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ToggleLinc Double-Click?


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Using ToggleLinc Relay switches (#2466S), I want to create a scene/program where one switch can turn others on, but only when I want. I thought I had read somewhere that you can do a double-click on this switch?


In my garage, I have 4 sets of lights, each set controlled by a 2466S. There is one switch which I would like to turn on all the others, but only if I double-click it up, and turn everything off if I double-click down.


I can't find any reference here or in the Smarthome documentation about this double-click functionality. I'd be looking to program my ISY-99 to read the double-click on the one switch, then turn the other 3 on.

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Hi johnmsch,


I use this:


       Control 'Basement / Stairs' is switched Fast On
    Or Control 'Basement / Overhead Fluorescent' is switched Fast On

       Set Scene 'Basement / ~Basement Overheads' On
       Set Scene 'Basement / ~Basement Stairs Scene' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Is there something that prevents the double-click functionality from working every time? I setup the program below, but it doesn't always work. I can double-click the switch up, and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I've already had a few times where I would double-click up, wait a few seconds, but nothing happens. I do it a second time, still nothing. Then, on the 3rd try it will work. I just don't understand what's going on here!



Control 'Garage - Right Side' is switched Fast On



Set 'Garage - Right Side' On

Set 'Garage - Left Side' On

Set 'Garage - Rear' On

Set 'Shop Fan' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3 or Device Communications Event. Look at the command being sent by the Togglelinc. The timing of a double tap on a ToggleLinc has been a problem. The device may be sending one or two On commands rather than a Fast On.



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Turned logging on, double-clicked the paddle up, and here is the log:


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 17.A7.D2 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [standard-Group][17.A7.D2-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [ 17 A7 D2 1] DON 0


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 17.A7.D2 0F.9D.40 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [standard-Cleanup][17.A7.D2-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 17.A7.D2 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [standard-Group][17.A7.D2-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:40 PM : [ 17 A7 D2 1] DON 0


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:41 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 17.A7.D2 0F.9D.40 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)


Mon 02/21/2011 06:49:41 PM : [standard-Cleanup][17.A7.D2-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


No idea what all this means, but the only switch I see being referenced is the one I double-clicked, which is address 17.A7.D2, named "Garage - Right Side". Here is its program:



Control 'Garage - Right Side' is switched Fast On


Set 'Garage - Left Side' On

Set 'Garage - Rear' On

Set 'Shop Fan' On


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Is there anything in the log above that shows that the ISY even recognized the double-click?



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The ToggleLinc is sending On commands, not Fast On commands. The 11 in the follow excerpt is the ON command. The LTONRR is the ISY interpretation of the command. It will reflect FastOn and where there is now an 11, it will be a 12 (Fast On command) when you are successful in double tapping the toggle.


11 00 LTONRR


Tap the toggle twice FASTER to create a Fast On.



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Slower never works. When the toggle is pressed the ToggleLincs normal response is to send an On command or Off command as the case may be. This happens rather quickly, otherwise there would be a delay in the devices turning On or Off. You have to tap the toggle the second time very quickly, before the ToggleLinc can send the On command. When done quickly, the On command is changed to a Fast On command. I have heard other folks have the same problem with a toggle. It is easier to double tap a paddle or KPL button than to move the toggle Up or Down twice quickly. It can be done but it must be done quickly. Once the ToggleLinc sends the On command the opportunity to convert to a Fast On is lost.


Keep the Event Viewer active and practice double tapping the toggle until you see a consistent Fast On command in the trace.



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This is what an Event Viewer trace looks like when the ToggleLinc sends a Fast On.


Mon 02/21/2011 09:43:46 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 15.2A.1C 00.00.01 CB 12 00 LTON-F (00)


The 12 is a Fast On command and the ISY interpretation is LTON-F for Fast On.



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Thanks again for the replies and tips Lee, but I'm just not getting a consistent response from the switch. I double-click it at the same rate each time (about the same speed as a computer mouse double-click), but it only seems to work about once out of every 4 tries. I even programmed 2 of the other new switches to do something on a double-click, and its the same on all of them.


I guess I'll just have to give up my plans for using the double-click functionality. I can't rely on something that only works "sometimes"



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Hi johnmsch,


We also have the opportunity to watch for On-On or Off-Off.


       Control 'Basement / Stairs' is switched Fast Off
    Or (
            Status  'Basement / Stairs' is Off
        And Control 'Basement / Stairs' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Basement / ~Basement Stairs Low' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Hi johnsmsch,


Your experience is consistent with mine.


As others have stated, the double-flip must be very quick. I learned I must stand to the side a bit, rest the heel of my hand on the switch faceplate and flip the toggle as quickly as possible.


