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Release 2.8.9 (RC5) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Restore your backup and downgrade to 2.7.15.


Please note that while doing any type of activities to devices, you cannot expect ISY to be responsive. As a matter of fact, ISY blocks certain operations altogether. By rebooting in the middle, you might cause corruption of the configuration files.


I would love to be able to login to your system and see what's going on. If you are amenable, please send me an email and we'll set it up.


With kind regards,


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I have an issue with a motion sensor I installed after the 2.8.9 update. The "Current State" for the photocell isn't showing anything. Both the "Sensor" and "Low Battery" indicate but nothing for "Dusk/Dawn." I'm trying to use the light detector to turn on a few lights under low light conditions (cloudy days) and the program I wrote ran correctly this morning, turning on a light. I noticed this after install last evening but after some time and playing around with it the "Current State" for dusk/dawn started displaying. Hasn't appeared yet this morning even with a few reboots.


My first motion sensor so I don't have any experience with it.




hmm, after rebooting a few more times now none of the functions show in "Current State."

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The device status is cleared when upgrading to a new image. The motion sensor will have to signal a dusk or dawn message based on current ambient light versus the dusk/dawn light level setting before the ISY knows the dusk/dawn state. If the node does not yet show status the motion sensor has not crossed a dusk/dawn threshold. The motion sensor cannot be Queried because a battery device sleeps.

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The device status is cleared when upgrading to a new image. The motion sensor will have to signal a dusk or dawn message based on current ambient light versus the dusk/dawn light level setting before the ISY knows the dusk/dawn state. If the node does not yet show status the motion sensor has not crossed a dusk/dawn threshold. The motion sensor cannot be Queried because a battery device sleeps.


I thought something like that but I woke it by putting it in link mode, activated the motion sensor and then placed it in light but none caused it display. Also, now none of the functions, "Dusk/Dawn," "Sensor" or "Low Battery" are displaying the current state.


I rebooted and now "Low Battery" and "Sensor" display.

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Since I'm off from work today I decided to look into why the 2.8.9 upgrade seems to go correctly but remains reported in the "About" as 2.8.8.


First thing that I did was to try and manually upgrade one more time (I have done this several times previously without errors) but this time I received an error pop-up stating "Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)".


If I connect using Hyper-Term and issue a "RS" command I get the following. Note that there is a complaint about a missing file.


I am willing to allow a remote login if that would help.



Flushing all log files

Flushing logger at index 0

Flushing logger at index 1




Please Log in


Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort

Configured IP =

Configured Mask =

MAC Address= 00:21:b9:00:00:

--- Product : (1040) ISY 99i 1024 ---



Max Nodes & Scenes: 1024

Starting ISY

Configuring the File System

Loading System Configuration

Refreshing Device Configurations

Loading Nodes Configuration

Starting the Time Services

Configuring Modular Web Services

Could not configure Modular Web Services: File not found

Initializing SSL Services

SSL Key Size: 1024

SERIAL:Connect: port=0 baud=19200 stop=1 data=8 parity=0 : synch=true pd=3

Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service

Retrieving Nodes

Starting the Logical Device Updater Service

Binding the UPnP Device

Starting the Logger Service

Starting Network Subsystem

Starting the She

Please Log in



Starting the Device

Starting Device Communications Services

Initializing the Driver

PLM: E.DB.1 v92


Starting the Schedule/Trigger Service

Starting the SSDP Agent

Starting the Secure Web Server

Starting Telnet Service

Starting ELK Services

Configuring Internet Access

Looking For an Internet Gateway


Refreshing Device Configurations

Starting Module Services

Query All Devices



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Hi jerlands,


The light sensor will not send a command until there is no motion for 3 1/2 minutes AND then the light level changes.


To experiment put the little devil in a drawer or cabinet for >3 1/2 minutes.




The device status is cleared when upgrading to a new image. The motion sensor will have to signal a dusk or dawn message based on current ambient light versus the dusk/dawn light level setting before the ISY knows the dusk/dawn state. If the node does not yet show status the motion sensor has not crossed a dusk/dawn threshold. The motion sensor cannot be Queried because a battery device sleeps.


I thought something like that but I woke it by putting it in link mode, activated the motion sensor and then placed it in light but none caused it display. Also, now none of the functions, "Dusk/Dawn," "Sensor" or "Low Battery" are displaying the current state.


I rebooted and now "Low Battery" and "Sensor" display.

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Stop rebooting. I don't know about the motion part but for sure it takes ~3.5 minutes of consistent ambient light before it will signal dusk/dawn. The motion sensor documents this characteristic so that car lights and such will not change the dusk/dawn state. I place mine face down and cover with a dark paper to test dusk/dawn. Placing in a drawer is also a good idea.



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I just read through some of the earlier posts and noticed that it was stated that the server was chopping off pieces of the download so I downloaded the file again and am still experiencing the same problems.


The file size as shown in file manager both before and after re-downloading is 3,255 KB.


