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The Global Cache WF2IR works


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Thanks Jon,  Will try this later tonight...  My TV is connected via Serial and not IR.  Will this work for a Serial connection which I believe needs to go to Port 4999 on the GC100-6?


You need to get the correct codes for your television either by using iLearn or from Global Cache but yes.. you will not be using IR but rather communicating directly with the TV using TCP protocol.


I don't fully understand it but IR is a series of light pulses that the receiver detects and that binary data is then encoded by the TV's software to usable information.  I believe what you'll be doing is bypassing that IR encoding and delivering the resulting information directly?  If that makes sense :)




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You need to get the correct codes for your television either by using iLearn or from Global Cache but yes.. you will not be using IR but rather communicating directly with the TV using TCP protocol.


I don't fully understand it but IR is a series of light pulses that the receiver detects and that binary data is then encoded by the TV's software to usable information.  I believe what you'll be doing is bypassing that IR encoding and delivering the resulting information directly?  If that makes sense :)




Ahhh - did not know you could do that...  Makes sense...  Thanks again...

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You need to get the correct codes for your television either by using iLearn or from Global Cache but yes.. you will not be using IR but rather communicating directly with the TV using TCP protocol.


I don't fully understand it but IR is a series of light pulses that the receiver detects and that binary data is then encoded by the TV's software to usable information.  I believe what you'll be doing is bypassing that IR encoding and delivering the resulting information directly?  If that makes sense :)





I could not get sending the IR directly to the RS232/Serial to work.  I have 2 Samsung TVs (different models but the Remote power toggle will works on both).  1 TV is controlled by iTach IPtoIR and another is controlled by iTach IPtoSerial.  Currently using iRule which sends Hex codes to the Serial controlled TV.   I tried sending IR codes to Serial (via ISY) but did not work.  I don't understand why you would not use the Raw Code mode for Serial.  Do you know what Raw mode is for?  Thanks for all your help

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I could not get sending the IR directly to the RS232/Serial to work.  I have 2 Samsung TVs (different models but the Remote power toggle will works on both).  1 TV is controlled by iTach IPtoIR and another is controlled by iTach IPtoSerial.  Currently using iRule which sends Hex codes to the Serial controlled TV.   I tried sending IR codes to Serial (via ISY) but did not work.  I don't understand why you would not use the Raw Code mode for Serial.  Do you know what Raw mode is for?  Thanks for all your help


You might post your resource so others can see but you'll probably have to play around with it to see what works.




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You might post your resource so others can see but you'll probably have to play around with it to see what works.




I have 2 Samsung TVs (different models but the Remote Control Power Toggle works on both TVs, so same IR code).  One use iTach IR and the other uses iTach Serial.   The iTach IR TV successfully powers on/off using ISY.   Now I am trying to get ISY to Power on/off the Serial controlled TV.  Here is how I have the Network Resources setup for the Serial:

Protocol:  TCP

Port: 4999

IP Address:   (for the iTach Serial connected to this TV)

Time out (MS): 500

Mode: C-Escape

Body for the Code:


This is the same code that works for controlling the iTach IR TV...    When I test sending this code, based on the above setup, to the serial TV I get a response that looks something like this:  oo? oo?


I am currently controlling the Serial TV with iRule and it uses Network Codes.  Here is the Power Toggle iRule sends to this TV:  \x08\x22\x00\x00\x00\x00\xD6\x0D          I guess there is no way for ISY to send this type of code?



Thanks for all the help, Doug

Edited by doogledb
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I have 2 Samsung TVs (different models but the Remote Control Power Toggle works on both TVs, so same IR code).  One use iTach IR and the other uses iTach Serial.   The iTach IR TV successfully powers on/off using ISY.   Now I am trying to get ISY to Power on/off the Serial controlled TV.  Here is how I have the Network Resources setup for the Serial:

Protocol:  TCP

Port: 4999

IP Address:   (for the iTach Serial connected to this TV)

Time out (MS): 500

Mode: C-Escape

Body for the Code:


This is the same code that works for controlling the iTach IR TV...    When I test sending this code, based on the above setup, to the serial TV I get a response that looks something like this:  oo? oo?


I am currently controlling the Serial TV with iRule and it uses Network Codes.  Here is the Power Toggle iRule sends to this TV:  \x08\x22\x00\x00\x00\x00\xD6\x0D          I guess there is no way for ISY to send this type of code?


What happens when you set up your resource as in post #49? (remove the commas ,\r,\l)



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Post your resource.  You may need to use URC format rather than the raw string (separated by comma e.g. 08,22,00,00,00,02,D4)




I cannot get the screen capture of my resource posted here.  Looks like I need to load it in "My Media"?  I cannot find where to load files to My Media

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I cannot get the screen capture of my resource posted here.  Looks like I need to load it in "My Media"?  I cannot find where to load files to My Media


Select "More Reply Options" then upload the file.  In the future you can use "My Media" to add from.




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I cannot get the screen capture of my resource posted here.  Looks like I need to load it in "My Media"?  I cannot find where to load files to My Media



Post your resource.  You may need to use URC format rather than the raw string (separated by comma e.g. 08,22,00,00,00,02,D4)




Here are 2 versions of sending IR Code and another to what I call sending Raw code.  For Raw Code I tried with and without commas, with and without \r\l and to all the difference modes...



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No luck


What does the error say?



Do you know what mode to use?  Seems like it would use the same code I use from iRule.


If iRule works then I would say that's the correct code.  You'll need to try different methods such as entering the raw string rather than the URC format (using commas.)




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  • 3 weeks later...

HI I would like to control volume from  a keppad button with the same result as holding the vol button on a traditional remote, i.e. volume increases smoothly as long as button held, then stops.  I am wondering how others have done this and if it is fairly successful.  I would think the following owuld be the approack, but weleome your suggestions...



