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No fields in Ring Doorbell Motion Node

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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There's an older ring doorbell on my house. I do have a login and my account has ownership of the device, and I see live images and motion. It does its job as doorbell and proximity sensor and the grandkids have finally stopped pressing it every 12 seconds 🤪

I tried the trial plugin. I get 2 nodes, 

  1. Doorbell panel says its online and has battery info that appears correct
  2. Doorbell motion panel is completely blank, no fields or controls

It has motion capability, I set up the zones and tested. In addition to creating a battery alert, I want to turn on premise lighting when there's motion in the zone

Any ideas? I don't have a plan or subscription, just an account with access to all the features.

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15 minutes ago, paulbates said:

I don't have a plan or subscription, just an account with access to all the features.

I'm not sure if it's needed, but could be. The plugin has to authenticate with the Ring service. I've never attempted without an active Ring subscription. 

One of the release notes though indicates this:


1.1.2 07/05/2023
Enhanced error handling when nodeserver is not yet linked to a Ring account

So might be a requirement. Maybe just an account...not an actual Ring subscription. 

19 minutes ago, paulbates said:

Doorbell motion panel is completely blank, no fields or controls

This is normal. It's the same for my doorbell pro "motion" node. My floodlight cam has information on the Motion, but the "lights" node is blank on that device.


My motion program triggers for middle of the night motion runs as expected.  


~Door-Motion - 

        '~NodeServers / ~Ring / ~FDoor (Motion)' is switched Motion
    And From    11:50:00PM
        To      Sunrise - 60 minutes (next day)
        Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' On
        Wait  5 minutes 
        Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Couch' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Posted (edited)

Thanks Geddy, it was located in the device tree under switched.. and your program is very similar to what I am wanting to accomplish!


(Edit I see other people mark posts as solution which I'd like to do with yours... but can't find the forum control to do so)

Edited by paulbates
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