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eisy Migration Question


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I currently have two separate UD deployments - a large (150+ device) deployment running on polisy at our home and a smaller (30+ device) deployment running on an ISY at our lake house. I just purchased an eisy. The easiest thing to do would be to just replace the isy with the eisy and call it done. But, if the eisy is a more powerful device than the polisy, I'm thinking I may be better off migrating the polisy to the eisy and then moving the polisy to the lake house. I have two questions - first, is that the right choice (i.e., to have the eisy powering the larger installation)? Second, and if so, can I migrate from polisy to eisy and maintain my z-wave devices? I don't want to have to redo those if I can avoid it. But, there is no "migration" option on the admin console configuration tab (as I migrated to z-matter, I think, when I first setup the polisy a year ago). The polisy is running v 5.6.4. Thanks!

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I think this is an individual choice. While the eisy has better performance, I don't know if the amount of work you'll have to do is worth the upgrade. 

The jump from isy to polisy is much greater then the jump from polisy to eisy.

It's like smart phones. Sure the galaxy s23 processor is faster than the galaxy see, but are the gains noticeable enough to justify upgrading?. 

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Thanks to both of you for your suggestions. I tried to do the migration to eisy, but it was a complete bust. Nothing worked. I may have the wrong cable for my PLM - I tried a console cable (USB to RJ45) as I had that, but I have ordered a cable from UD. If anyone knows if a regular USB-RJ45 console cable should work, however, that would be nice to know. With regard to z-wave, the "migrate" button described in the eisy documentation is NOT on the polisy that I'm migrating from, and I'm running the most current version of the admin console. Given that, I'm guessing that the backup was not a migration backup. But, if the button is not on the screen, I'm not sure how I would have created a migration backup. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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10 hours ago, ddaggett1 said:

With regard to z-wave, the "migrate" button described in the eisy documentation is NOT on the polisy that I'm migrating from, and I'm running the most current version of the admin console. Given that, I'm guessing that the backup was not a migration backup. But, if the button is not on the screen, I'm not sure how I would have created a migration backup. Any thoughts? Thanks!

What Zwave dongle is in your Polisy?

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54 minutes ago, ddaggett1 said:

Thanks. It was the internal zmatter board for the polisy.


53 minutes ago, ddaggett1 said:

So I'm guessing maybe there was nothing to migrate? But, if that's the case, is there any way to transfer the zwave devices from the polisy to the eisy?


My guess would be you skipped the part of the instructions that said you needed to back up your ZWave system (from the top menu Zwave - Backup), which is different from IoX back up. After backing up Zwave, then you do an IoX back up (File Backup IoX).


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Thanks, I'll try to do the backup from the polisy again and start fresh with the eisy after a reset. I thought I had done the zwave backup the first time, but not positive. With regard to the Zmatter board, the one in the polisy is internal, and the one with the eisy is an external dongle, and so they're separate boards. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/3/2023 at 6:33 PM, ddaggett1 said:

If anyone knows if a regular USB-RJ45 console cable should work,

I really doubt that a regular USB-RJ45 console cable will work. The pinouts for the RJ45 on the 2413S PLM are non-standard versus what a typical RJ45 Console Port looks like. I've attached pinouts for both below:




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