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Default email service on my Polisy suddenly stopped working early thos morning

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Email messages stopped beinbg sent out shortly after midnight MDT when requested by programs.  I have rebooted, and syill no joy.  Any ideas?

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@CoLong could you provide more information?


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Thanks Geddy:

I'm on 5.4.4.  Its been a too frequent occurance that when I've done firmware updates in the past, something gets changed in my Polisy that I don't know about, and I have to struggle through all my programs fo find out what went wrong and fix it.  As a result, I'm reluctant to implement updates unless there's some speciflc benefit to me, that's worth the risk.

In this case, an email was received successfully from one of my programs at 01:02 MDT today, but several that I should have received since then have not arrived. Including several tests. Here's what shows up in the error log when I send using the "Test" button in the Emails/Notifications Settings/Groups tab: 

Wed 2024/05/01 12:02:35     0    -170001    <s:Envelope><s:Body><u:SendTestEmail xmlns:u="urn:udi-com:service:X_Polisy_Service:1"><id>1</id></u:SendTestEmail></s:Body></s:Envelope>

I've made no changes since 01:02 MDT, so I reason that something has changed external to my Polisy, to cause this problem.

I've used a gmail account in the past instead of the default in Polisy, and I've found that its unreliable, often due to gmail's policy constraints.  That's why I switched to the Polisy default, and its been relizble for years since then.

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@CoLong looks like best bet would be to open a support ticket to get help specific to the issue you're having. 


I've used Gmail to send email notifications since I started with the ISY994 and have not ever experienced issues. I send from @gmail.com to @outlook.com and have started using Spark to check ONLY that account that notifications go to so it can make a noise/alert/notification if/when alerts come in. 

I know there have been issues using the default servers through the years for various reasons, and given the volume that some people might use that could trigger some sort of filtering between servers (assumptions rather than known fact). I'd rather only rely on an account that only I was sending messages through rather than a "default" server that everybody is blasting notifications through.

As for not updating the firmware. I understand, but think the last many updates seem to be fairly stable updates and 5.4.4 is rather old (almost 2 years). So there's been a lot of fixes and modifications. Sure, you might not specifically need them, but UD will usually suggest updating firmware to the current version to see if that fixes any issues somebody is experiencing before troubleshooting an older firmware. Especially one that's 2 years old. 


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Posted (edited)

Same problem here (I use gmail to send and been working fine for years).

Update 5/2 - Some of my emails are coming through 12 hours or so delayed.  Others not even coming.

Edited by JSchumann
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Posted (edited)

I am having problems as well - I use the default email to send Push notifications and have been receiving delayed messages and missing a lot of messages all day

EDIT: forgot to mention I am using an EISY/ZMatter with the latest firmware 5.8.3/PG3x 3.2.22

Edited by JTsao
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I am having this problem as well, and it is happening on both of the eISY units I have (in different locations, different ISPs).   Problem first started yesterday morning (things worked fine up till then).  I had upgraded the firmware on both units (5.8.0 --> 5.8.3) on the day before the problem started, and was still receiving email notifications on that day after the upgrade.  No other changes made on either unit.  I am configured to send to a gmail server, using the default settings checked.  For one of the eISYs, I got a bunch of delayed notifications late last night, then nothing since then.  Nothing at all from the other eISY.  Are others still having these issues -- any ideas?

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I also got a bunch of delayed notifications last night, but this morning my expected notifications have not come in.  I will start a support ticket.

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I don't think that we all need to submit tickets - or do we?  I am hoping for some kind of forthcoming info. from UD about this as it seems to be (maybe) a widespread problem


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@Geddy: As I feared, I initiated the update to 5.8.3 and now my Polisy is no longer accessible via the IoX launcger.  I've cleared the Java cache, and reentered the URL into IoX in the correct format and no joy (the message says not found).  I know its on my network because I have a different locator app, which shits its correct name on the correct IP address.  I've also gone to my ISY portal, and it shows that my Polisy has been disconnected since I initiated the update.  When I try to re-add it, it says its already there.  I've also rebooted the Polisy and still no joy.

