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YoLink - Smart Valve Controller 2 Manipulator (with EcoNet Controls Bulldog Valve Robot) - Connection State Offline / No Status in eisy

Go to solution Solved by auger66,

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Great job on the YoLink Node Server!


I've been using it with multiple sensor types and relays with great success.


Recently, I added a YoLink - Smart Valve Controller 2 (with an EcoNet Controls Bulldog Valve Robot) which shows up as a node in the YoLink Node Server however, within eisy, the node / "YoLink Manipulator"  Connection State shows it as "Offline" and also indicates "Nodeserver Status Not Connected".


Based on the change log for the YoLink Node Server, I did read that manipulators appear to be supported however, I am at a loss as to why this particular node is not showing as connected between the eisy and the YoLink Node Server.


I have stopped and started the YoLink Node Server as well as restarted the YoLink Node Server; I have also completely rebooted the eisy along with Polyglot 3X -- however, this node still shows as not connected between the eisy and the YoLink Node Server.


As all the other YoLink nodes appear to be working properly, do you have any potential suggestions for me to get the YoLink - Smart Valve Controller 2 (manipulator) properly connected (and showing online with proper status) to eisy?


Many thanks!


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Posted (edited)

I have this after a reboot. It will eventually show connected if you leave it alone. If you want it to show connected in eisy right away, open the valve icon in the YoLink app.

That being said, I'm pretty sure the valve controller 2 has a YoLink bug in it. My signal strength will fluctuate from the -40 or 50s to over -100s dBms without moving the device. Sometimes I get communication errors with the valve controllers in the app. I don't have any issues with my leak detectors.

I have two valve controllers. I made an eisy program to monitor the connectivity status for a while. Both valve controllers reported "not normal" at least once a day.

I also have these valves D2D paired with my leak detectors. They have never failed to close with a leak test. I have had one not close (or open) when trying to move them with the app. I think part of this is me sending two valve commands at the same time, but I'm fairly certain there's a YoLink bug here.

Edited by auger66
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Panda88, auger66, et al.,




The YoLink - Smart Valve Controller 2 (manipulator) is now properly connected (and showing online with proper status) to the aforementioned eisy.


Again, Panda88, many thanks for creating the YoLink Node Server!


Also, auger66, thank you for your very informative and detailed reply.


-- Hopefully YoLink will address what you've observed with a firmware update ... I will likely duplicate what you have indicated via my own programming / monitoring and provide my observed feedback to YoLink as well.              


Many thanks auger 66!


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