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Need Help with Insteon 2450 I/O linc

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I have taken a long break in the Insteon field.......


Now, I'm trying to use the 2450 I/O linc to control a scene/run a program. the input is a momentary dry contact closure. My 26 ISY has the latest firmware, but doesn't show the change of the I/O status when I close the contacts, and will not initiate the program. If I query the I/O the status changes and the program starts, but doesn't complete the programmed wait sequence to turn the load of again.


what am I doing wrong again/


Thanks for your effort and help



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Hi Karl,


Please try restoring your IOLinc ...


To test:

1. Go to Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer (on level 3)

2. Open and close the contact and check the traffic. If you do not see any INST-SRX when you open/close the contacts, the problem is either signal or noise


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel,


I have tried everything...... nothing shows up at the advent viewer -period, but I do not have many Insteon devices here right now.


The I/O is plugged into the PLM in front of me and I can see the green led of the I/O come on when I close the contacts here at my desk but nothing else is happening.

If I link the I/O with a lamp linc directly it will turn on the light for the duration of the contact closure.


would that be a PLM or 26 ISY issue? running Windows 7 now.


Is an upgrade now in place and will that eliminate the problems I have?


Thanks again,



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Try Removing the IOLinc and add it to the ISY again. With no Event Viewer traffic either the Sensor link in the IOLinc is missing or the PLM link for the same sensor is missing. Both link records are necessary for the IOLinc to know where to send the Sensor message and the responder (ISY/PLM) to be able to receive it.


What firmware level are you running on the 26.

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Thank you LeeG,


that was missing, did all the resets but never removed and reinstall that I/O.


I also re-install the latest firmware for the 26ISY, it still hangs up once a while.


Who knows what trouble I get into next.


thanks for your help & tips



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Just to make sure....I have upgraded to the ISY 99i/IR and a X-10 module.


The event viewer will not always show me the traffic even the Insteon devices are correctly installed.


I'm also using an older PLM (2412S) and it seems to not let the X-10 commands through. The LED on an older lampLink (2000SLS) blinks when I send Insteon signals but not when sending X-10 ones - even when the event viewer shows them.

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Hello Karl,


If the event viewer shows that an X10 message was sent, then (unless you have a defective PLM) that X10 message guaranteed to have been sent out by the PLM. If some of your devices are not receiving those signals then the problem is mostly probably noise related.


What percentage of your X10 devices respond to X10 messages from ISY AND is there a pattern to those that respond and those that don't?


With kind regards,


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Thank you Michel,


I have a feeling it's a PLM problem. None of my X-10 devices are working with the ISY right now, however the event viewer shows the commands from the SmartHome program running the various x-10 devices.

The X-10 system is working almost flawless here in my house. A few years back, while doing a major remodel, I was able to segregate all my X-10's onto one electrical phase. But now I like to slowly migrate to the Insteon system with the much more sophisticated ISY99i controller.


BTW the new firmware 2.8.1 seems to be much faster upgrading/changing the settings/devices in My Lighting console.


I have ordered a new 2413S PLM - do I need a separate power supply for the ISY?

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Thank you guys,


yes I still have the power supply from the 26 - great pointer!


I'll try the new PLM when it's arrives and if my X-10 problems still exists, I'll post my help cries in the appropriate forum.


Thanks again,



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