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Well, this email outage prompted me to finally learn and switch most of my critical Push messages to the Notification Nodeserver - this bypasses an unnecessary weak link of relying on an email server...

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1 hour ago, JTsao said:

Well, this email outage prompted me to finally learn and switch most of my critical Push messages to the Notification Nodeserver - this bypasses an unnecessary weak link of relying on an email server...

I always like to have a backup.


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8 hours ago, CoLong said:

I've also rebooted the Polisy and still no joy.

Did you just reboot from the button in the admin console or have you completely shut it down (pulled the power supply)? 

Since you were on a very old version it’s possible that something was stuck in the update and might need to force an update attempt again. Check the wiki for the multi function button and force an update that way. Allow a lot of time to pass (10 minutes maybe a minimum to consider) then use the multi function button again to reboot or to power down (if Polisy has that option…I don’t recall).

If still not back after that attempt then open a ticket with support and see what might be going on. They may have some SSH commands to try to see what’s happening during the update. 

With it also not being connected to the Portal makes it seem that it isn’t booting up correctly. When you pull the power wait 30 second then power it back up and wait 3-5 minutes before trying to open admin console. You should hear some beeps on boot up, but just give it time to fully boot. It has to start UDX, IoX, and PG3 so give it time to get settled. 

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@Geddy: I've done several cold boots by pulling out the plug and waiting for several minutes before plugging back in.  Checking the Wiki, there are no beeps when I press the multi-function either, and no changes in the lights regardless of how many times I press the multi-function button.   When I do a cold boot, all three lights come on for a short time, and then the two on the right go off and the left-hand one stays on.

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On 5/2/2024 at 11:03 AM, CoLong said:

See: [Ticket #24315]

Did you ever get a reply from support for this? 

With others jumping in I wonder if there might be an issue on the server sending these out. I just tested mine setup with Gmail sending alerts and sent/received the test and a couple simple program notifications almost instantly. I didn't switch to the default server (because that wipes out my settings), 

What domain are you sending the alerts to? Are they going to a "free" email service (gmail, yahoo mail, outlook/hotmail), your ISP, or a domain you own?

I ask because if going to Google or Yahoo it could be part of their recent/pending changes to blocking messages that don't have some authentication or anti-spam/spoofing settings properly setup (i.e. DMARC, SPF, and DKIM). I think some changed earlier this year, but might be phasing it in to fully block messages this summer. Mostly this impacts large mail servers that send thousands of messages a day. And I would suspect this might put the UD default server in that category based on it's simple setup/use case and how many people just leave it. 

I would suggest setting up Gmail as the SMTP server of choice and hopefully messages are transmitted quickly and successfully that way.

22 hours ago, CoLong said:

Polisy is no longer accessible via the IoX

Did you get this resolved? 

Do you know how to SSH to the Polisy? Can you access it that way? If so, please open another support ticket to see if they can give you the steps to review the log of the update or force an update from SSH to try to get it operational again. 


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Posted (edited)

Neither issue is resolved at this point.  I've put tickets in on both, but the response has been very slow - Michel says they are having an issue with their mail server, but he hasn't said when he will have it resolved.  gmail is apparently not a solution either, and this thread shows several people also having ptoblems with gmail.

My Polisy is supposed to be sending emails to my personal email domain.

I'm especially concerned about havinig completely lost contact with my Polisy and knocked it out of service due to the firmware update attempt - I'm leaving town in a coupla of days, and my home automation has to be at 100% before then.

Its very disconcerting to be having such slow responses from UD, and no announcement wither.

Edited by CoLong
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I also got that response from Michel on my service ticket, but was unsuccessful in implementing his suggestion of directly using gmail as my server.  I have just reported that back in a reply on my service ticket and am awaiting a response.  Other than my email issue, my eISYs otherwise appear to be functioning correctly after the firmware upgrade.

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