Since I have upgraded using an apparently corrupt file how do I recover from this? I tried using my backup and reverting back to 2.8.8 but now I always get an error.

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Stop rebooting. I don't know about the motion part but for sure it takes ~3.5 seconds of consistent ambient light before it will signal dusk/dawn. The motion sensor documents this characteristic so that car lights and such will not change the dusk/dawn state. I place mine face down and cover with a dark paper to test dusk/dawn. Placing in a drawer is also a good idea.




Yep... I know about the 3.5 min... and though I'm gonna turn the "motion sensor" to signal on only I have it set to respond on/off and with .5 min delay but still even with that setting the "Sensor" current state wasn't displaying earlier. All functions are now displaying their current state so... I don't really understand what's going on.

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You can see definitively whether the motion sensor is sending a dusk/dawn message by turning on the Event Viewer with the Device communications events option and watching for a Group 2 message from the motion sensor. The Group 2 message indicates a dusk/dawn ambient light level change.


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 13 02 LTOFFRR(02)


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : Duplicate: ignored


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 13 02 LTOFFRR(02): Process Message: failed


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 12.9F.E4 41 13 02 LTOFFRR(02)


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [standard-Cleanup][13.F2.57-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0



A snippet from my Event Trace showing Group 2 Off. That 3.5 minutes is an approx time. I would give it at 5 minutes before looking at a motion sensor problem.



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I had not paid attention to it until Rand noted it in his post. The motion sensor waits 3.5 minutes from the last motion message before sending a dusk/dawn message. The motion Off occurred at 11:04:53 with the dusk/dawn message occurring at 11:08:27. The motion sensor had been under a desk lamp for much more than 3.5 minutes but sent the dusk/dawn Off message only after 3.5 minutes of NO motion messages.


Thanks Rand. I’ve said this many times before, hardly a day goes by where I don’t learn something new.


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.01 C7 13 01 LTOFFRR(01)


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : Duplicate: ignored


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.01 C7 13 01 LTOFFRR(01): Process Message: failed


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [standard-Group][13.F2.57-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 12.9F.E4 41 13 01 LTOFFRR(01)


Wed 12/22/2010 11:04:53 AM : [standard-Cleanup][13.F2.57-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Wed 12/22/2010 11:08:27 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 13.F2.57 00.00.02 C7 13 02 LTOFFRR(02)



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I had not paid attention to it until Rand noted it in his post. The motion sensor waits 3.5 minutes from the last motion message before sending a dusk/dawn message.




The Wiki states: Dusk/Dawn requires a change to persist for 3.5 minutes before transmitting a command.


I think it's independent of motion.. I hope. At least that would make sense if you were to use it outside to detect dusk/dawn in a low trafficked area.


Still haven't got the dang thing set to the light levels I want but it does work.. The graphic's for the current state seem buggy to me but that may just be me.

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Hi Michel,


Upgraded to 2.8.9 from 2.8.8. Twice, to get it to take and indicate 2.8.9 under 'about'.


Cleared Java cache, grabbed 2.8.9 admin applet.


Currently all load devices show a ! and all scenes and sub buttons show writes pending.


Checked PLM under diagnostics, shows "13.24.CB v92/Connected"


Load carrying devices don't respond to on/off commands within the admin console. I only mention this because under 2.8.8 I had a switch with a ! in the console, but everything other than "on" would function. Fast on, fast off, dim, etc.


Currently, nothing responds or shows status. Also, local ramp rates now show 9 mins, which I assume has to do with lack of communication with the device.


Just thought I'd post up here to see if there's a known path to take before I just start resetting everything.



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Do not reset the ISY.


Right click on the top node of a device with the red ! and select "Write Updates to Device". Could take a few minutes depending on how much is pending. If it works for that device, do the same thing for the next. It sounds like the ISY lost communication with the PLM somewhere along the line or the PLM is hung up and not communicating with the powerline. If the Write updates does not work, power cycle the PLM and try again after a few minutes to give the PLM a chance to get back up completely.



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Try clearing your java cache again and logon using the




I did an update once and accidentally used the wrong version number in the java applet http and it opened a non-functioning console just like you describe. Once correcting that, all was fine.


If this does let you logon, try redownloading the firmware and doing another install.

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PLM power cycle, no change.


Cleared cache, tried https:// route.


I can see the ISY, but there is no response to loads or scenes.


I've never been able to access the admin screen in a browser (Mac issue I guess) so I can't check it through this method.


I reinstalled the admin app and was systematically met with "cannot communicate - check connections" for every device on my network again.



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There seem to be some changes to the way dusk/dawn and motion sensor react in version 2.8.9.

There is no status until the first cycle. Before it seems that there was always a value and if not the query device would put a value in. I understand that the battery devices can’t be queried but at least there was a value.

With 22 motion sensors, some in rooms that are only occupied once a week or so it creates a problem with some of the programs after every reboot of the ISY.

