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Multiple ECM-1240's

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  • 7 months later...
Hello gadgetguru,


Unfortunately not. ISY can only handle the 7 channels per ECM1240.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel,


I am interested in the Brultech plugin, I just want to clarify your response. You stated that the "ISY can only handle 7 channels per ECM1240", so does that mean that if I have 3 ECM1240s that the ISY can handle 7 channels per ECM1240 for a total of 21 channels or can the ISY just handle 7 channels no matter how many EMS1240s?




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Hi Terry,


Unfortunately, currently we only support one ECM per ISY. We have plans of supporting multiple but the priority is low since we have only had a handful of requests for ECM module.


With kind regards,



Thanks! That is what I thought, I just wanted to verify.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When the ISY supports more than one ECM then Im ready to implement them (ECM's). I have a 8kW PV system and would like to tie the whole thing together with the ISY.


This would be huge for load control as opposed to letting the power company fool around with my AC. I have several heavy loads that Id like to build into the ISY to keep tabs on everything.


Watching closely 8)

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Hi mattavila, working on it but rather slowly.


Do you already have ECM1240s?


With kind regards,



Michel - not yet... but Im not too far from installing them anyway - so long as this is road-mapped. Ive been looking at this particular unit for some time and do like the fact that my ISY will interface with it. I put PV in over a year ago and have multiple Fronius inverters with a Datalogger WEB collection device. I went with this as I can directly pull data from the system as often as every 5 minutes and store it long-term in a SQL database... most of the PV data capture products that I came across from other manufacturers were simply a one-way device back to that manufacturers website (and when they decide to begin charging a months access fee - well its not so open then).


At any rate, the ECM appears to be exactly what Im looking for in terms of monitoring the load (as well as production in terms of getting those numbers to the ISY). My particular home will eat up 5 channels of a single ECM rather quickly from the "heavy" loads that need controlled and PV production, hence at least two are going to be necessary. Im a couple months off from installing ECM's at the moment due to other projects (kids, wife, and the proverbial "honey-do"), but will continue to watch this develop


Thanks again for a great product Michel!

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Hello mattavila,


Thanks so very much for the information. Apologies for so many questions but your answers (for this specific request) would help us design the full solution more elegantly:

1. Current ECM support lets you do things based on the status of the sensors (current, wattage, voltage, polarity, etc.). Is your goal to have ISY do the same type of things for all ECMs OR do you just want a system that posts to a database?

2. If former, what type of "combination" variables do you envision. Such as channel 1 + channel 2 = x, etc.

3. We are working on prototypes of Orchestrator (994) with an integrated Zigbee Radio with native communications to ECM without the need for EP1. We have no plans of production for this configuration simply because we do not know how many would be interested and how much would they be willing to pay for upgrade from 99i to 994i with Zigbee. Do you have any thoughts? i.e. would you prefer having multiple EP1s or one 994i?


Thanks and with kind regards,


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No problem asking questions.... glad to answer them.


Im mainly looking for the ISY to be able to handle two ECM's - I personally prefer Ethernet vs. Zigbee as thats how Im already cabled - and Im an IP home Smile


Im not looking for the ISY to collect and store (or post to a database), I would query the ECM directly for that information. What I would like is for ISY to also query / monitor my PV production and have control on a couple of my larger loads - A/C, Dryer, and some non-essentials that also pull a fair amount of juice. Essentially with the "logic" that the ECM can be programmed with, Id like to avoid my wife turning on the dryer while the AC compressor is running - or if that happens, to shut off the compressor, but still let the circulation fan run. On the other hand, if Im producing say 5kW on the array, then go ahead and let the thing run, but if production falls below say 3kW to shut down one of the heavier loads.


My local power company is pushing for some similar functionality - I think I can do a more granular job with these products, and be able to collect the data over time for further analysis. Looking at how my electrical panel is setup, Im thinking that Brultech's PP2-200 kit is probably the way to go. Its got a few extra CT's than what I need, but would handle the net metering and give me adequate channels.


Im not familiar with the 994 (not yet anyway), but if that would open up some additional, useful (in my installation) functionality - yes, Im willing to pay for it. Im fine with multiple EP-1's as I ran a couple extra drops to my panel when I put the inverters and datalogger in last year. With EP-1 I can easily query the ECM outside of the ISY as well - gives me a little more flexibility I think.... but Im open to ideas.

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Hello mattavila,


Thanks so very much for your answers.


The main problem with our current ISY-ECM configuration is that EPI must be in server mode and thus it won't be able to send data anywhere else. For that, ISY has to publish events (which it does) but you must have a database (or a portal such as Check-it) to catch these events.


You can already do all that logic with ECM ... so, all we need to do is to add support for multiple ECMs.


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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Thanks for your response Michel.


Once the ISY supports multiples (or a good beta code that will do it), please update this thread... Ill be one of your "Guinea pigs" and can give you shell access to my network if you want to use it for testing.





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I have my ethernet wired ecm's set to mixed mode instead of server and get the info to the isy, google power meter and on my network on computers. I would love to be able to use all 3 ecm's. you can experiment with mine if you like Michel.


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  • 3 weeks later...



Please add me to the last of willing test subjects for any ECM/ISY integration. We have 3 ECM's in a vineyard/ag application. We monitor irrigation pumps, Air Conditioning and pool pumps, along with a variety of other devices totaling 18 circuits. In an ideal world, what I want from the ISY is the ability to:


- query the instantaneous value of any ECM channel and either store or make a decision on the returned value

- receive status updates from ECM channels and either store or make a decision on the values received

- create labels for an ECM channel or virtual channel


Our ECM's are all ZigBee equipped, with a Digi ZigBee/Ethernet gateway. We would be fine with the ISY communicating to the ECM exclusively using IP/Ethernet.




Spero Koulouras

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  • 3 months later...

Would like to add my name to the list as to seeing multiple ECM's being supported. I was very sad to read that the Google Power meter has since been retired.


But, this will not deter the purchase of the ECM units for my system as I require imperial data to assist in my home automation.


Much thanks as always for your continued support and assistance. :mrgreen:

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Hello Teken,


It is indeed on our list.


Also, while we have you here, would you consider upgrading your ISY99i to ISY994i which has an integrated Zigbee module and therefore:

1. You get real time feedback from ECMs (no need for polling)

2. You do not need EP1 ... 994 communicates to ECM natively via Zigbee (high powered)


With kind regards,


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Hello Teken,


It is indeed on our list.


Also, while we have you here, would you consider upgrading your ISY99i to ISY994i which has an integrated Zigbee module and therefore:

1. You get real time feedback from ECMs (no need for polling)

2. You do not need EP1 ... 994 communicates to ECM natively via Zigbee (high powered)


With kind regards,



Yes I would . . . if you could provide more detail about this feature and how it operates that would be most helpful. It is safe to say the ISY is one of the few electronic devices which I consider an investment.

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Hello Teken,


Thanks so very much for the update. 994 is not a public product and it's only used as OEM and for utility projects. This said, we are thinking of making it public.


994 has an integrated Zigbee radio so it will allow you to communicate with ECM as well as RCS thermostats and load controllers natively. 994 has more memory so it would have more room for other modules. This said, 99i shall remain our defacto product as it still has a lot of room for growth.


When you are ready to get your ECM, please send an email to sales@universal-devices.com with a link to this post and we'll do our best to make your investment as small as possible.


With kind regards,


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