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Status in Program

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Thought maybe someone would have an idea why this isn't working.  In summary I have an Insteon Door Sensor that when it is On (Door Opens) it will turn on a Ranchio Program that runs two zones for 10 minutes each to wash out the gift the dog just left that kills the grass.  It works great, but in the evening we have our normal watering taking place.  When this Insteon Program is triggered once the current zone that is watering natively via Ranchio Schedule it will stop that and kick off the program from Insteon thus ending our scheduled nightly water.  To fix this I thought I could add a check to see if Ranchio is currently watering but that does not seem to work.  Ideas?

The Insteon Program is:

        'Outside / Front Door / Front Door Sensor' Status is On
    And 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off
        Run Program 'Front Door Dog Water' (Then)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The Program to turn the Front Door Dog Water On is:

Front Door Dog Water - [ID 0060][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Wait  10 minutes 
        Set 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler / Dog Water' Start
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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9 hours ago, MGustin said:

Thought maybe someone would have an idea why this isn't working.  In summary I have an Insteon Door Sensor that when it is On (Door Opens) it will turn on a Ranchio Program that runs two zones for 10 minutes each to wash out the gift the dog just left that kills the grass.  It works great, but in the evening we have our normal watering taking place.  When this Insteon Program is triggered once the current zone that is watering natively via Ranchio Schedule it will stop that and kick off the program from Insteon thus ending our scheduled nightly water.  To fix this I thought I could add a check to see if Ranchio is currently watering but that does not seem to work.  Ideas?

The Insteon Program is:

        'Outside / Front Door / Front Door Sensor' Status is On
    And 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off
        Run Program 'Front Door Dog Water' (Then)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The Program to turn the Front Door Dog Water On is:

Front Door Dog Water - [ID 0060][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Wait  10 minutes 
        Set 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler / Dog Water' Start
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' is a program can it be 'off' status?.

How long will the status of the door open sensor be 'On' and will it ever coincide with the following line?

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Larryllix - I do not follow what you are asking.  Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off is not a program it is the status of the Rachio.  Watering is either Off or On.  Its a door sensor so its simply opening the door to let the dogs out, it is in the ON status for 5 seconds or so.

In a nutshell what I believe the IF statement should be doing is saying if the front door is opened check to see if Rachio is watering the lawn; if it is not watering the lawn then run the program called Front Door Dog Water. 

If I remove the Rachio Watering check and put say a time in when the scheduled nightly watering takes place all works as you would want; door opens while it is between those times and it doesn't run the Front Door Dog Water program.  It seems like the check on Rachio to see if it is Watering is not working.

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12 minutes ago, MGustin said:

Larryllix - I do not follow what you are asking.  Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Off is not a program it is the status of the Rachio.  Watering is either Off or On.  Its a door sensor so its simply opening the door to let the dogs out, it is in the ON status for 5 seconds or so.

In a nutshell what I believe the IF statement should be doing is saying if the front door is opened check to see if Rachio is watering the lawn; if it is not watering the lawn then run the program called Front Door Dog Water. 

If I remove the Rachio Watering check and put say a time in when the scheduled nightly watering takes place all works as you would want; door opens while it is between those times and it doesn't run the Front Door Dog Water program.  It seems like the check on Rachio to see if it is Watering is not working.

Your logic and troubleshooting sounds good.

Try using the reverse logic as such:
  And 'Generic / Rachio-Sprinkler' Watering is Not On

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I don’t use that sprinkler system and can only guess. I do wonder if using the sprinkler system schedule along with insteon is incompatible. Have you considered the possibility of disabling your program based upon time. The time that you would disable the program would be the time that it is natively running.

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My Rachio is in Home Assistant so I can't be of direct help to that specific device. I would suggest posting in the Rachio part of the forum so maybe the developer can help. Assuming there aren't specific ways for the Rachio plugin to let the ISY know if it is currently watering or not, here are the other basic logic ways that I would handle it, if it were me.

1. Use the time that the device is being used, so if you run the watering schedule at the same time. @oberkc covered how to handle this.

2. Use a variable. If you start the watering via an ISY program, create a variable and add a line to the program that triggers a unique value. You would then need to have a way to change this value back once the watering ends. Then in your program, check the variable value to decide when to use the dog water program.

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Communications between the ISY/Polisy/eISY is uni-directional when it comes to control.

HA can control all ISY/Polisy/eISY devices, but the ISY/Polisy/eISY can not control any of the HA devices.

From what I've read, the Rachio NS on your ISY device is not correctly reporting zone status.

Since you need the Rachio status to trigger on an Insteon device. I would move the Rachio to HA. Per Rachio...

The Rachio platform on HA allows you to control your Rachio irrigation system.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

They will be automatically added if the Rachio integration is loaded.

Now that you can correctly see the zone status you can create an automation in HA that triggers based upon the ISY device status and the status of the Rachio zone you are monitoring. Alternatively you can leave a note on the github page for Brian the original dev of the Rachio NS, but he hasn't done any work on this NS for 3 years.

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