Is there any way to put the last value in after the reboot even if it is not the correct value it would be better that no value?

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PLM power cycle, no change.


Cleared cache, tried https:// route.


I can see the ISY, but there is no response to loads or scenes.


I've never been able to access the admin screen in a browser (Mac issue I guess) so I can't check it through this method.


I reinstalled the admin app and was systematically met with "cannot communicate - check connections" for every device on my network again.




If you could communicate with everything fine before the firware update and now you can't, I doubt resetting devices will work since you would just be writing the same thing back to the devices. But my bet is that you won't be able to write to them anyway.


Will it let you reinstall the firmare? Try downloading a fresh copy and install that again.

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Hello GeorgeRufle,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Please do be kind enough to contact us (support@universal-devcies.com) and we'll figure out what's going on.


Hello Steigs,


We had two other cases of PLM failure ... this said, however, I would like to checkout your system before concluding anything. Please do be kind enough to contact our support and we'll try to figure out what's going on.


We may have found the problem with the upgrade; it has to do with our certificate. We should have this rectified.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Thanks, I will contact support.


Interestingly, my evening sunset program just ran fine although the admin console still shows no connections.




Edit: Service ticket logged


Admin console seems to indicate the ISY might be 'rebuilding' itself. After my sunset program ran I checked it again and the majority of my devices are back to normal status.


Obviously, this is great, but I still don't know what took it down. Hopefully a chat with tech will sort things out and get the rest back online.

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It would be very helpful to be able to force-set a dusk status on 2420M devices.


Even is the setting was only within the ISY it would help for program execution, etc.


I run mine with a transformer permanently wired in, so I cannot take it and put it in a drawer to reset the dusk setting.


Thanks ...




Hi jerlands,


The light sensor will not send a command until there is no motion for 3 1/2 minutes AND then the light level changes.


To experiment put the little devil in a drawer or cabinet for >3 1/2 minutes.




The device status is cleared when upgrading to a new image. The motion sensor will have to signal a dusk or dawn message based on current ambient light versus the dusk/dawn light level setting before the ISY knows the dusk/dawn state. If the node does not yet show status the motion sensor has not crossed a dusk/dawn threshold. The motion sensor cannot be Queried because a battery device sleeps.


I thought something like that but I woke it by putting it in link mode, activated the motion sensor and then placed it in light but none caused it display. Also, now none of the functions, "Dusk/Dawn," "Sensor" or "Low Battery" are displaying the current state.


I rebooted and now "Low Battery" and "Sensor" display.

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Something is up with linking to MorningLinc. Trying to add the device manually does not ISY does not appear to attempt. I was however able to add the unit by doing "start linking" and then pressing the set button on the MorningLinc.


However when I try to control it from ISY the morninglinc does not respond.


Event view shows something about duplicates:


(clicked on in console:)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [ 16 82 31 1] ST 255


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF): Received an ACK for a different device


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [ 16 82 31 2] ST 255


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : Duplicate: ignored


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF): Process Message: failed


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:12 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2






(clicked off in console)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [ 16 82 31 1] ST 0


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 00 06 LTONRR (00): Received an ACK for a different device


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [ 16 82 31 2] ST 0


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF)


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : Duplicate: ignored


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF): Process Message: failed


Thu 12/23/2010 05:27:35 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2



Could use a little help trying to decipher the log here please.




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ok removed and re-added the MorningLinc control (3rd time) but this time after removing it I did not try to manually add it and went straight to the "start linking" method selecting w/ the add existing links option (as I had used before).


It re-added after a few scrolls of status bar and now its working.


Event logs to compare:

clicked on in console: lock locked


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:12 PM : [ 16 82 31 1] ST 255


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:12 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF)


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:12 PM : [ 16 82 31 2] ST 255


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:13 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF)


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:13 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:13 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.A0.AE 0F.D9.29 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:13 PM : [standard-Cleanup][11.A0.AE-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Thu 12/23/2010 06:48:13 PM : [ 11 A0 AE 1] DON 1




clicked off in console: lock unlocked

Thu 12/23/2010 06:52:15 PM : [ 16 82 31 1] ST 0


Thu 12/23/2010 06:52:15 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 16.82.31 0F 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


Thu 12/23/2010 06:52:15 PM : [ 16 82 31 2] ST 0


Thu 12/23/2010 06:52:15 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.82.31 0F.D9.29 2B 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Thu 12/23/2010 06:52:15 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][16.82.31-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2






so steps to reproduce are:

*attempt to add morning linc manually via "add device" .. it fails

*go to "start linking" choose option to keep links, push set on device, click ok

**Unit will add and appear to be controllable but communication will not work

*remove morning linc device

*go to start linking, press setbutton on device, choose option to keep links and click ok

**Unit will add and communication works :)


note: This is my 2nd morning linc. Had added other under 2.8.7 and ran into same issue where I had to use "start linking" method.




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