and if for a long time, have you kept it up to date?

If not, check wiki for a reference to very early units? There is some language in there about intervention being required to update (possibly a chip replacement), I'm traveling now and can not look it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was trying to migrate my ISY994/IR to IoP on Polisy. Following instructions, I had the Admin Console on my screen, it showed both ISY and Polisy device MACs and IPs. I clicked on Polisy, then "Upgrade Packages", even though the instructions said "Update Packages".

Polisy subsequently disappeared from Admin Console, and couldn't be found or added.

I've power cycled. rebooted, gone into Polisy via ssh and restarted udx, poked a paperclip into that little front panel hole ONE time for upgrade (in case there was another upgrade needed), and on and on.

Michel and I spent a LOT of hours getting my old Polisy (bought just after first announced) firmware updated last July, which involved re-flashing the onboard 32GB mSATA boot SSD. When we were done, Polisy was running and appeared ready for the migration process. By then I was mentally exhausted, and just let Polisy run unmolested for a while so "things could settle" (mostly me). I still marvel at how stubbornly Michel stayed with me to get my Polisy going again.

The migration effort mentioned in my first post (leading to Instruction 2, to select "Polisy" in Admin Console, then select "Update Packages") was the first time I've touched Polisy since then.

I noticed a couple things today that make me wonder:

1. running <sudo service udx restart>, I see amidst other less remarkable strings

[admin@polisy ~]$ sudo service udx restart
Stopping udx.
Waiting for PIDS: 1231.
Wed Mar  8 15:44:17 MST 2023|/usr/local/etc/rc.d/udx: precmd_start...  
Wed Mar  8 15:44:17 MST 2023|/usr/local/etc/rc.d/udx: sanity checking polisy ...
Wed Mar  8 15:44:18 MST 2023|bash: running polisy sanity check ...  
1 does not exist
Wed Mar  8 15:44:18 MST 2023|/usr/local/etc/rc.d/udx: making sure all prereqs are installed ...  
sysrc: unknown variable 'pg3x_on_polisy'

2. running <uname -a> gets me

[admin@polisy ~]$ uname -a
FreeBSD polisy 13.1-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p6 #8 releng/13.1-n250180-01efaef88f1e-dirty: Mon Feb 13 20:38:47 UTC 2023     root@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/eisy amd64

Perhaps I've somehow loaded into my Polisy an upgrade intended for the eisy device? I have no idea if this is even relevant, but the "root@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/eisy amd64" reference in the response string makes me wonder if Polisy is trying to boot with eisy executables? Is this response to uname in Polisy normal?

At the moment, my Polisy front panel is displaying the left-most LED lit solid; ssh is accessible with admin account; I can load what appears to be my local PG3 website into a browser at <https://192.168.x.x:3000/login>; only my ISY994 appears under menu item "ISYs" (and can't Add or Discover any other ISY); and the small identification panel at the bottom of the page displays

PG3 Version 3.1.18
Status: Connected
Frontend Version: 3.1.18
ISY Version: 5.3.4   Disconnected
Uptime: 48 Minute(s) 2 Second(s)
(c) 2023 UDI

If ANY of this suggests an avenue to explore, short of repeating last July's reflash and start-over, I'm game.

Edit: restarting polyglot3 from webpage under System, with Loging set to Debug, I saw these strings in the startup process, but not sure what they're trying to tell me:

3/8/2023, 17:09:15 [pg3] info: Query IoX for platform  UUID.
3/8/2023, 17:09:15 [pg3] error: PID: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'device')


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@f11 at this point you are probably better off with a support ticket to get direct help. I think it wouldn’t be wise for anybody to speculate what to do next other than UD Support directly. 

The current IoX release (5.5.9) has started adding groundwork to have PG3x on the Polisy. So what you’re seeing is probably fine. 

I would not randomly run SSH update/upgrade commands since UDI has suggested the best upgrade path is through Admin Console because they developed the scripts for what gets updated and works for their need on their hardware. Blindly upgrading things through SSH could cause issue. 

