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Explain Polisy migration to PG3x


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Hello All!

i have been in the dark and have an Eisy up! Wow! very nice development platform with freebsd.

 I have two Polisy's and am running ISY994.
I hear migraine i mean migrate to PG3x so i see my Eisy has IOX so are we talking platform only and upgrading devices?

All my developed node servers and updates?

 So my plan is to leave my ISY994 running the house for now until it is migrated to Eisy. Then updating my Development Polisy's to IOX or PG3x.

To me migrating means Backed up from your old system ISY994 and restoring onto the new platform running on Eisy as IOX? Oh with a re-boot and no MONDOdb LOCKUP.

 So in reality my node servers i am developing and are running on my Polisy i will be updating.

Will they still work on my ISY994 until i ready to dump it?

I other words i am blind and deaf not understanding migrating seeing a migraine as i am coding and can barely do that. 


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