I tried using faston and fastoff with several togglelincs. I discovered that some units were more difficult to use than others but I could never be assured that a quick double-flip would result in a "fast" command.


For my use, I can tolerate a failure because I use both faston and fastoff to toggle a "vacation" state. I keep double-flipping until it works. I use the beep function to notify me if it worked. One beep means the state is turned off. Three beeps means the state is turned on.


Here are the two programs that perform the functions:


TURN ON vacation mode:

       Program 'Vacation Status' is False
   And (
            Control 'Den Light' is switched Fast On
         Or Control 'Den Light' is switched Fast Off

       Run Program 'Vacation Scheduling Start' (Then Path)
       Set 'Den Light' 250 (Beep Duration)
       Set 'Den Light' 250 (Beep Duration)
       Set 'Den Light' 250 (Beep Duration)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

TURN OFF vacation mode:

       Program 'Vacation Status' is True
   And (
            Control 'Den Light' is switched Fast On
         Or Control 'Den Light' is switched Fast Off

       Run Program 'Vacation Scheduling Stop' (Then Path)
       Set 'Den Light' 250 (Beep Duration)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The scheduling start and stop programs control the value of 'Vacation Status'.

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Hi johnmsch,


We also have the opportunity to watch for On-On or Off-Off.


       Control 'Basement / Stairs' is switched Fast Off
    Or (
            Status  'Basement / Stairs' is Off
        And Control 'Basement / Stairs' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Basement / ~Basement Stairs Low' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I think we have a winner here! That should work perfectly. I'm going to leave out the Off/Off for a day or two, just to see if I can get the hang of double-clicking. But if that fails, the technique above should do the trick.



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Hi johnsmsch,


Your experience is consistent with mine.


As others have stated, the double-flip must be very quick. I learned I must stand to the side a bit, rest the heel of my hand on the switch faceplate and flip the toggle as quickly as possible.



I'm trying to picture how you are doing this. Are you actually holding on to the paddle the whole time you double-click? If so, I haven't tried it that way. I do the double-click much the way you do a mouse, where I just slap the paddle twice. Now I'm wondering if the relay responds differently that way vs holding the paddle.


I use the beep function to notify me if it worked. One beep means the state is turned off. Three beeps means the state is turned on.


Haven't heard of that before. Looks like I have some homework to do. Does this "beep" function actually emit an audible beep from the switch?


Thanks for the info and ideas!



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The togglelinc relay does have a beep function. The beep is not very loud. The device emits one or more beeps when you hold up the paddle to link it to the ISY or other devices.


The program statement allows you to specify the beep duration but as far as I can tell that parameter does not have any effect.


I'm trying to picture how you are doing this. Are you actually holding on to the paddle the whole time you double-click? If so, I haven't tried it that way. I do the double-click much the way you do a mouse, where I just slap the paddle twice. Now I'm wondering if the relay responds differently that way vs holding the paddle.

I do not hold onto the paddle. I rest my hand against the faceplate, put my index finger under or over the paddle and flip the finger twice as fast as possible. Obviously the switch does not care how I hold my hand but that is what I need to do to toggle it fast enough.

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The togglelinc relay does have a beep function. The beep is not very loud. The device emits one or more beeps when you hold up the paddle to link it to the ISY or other devices.


The program statement allows you to specify the beep duration but as far as I can tell that parameter does not have any effect.



I'm going to play with it tonight.


I do not hold onto the paddle. I rest my hand against the faceplate, put my index finger under or over the paddle and flip the finger twice as fast as possible. Obviously the switch does not care how I hold my hand but that is what I need to do to toggle it fast enough.


Have you gotten to the point where it works every time? I'm really frustrated with this functionality!

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I too have difficulty with the Fast-On/Off and it would never pass the wife test. The combination of the following three programs works flawlessly.





Control 'Small Bedroom' is switched Off



Run Program 'VirtualFlag' (Then Path)

Wait 3 seconds

Run Program 'VirtualFlag' (Else Path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')







Control 'Small Bedroom' is switched Off

And Program 'VirtualFlag' is True




(put the Commands here i.e "run program")

Run Program '"Run your program here"' (Then Path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')







- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Have you gotten to the point where it works every time? I'm really frustrated with this functionality!

No. During tests I could successfully switch faston or fastoff several times in a row and I would begin to think I had finally learned the secret -- then it would fail several times in a row.


I agree with northportphoneguy, it does not pass the wife test.


I use keypad buttons to set vacation mode reliably but I keep this one switch programmed as described above because I can turn off the mode from my den where no keypad is close by. I endure the double-flip frustration because it saves me a few steps.


I may replace my code with what Rand or northportphoneguy suggested.

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