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Is there a video somewhere that shows the steps to get the parameters into admin console for PG3x nodes?

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Looking for video tutorials for how to get the parameters of the nodes to populate in the admin console.

Since the initial upgrade to Polisy, I have lost all of the functionality of my network resources that controlled my Sonos and itach. I am able to get the nodes via polyglot 3x and see them on the admin console screen, but am struggling to get the fields to populate when I click on the nodes.

Any help is appreciated.



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50 minutes ago, noobmuch said:

Looking for video tutorials for how to get the parameters of the nodes to populate in the admin console.

Make sure you relaunch admin console if it was open when you added a plugin.  Nodes are only loaded to admin console on load.  It’s suggested not to have admin console open when adding or editing plugins. Then all new nodes or changes are read by admin console on launch.  

52 minutes ago, noobmuch said:

Since the initial upgrade to Polisy, I have lost all of the functionality of my network resources

Did you migrate from ISY994? If so you have to select and save all network resources.  This is a step in the migration process.  


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