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Device off then on/repeat error


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Since switching to the ISY from houselinc I have been getting an occational error when turning off a scene whereby one or more devices in teh scene begin cycling on and off. The only way to stop is to reset the device (if a switch) or unplug (if a lamp or appliancelink).


This never happened in over 18 months of service on the network until I installed the ISY. Any help is much appreciated.





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I am so sorry to hear this. Quick questions:


1. How do you turn on/off your scene?

2. Do you have more than one program that controls that scene?

3. Are your devices relays or does this happen on dimmers as well?

4. Do you have ELK configured?

5. And, what version of the firmware are you running?


With kind regards,



Since switching to the ISY from houselinc I have been getting an occational error when turning off a scene whereby one or more devices in teh scene begin cycling on and off. The only way to stop is to reset the device (if a switch) or unplug (if a lamp or appliancelink).


This never happened in over 18 months of service on the network until I installed the ISY. Any help is much appreciated.





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Scene control related to this issue is keypadlink

i have shut down the homelink software and now have unplugged the USB powerlink connected to that computer.

the issue happens with all devices including loadside keypadlink, switchlinks, appliancelinks, and lamplinks.

yes i do have an ELK M1G that triggers certain insteon devices when zone status changes such as (when it is dark outside, and kitchen french door is unsecure, turn on back porch light)


if you are refering to the ISY i am on 2.6 and this issues started at 2.4 when it was first installed. if you are refering to the M1G it is on 4.4.6


Steve Lee at SH told me the same thing happened to him and that it was a bad link (not certain how this causes mutliple devices that are linked to cycle on and off) but he said that is what fixed it. i have linked in every device previously linked (i believe) and it still is happening.

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Hello Eric,


Would you be kind enough to simply unplug your M1XEP (or make ELK's IP address blank in ISY config) and let me know if you still have this problem? Also, please do make sure to have all the Future bits set in ELK RP.


With kind regards,



Scene control related to this issue is keypadlink

i have shut down the homelink software and now have unplugged the USB powerlink connected to that computer.

the issue happens with all devices including loadside keypadlink, switchlinks, appliancelinks, and lamplinks.

yes i do have an ELK M1G that triggers certain insteon devices when zone status changes such as (when it is dark outside, and kitchen french door is unsecure, turn on back porch light)


if you are refering to the ISY i am on 2.6 and this issues started at 2.4 when it was first installed. if you are refering to the M1G it is on 4.4.6


Steve Lee at SH told me the same thing happened to him and that it was a bad link (not certain how this causes mutliple devices that are linked to cycle on and off) but he said that is what fixed it. i have linked in every device previously linked (i believe) and it still is happening.

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I had the same issues and had to redo all of my rules in the ELK since they were corrupted when I did an import from the ISY. After that they were fine.

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Interesting thing happened to me using ELK too. I have an xep that connects ISY to the ELK via my network. I use rules in ELk to trigger certain lights.


I am always trying to learn more about other types of HA so I also added a elk to OnQ ALC interface and a few OnQ ALC switches. I did not think this would cause any issue as the OnQ uses cat 5 not powerline for communications.


The problem......if I turn on an OnQ switch, several of my insteon lights will respond and one of my buttons will change from being an off command to an on command. I know this is a situation that no one should loose any sleep over but I'm guessing the reason this happens has something to do with ELK not insteon of ISY.


If i want to mess with the OnQ stuff, I just unlug ISY from the network switch and this does not happen.

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Interesting thing happened to me using ELK too. I have an xep that connects ISY to the ELK via my network. I use rules in ELk to trigger certain lights.


I am always trying to learn more about other types of HA so I also added a elk to OnQ ALC interface and a few OnQ ALC switches. I did not think this would cause any issue as the OnQ uses cat 5 not powerline for communications.


The problem......if I turn on an OnQ switch, several of my insteon lights will respond and one of my buttons will change from being an off command to an on command. I know this is a situation that no one should loose any sleep over but I'm guessing the reason this happens has something to do with ELK not insteon of ISY.


If i want to mess with the OnQ stuff, I just unlug ISY from the network switch and this does not happen.


Check for an overlap in X-10 address's and also you might wantto factory reset all of your Insteon devices to clear stray X-10 test address's from the factory.

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Future bit all set. I did zero out the IP address in the ISY. The on state cycle does not happen all the time and although appears to happen more often when scenes are rapidly turned on/off/on. i will attempt to force the error and get back to this thread.

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  • 7 months later...

I noticed this is happening again. Occasionaly if there is a lot of traffic some of the lights start to cycle continuously. I tried unplugging the ELK ethernet connection and it still kep cycling. I unplugged the ISY ethernet connection and it also kept cycling. The only way to stop it is to unplug the ISY and plug it back in.


I dont remember the version of ISY firmware I am using but I have not updated it in months since everything works fine as far as the ISY goes (except possibly this if it is in fact ISY related). Has there been anything in ISY firmware that might address this or any other changes? I am running the latest ELK firmware on all ELK devices.

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Hey Digger. will let the UD folk answer about the ISY software but i can give you somewhat of an update. the error occurs with ot without the ELK IP plugged into the ISY. it happens fairly consistantly when you quickly turn on/off/on scenes. the error passes to the switch memory which executes a number of cycles (about 15 minutes or so in my guess) and then seems to clear. i only let it do this twice to see if it would clear and do not have the pateince so i airgap each of the switches in the scene and that clears teh error - all functions fine afterwards.


i can tell you that i ran with just eth ELK and homelink software with no issue. almost the day i installed the ISY is when this started. it is almost like there is a reflection of the commands that bounces between the ELK and ISY resulting in the device reading it as a repeat command, stacked commands, or something of that sort. anyway, i am not an expert, just play one on tv.


