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NuHeat iOS App


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Recently I have noticed when I log into the NuHeat thermostat iOS app, it logs me out once I use the app,  so every time I go to use the app again  I need to enter my user  ID and password. Pretty annoying. It used to stay logged in but over the last week this has changed. Are others experiencing this with the iOS App ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hardly ever use it (could have been months, maybe over a year) but I just tried opening it on my iPhone and it did not ask me to log in, just opened right up.

Then I force closed it to confirm and tried again, it did not ask me to log in, just ran.

Also, have recently restarted and also rebooted the phone so I think yours is behaving differently.

I would suggest calling NuHeat, they have been pretty responsive for me in the past.

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