Please start a new ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/

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2 hours ago, f11 said:

I was trying to migrate my ISY994/IR to IoP on Polisy. Following instructions, I had the Admin Console on my screen, it showed both ISY and Polisy device MACs and IPs. I clicked on Polisy, then "Upgrade Packages", even though the instructions said "Update Packages".

Polisy subsequently disappeared from Admin Console, and couldn't be found or added.

I'm confused by your statement above, how did you have Polisy and ISY in one admin console? How does Polisy disappear from admin console? Did you mean the admin console closed - that's what it should do.

Your statements have me wondering how you are accessing the admin console? Are you using the Launcher? If not, download start.jnlp from UD (link is in wiki user guide) and run that.

If Polisy is not found, power cycle Polisy and start the Launcher. If it still not listed then click add and enter address manually https://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8443. If you aren't sure of IP address, check your router. Oh, there have been some reports of a router reboot allowing Polisy to be found again by the Launcher.

If that doesn't work then @Geddygave you the best advice. Also note, the wiki has a troubleshooting section for this issue at the end of the document.

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DennisC, you're absolutely right - my apologies. I meant both ISY and Polisy showed up in my IoX Launcher dialog, not the Admin Console, which is accessed THROUGH the Launcher Polisy link. The "Upgrade Packages" I selected and clicked was in the Launcher, under the Polisy link (I think - it was a while ago now).

I access both the ISY (still connected to the PLM, and to my network over Ethernet) and the Polisy (no connection to the PLM and connected to my network via WiFi) via that IoX Launcher ... at least I used to.

The ssh command I ran to do this last upgrade wasn't a generic FreeBSD/Linux package upgrade command, it was the shell command that I understand is run by the Admin Console, which I seem to recall Michel asked me run last July:

<sudo /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/udxops.sh upgrade.polisy>

I do understand that doing genereic updates/upgrades are not recommended anymore as the Polisy/polyglot3 program evolves and becomes more involved.

I just hate to show up again at Michel's doorstep with the Polisy again dead, he HAS to be sick and tired of my problems. And I'm pretty reluctant to junk the Polisy that I just spent recently more money on buying the new ZMatter board and antennae. Surely to gawd the Polisy appliance isn't dead and obsolete already.

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9 hours ago, f11 said:

I just hate to show up again at Michel's doorstep with the Polisy again dead, he HAS to be sick and tired of my problems. And I'm pretty reluctant to junk the Polisy that I just spent recently more money on buying the new ZMatter board and antennae. Surely to gawd the Polisy appliance isn't dead and obsolete already.

Thankfully, UDI has top notch support. That's what it is for is to help when things go south. It's a whole lot better than randomly running commands and trying to fix it yourself that can sometimes just do more harm than good. It's great that you remember some commands that Michel used previously and that you might be well versed in the system language (more than myself or other casual users), but at the end of the day the point of developing the hardware and the software/firmware running on it is to try to keep issues like you are experiencing from happening. When may others are posting that the upgrade process went off without a hitch when there is an issue it's key to let UDI know so they can troubleshoot and learn from it themselves. They're too busy right now to monitor the forums for the details (like your case). So if there's a bug/flaw the best way to communicate this to UDI is through the support ticket process. It also allows UDI to better finetune the product for the rest of us so others don't have the issues that you're experiencing. 

And no, I don't think Polisy is anywhere near "obsolete". UDI has stated they plan to support it for a few more years. It's just that the hardware was unavailable last year so they sourced the eisy devices. They're developing for both Polisy and eisy at the same time. Trying to keep them similar and bring the PG3 side in line for both is a tall ask. So don't think that there's any problem with the hardware you have.

If I had to guess it's as though the IoX process on the Polisy isn't starting correctly. If you've rebooted the Polisy and it still isn't starting then something might have become corrupt in the update. That's where UDI support needs to step in to identify the parts that aren't updated and get you fixed.


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