- Eric

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I am so very sorry to hear this. Would you be kind enough to do a test? Whenever this happens, open the event viewer on level 2, save the log, and send it to us. This way, at the least we'll know where the problem is coming from.


With kind regards,



I noticed this is happening again. Occasionaly if there is a lot of traffic some of the lights start to cycle continuously. I tried unplugging the ELK ethernet connection and it still kep cycling. I unplugged the ISY ethernet connection and it also kept cycling. The only way to stop it is to unplug the ISY and plug it back in.


I dont remember the version of ISY firmware I am using but I have not updated it in months since everything works fine as far as the ISY goes (except possibly this if it is in fact ISY related). Has there been anything in ISY firmware that might address this or any other changes? I am running the latest ELK firmware on all ELK devices.

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Please do be kind enough to open Event Viewer on level 2, capture the log, and send it to us. Older versions of HouseLinc did not support Group commands.


With kind regards,



Hey Digger. will let the UD folk answer about the ISY software but i can give you somewhat of an update. the error occurs with ot without the ELK IP plugged into the ISY. it happens fairly consistantly when you quickly turn on/off/on scenes. the error passes to the switch memory which executes a number of cycles (about 15 minutes or so in my guess) and then seems to clear. i only let it do this twice to see if it would clear and do not have the pateince so i airgap each of the switches in the scene and that clears teh error - all functions fine afterwards.


i can tell you that i ran with just eth ELK and homelink software with no issue. almost the day i installed the ISY is when this started. it is almost like there is a reflection of the commands that bounces between the ELK and ISY resulting in the device reading it as a repeat command, stacked commands, or something of that sort. anyway, i am not an expert, just play one on tv.


- Eric

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  • 2 weeks later...

Similar situation happened yesterday. I have a KPL secondary button linked to a switchlinc for my workshop (one of the two that show up as KPL's in the ISY GUI now). When I tried turning the light on from the KPL button the switchlinc went on immediatly and the KPL button flashes continuously for hours (not for a few minutes as if it was a comm failure because it did not hear an ack etc.). I factory reset the KPL and restored it and tried again with same results. If I unplug the ISY and plug it back in it stops flashing.


Other times the load would flash but not this time with the new switchlinc installed.


Just an observation in case someone else sees this. No need to dig into this for my situation at least (its the least of my Insteon headaches).

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Hi Digger,


Thanks so very much for the feedback. I must admit that I have seen this problem with KPLs 1.5 and 1.6 OR Elk configuration issues. But, in all cases, removing ISY didn't really have any impacts.


We will surely take another look.


Thanks again and with kind regards,



Similar situation happened yesterday. I have a KPL secondary button linked to a switchlinc for my workshop (one of the two that show up as KPL's in the ISY GUI now). When I tried turning the light on from the KPL button the switchlinc went on immediatly and the KPL button flashes continuously for hours (not for a few minutes as if it was a comm failure because it did not hear an ack etc.). I factory reset the KPL and restored it and tried again with same results. If I unplug the ISY and plug it back in it stops flashing.


Other times the load would flash but not this time with the new switchlinc installed.


Just an observation in case someone else sees this. No need to dig into this for my situation at least (its the least of my Insteon headaches).

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  • 3 months later...

I just wanted to add that I have this problem as well. Latest firmware on ISY and Elk.


Wiped out all of my Elk rules and created just one. It triggers a simple ISY scene when the front door is open. Basically it’s just a ‘Foyer Light On’ when the door is open.


Now I notice various lights randomly turn on and off throughout the day.

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What version of ELK firmware do you have? It's been reported that 5.1.8 is the cause. To make sure ELK is not the culprit, please go to the configuration tab and remove ELK M1XEP's IP address from configuration (and thus ISY does not communicate with ELK).


With kind regards,



I just wanted to add that I have this problem as well. Latest firmware on ISY and Elk.


Wiped out all of my Elk rules and created just one. It triggers a simple ISY scene when the front door is open. Basically it’s just a ‘Foyer Light On’ when the door is open.


Now I notice various lights randomly turn on and off throughout the day.

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What version of ELK firmware do you have? It's been reported that 5.1.8 is the cause. To make sure ELK is not the culprit, please go to the configuration tab and remove ELK M1XEP's IP address from configuration (and thus ISY does not communicate with ELK).


With kind regards,



5.1.8 has been around for a while now. Any hope that we will see a fix in the near future? Is this in Elk's court?

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Hello accessha,


Here's the post: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1751


What happens when you remove ELK's IP from ISY?


With kind regards,




What version of ELK firmware do you have? It's been reported that 5.1.8 is the cause. To make sure ELK is not the culprit, please go to the configuration tab and remove ELK M1XEP's IP address from configuration (and thus ISY does not communicate with ELK).


With kind regards,



5.1.8 has been around for a while now. Any hope that we will see a fix in the near future? Is this in Elk's court?

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accessha, do you have the ability to downgrade your firmware to 5.1.4 for a couple of days and see what happens? I am having issues with spontaneous lighting state changes with 5.1.8, but they do go away when I downgrade. I think Don Lamb and Michel are still trying to get to the bottom of it, but I don't know if my situation is unique or there is a broader issue, but it sounds as though your issue may be similar


Everything works fine when I remove the IP... not the solutions I was hoping for though.
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