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using scene test in scenes where everything isn't on


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Yes, I see that it turns the scene on and that is wonderful and more than I had hoped for. I had just expected a message telling the user to do that rather than ISY actually doing it for you.


But, my question is a little different. In the scene test that fails, some devices in the scene are set to be "off" when the scene is "on". So, turning the scene "on" turns "off" some devices and then turning the scene "off" just leaves those things "off". How, if at all, does this affect the results of the scene test.



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Hello Lou,


If you'll allow me to rephrase your question:


Q: Will a device that is set to "off" in a scene cause a scene test failure.


I believe the answer is no. i just tried setting one of my dimmers to "off" in my basement scene (7 devices). The scene test commands the scene on (my dimmer turns off) and all devices pass the test.

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