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Replacing KPL

yardman 49

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Hello Michel and everyone:


I have a KPL that I would like to try replacing.


I'm concerned about what will happen with scenes that have the KPL "A" load button included. This is because of the limitation of the KPL, where any scene that includes the secondary buttons as well as the "A" button must have the "A" button added last, or the secondary button backlights won't work properly.


So if I do the "Replace with..." function, will this preserve the proper order of the links in the table, such that all of the buttons in scenes backlight properly on the replacement device?



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Helllo yardman 49,


In theory it should but we have never tested this scenario thoroughly.


With kind regards,


Hello Michel and everyone:


I have a KPL that I would like to try replacing.


I'm concerned about what will happen with scenes that have the KPL "A" load button included. This is because of the limitation of the KPL, where any scene that includes the secondary buttons as well as the "A" button must have the "A" button added last, or the secondary button backlights won't work properly.


So if I do the "Replace with..." function, will this preserve the proper order of the links in the table, such that all of the buttons in scenes backlight properly on the replacement device?



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