        Control (Old) 'KP 3R' is switched Fade Up
        Repeat 8 times
           Resource 'GC_VolUp'
        Control (Old) 'KP 3R' is switched Fade Stop
        Stop Program "VolUp"
Is that the idea, or is there a better way with ISY and GC?
Also, what is the proper balance between adding repeats within the IR command sent from GC, vs sending repeats from ISY to GC?
Edited by ccclapp
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HI I would like to control volume from  a keppad button with the same result as holding the vol button on a traditional remote, i.e. volume increases smoothly as long as button held, then stops.  I am wondering how others have done this and if it is fairly successful.  I would think the following owuld be the approack, but weleome your suggestions...

Also, what is the proper balance between adding repeats within the IR command sent from GC, vs sending repeats from ISY to GC?


Here are the fruits of my labor...


Reading the GC API it described the structure of the IR commands sent by GC device (via ISY etc).  It specifies the digit in the command, which sets the # of repeats sent by GC from a single command by ISY.  Thus one can have separate newtork resources of the same command but with the repeat digit changed to send, for example, a single volUp command or to send VolUp with 5 repeats (from a single ISY-> GC command.  I set my controlling KP button to send: A. If pressed, send the 2-repeat VolUp GC command.  B. If fade (long press) send the 6-repeat GC volUp command.  With my Denon AVR, this gives me great small amd medium volume changes, which are fairly instant.  If one wants greater change do multiple long presses.  This is a great balance of intuitive control and avoids blasting/muting by holding too long if any command delay.

Edited by ccclapp
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Here are the fruits of my labor...


Reading the GC API it described the structure of the IR commands sent by GC device (via ISY etc). It specifies the digit in the command, which sets the # of repeats sent by GC from a single command by ISY. Thus one can have separate newtork resources of the same command but with the repeat digit changed to send, for example, a single volUp command or to send VolUp with 5 repeats (from a single ISY-> GC command. I set my controlling KP button to send: A. If pressed, send the 2-repeat VolUp GC command. B. If fade (long press) send the 6-repeat GC volUp command. With my Denon AVR, this gives me great small amd medium volume changes, which are fairly instant. If one wants greater change do multiple long presses. This is a great balance of intuitive control and avoids blasting/muting by holding too long if any command delay.

This works great, I do something similar with my Hue lights. On turns them on, fast on sets a favorite scene, fast off triggers the color loop effect, and dim up / dim down increase and decrease the brightness by several steps. Repeated dim presses will dim the lights, although it's not totally intuitive. Still, better than nothing.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone successfully gotten iTach serial to work?

- Is it TCP Protocol?

- Use C-Escaped mode?

- What is the port?  4999 or 5000?

- my raw code for Samsung Power toggle looks like this:    \x08\x22\x00\x00\x00\x00\xD6\x0D

            Do I need to append anything to this?

Thank you for any help....




For reference, I just now set up my iTach Flex with rs232 cable to control Denon AVR X4000.  Previously I was controlling the Denon from the ISY via its IP control commands using ISY network resources.  In the case of Denon I believe they use an IP based rs232 command set in that configuration.  To control via ISY-> iTech Flex w rs232 cable all I did was as follows:


  1. Copy existing IP control network resource, eg power-on (the network resources for Denon IP control are available for download from the ISY wiki link).
  2. Edit the NR commend changing:
  • IP to IP address of Flex
  • Port to 4999

That's it.  No other changes required.  


Thus for the Denon (and Onkyo?), download from the wiki and use Flex IP and port 4999 with serial cable.  In the case of Denon the NR are:


-C escaped

-timeout 4000ms

-end command with ... \r


Note:  As stated, Denon and I believe Onkyo have published IP serial commands.  These are NOT the same as trying to convert IR commands.  These same IP commands are easily sent via the rs232 cable.  


I hope this helps others. 

Edited by ccclapp
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  • 3 months later...



I'm so glad I finally found this thread, I've been asking around.


I just purchased and received my Global Cache iTach WF2IR unit.


I managed to get it setup on my network and working, I think.


I also am testing using the iTach using Android software AnyMote. AnyMote has the ability to use the iTach WF2IR device.


In my case I want at least (to start with) to control my Air Conditioner with a simple Power Toggle IR command.


I added the iTach to my AnyMote software and luckily it already had in its database my Frigidaire AC. I setup a PWR Toggle command.


I then sent the IR command and the proper port actually flashed as the command was sent, so communication is working correctly.


My only failure was that I never plugged in the Blaster IR cable into the iTach. So of course, without it plugged in the AC was never going to turn on or off.


I will test that very soon.

I should say that the AnyMote's setup for adding the iTach asked for the IP address and the Port to use, since I would be using the Blaster function it needs to be set to port 3.

It also allowed me to enter the logon name and password. When I put the iTach on my network I also added a logon name and password to get at least some security on it.


I read all the instructions on page one of this thread and will try to following it hopefully getting good results.


I got the iTach so the ISY would be able to control it or send those IR commands.


I read that someone here got their Samsung TV to turn on/off.


I too own a Samsung TV.


is it possible that someone who has it working to EXPORT their setup so I might try to IMPORT to make it easier to get it going?


Maybe those setup are posted here already?


Finally, I have the ISY Helper Module and I think in purchasing that it gives me automatically the Networking Module features. Is that true or do I still need to purchase the Network Modules to get this to work?


Thank you so much!




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  • 1 year later...



When using the ir blaster (connector 3), how is this specified in the ir code for the ISY network resource?



This is the command for TV - Power On (Samsung), does this look correct if I’m using the IR blaster port on the WI2IR?




Thanks so much,


Edited by ahwman
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