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ISY freeze after reboot, sometimes


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I have had an ongoing problem since I purchased the ISY from SH about 2 years ago that I haven’t been able to rectify. The ISY was an 99i but have since upgraded it to 99ir pro with the addition of the ir module and online pro upgrade and is running v2.8.9. The plm is 2412s v.92


If I remove power from the plm (ISY’s plm) for more than 8-10 seconds then reconnect power there is a good chance that the ISY will freeze up during the boot process (seems like just before it would normally start to query devices). This happens probably 5 out of 10 times. Usually, but not always, if I cycle the power for less than 5 seconds the ISY will boot up properly. There has been no indication of any rhyme or reason to when or how it will freeze up, or why. The freeze up has been worse in the last 6 months than it was at first.


When the ISY freezes up the Pwr, TX and RX LED’s are all lit solid. The wiki describes the condition of RX lit solid as a problem with the plm or cable, but it doesn’t describe the TX LED on solid or both RX and TX on solid.


I have replaced the plm with my other new spare, no difference. I have also replaced the cable twice with no difference either. I also have added the wall power supply to feed the ISY power but that didn’t help either. The error log doesn't indicate a problem either.


At first it seemed it would only occur when unplugging the plm, not when rebooting from the admin console but a couple of days ago it did freeze when I rebooted from the console.


It hasn’t been a huge deal but my fear is one day when I am out of town and there is a power interruption…….


Any suggestions?




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Hi Michel,


1) PLM 2412S v3.3 (v.92)


2) Have had malfunction with and without the external power supply (doesn't seem to matter).


3) ISY 99ir pro v2.8.9


4) Yes, 1 EZFlora device with new updates from SHN. No, I haven't tried removing it (didn't know it could cause this problem). Do I have to remove from the ISY (a lot of work to reinstall) or can I simply unplug it?


If it matters I have 1 EZIO6 and 1 EZIO2x4 as well.




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Hi Tim,


Thanks. This is the issue:

With EZRain, ISY tries to initialize it so that it can communicate with ISY. Thsi is done at reboot and if ISY cannot communicate with it, it seems that it's hung. But, if you wait about 2 minutes (all the retries) it would come back on.


So, instead of removing EZRain, try to reproduce the problem and wait between 2 to 3 minutes. If it works, then we know the problem is one of the EZRains.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like an EZIO6 I recently was having problems with may have been the cause of, or at least contributed to this problem. Since removing the ez I have not had one single lock up after rebooting. Pretty strange right. I cant explain it but am happy with the outcome.




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Hi Michel,


Yes, no problem. I am just really glad that I can powercycle the ISY/PLM and walk away knowing full well that it will reboot fully now!


I am going to send it in for repair once you are finished with it, but not in a huge hurry so take all the time you need.




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