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Notification Corruption

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I recently added notifications to the mobile app and PG3 and it seems to have corrupted the notification system.

I’ve put this in the PG3 Notification section of the forum – hopefully this is the right place.

Prior to making this update, my notifications did work properly. Once I made the update, all of my existing notification content (Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, etc.) were replaced by “Response Type2”.

If I go to If/Then, I am not able to use the “Remove Line” button to delete “Response Type2” and make changes.

If I go to “Customizations” to add new content, I am unable to add new content as clicking  the box does not do anything.

I’ve attached a copy of the error message that shows within the Mobile app if I try to add a notification there.

I’ve also attached a screenshot of the PG3 notification installation.

Is there a way to fix this? Or, will I need to go back to a backup to start over with this?

005 Response Type2.png

010 Content.png

020 Notification PG3.png

030 Mobile App.jpeg

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