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Insteon Power Line Modem (PLM) Versions/Wrong PLMs Shipped

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There is so many stcikers on the back.

1st sticker: v2.0

2nd sticker: Rev 2.3, Firm 4A


How do I identify if my Insteon Power Line Modem has the correct firmware?


What should I do to fix the PLC if the firmware is wrong?


Excellent question since there are still cases where SmartHome is sending out the wrong PLMs :


1. What you should look for is FIRM 4A . Anything except this firmware is the wrong version of the PLM (especially FIRM 2.4) and, in all likelihood, will not work with ISY


2. If you have a PLM with any version except FIRM 4A , you need to get a replacement since PLMs are not field upgradeable.


In order to get a new PLM from SmartHome, please contact SmartHome's

Product Tech Support

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET

Sat: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. ET

Sun: 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. ET

1.800.762.7846, opt. 6



Please make sure to request an MA30 form which basically enables you to receive a new PLM first and then return the old one back within 30 days and all free of charge .


If you get any push backs, please contact us immediately at tech@universal-devices.com or 818.631.0333 and we'll send you a new one.


With kind regards,

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Excellent question since there are still cases where SmartHome is sending out the wrong PLMs :

the one i got saturday was firm 2.4 - rev 1.9 - bummerlinc - michael is replacing it with a new one (kudos universal devices) - it should arrive wednesday


in preparation for the isy, i deleted all the x10 addresses from the insteon devices i have installed, removed the dryer outlet phase coupler, both new boosterlincs, keyfob transeiver and my beloved timerlinc - i also replaced all the leviton x10 outlets (with intellisense! whatever that is) with standard outlets

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Excellent question since there are still cases where SmartHome is sending out the wrong PLMs :

the one i got saturday was firm 2.4 - rev 1.9 - bummerlinc - michael is replacing it with a new one (kudos universal devices) - it should arrive wednesday


in preparation for the isy, i deleted all the x10 addresses from the insteon devices i have installed, removed the dryer outlet phase coupler, both new boosterlincs, keyfob transeiver and my beloved timerlinc - i also replaced all the leviton x10 outlets (with intellisense! whatever that is) with standard outlets




You have your work cut out for you! Please do let us know if we can be of any assistance!


With regards,

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woo hoolinc


installed the new isy with the plm (with the correct firmware level) today - i immediately upgraded the isy firmware from 1.8 to 2.0 - the only thing i have completed is to add all the devices and rename them - i was pleasantly surprised that the crawl function worked without any glitches (sorry universal nerdlincs - shoulda had more confidence in you and known it would work as represented) - i linked one keypadlinc and it added 23 of my insteon devices (i did not have lots of scenes set up but did have several buttons 'grouped') - it even reads the preset dim level and ramp rates for you

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I just received an ISY today and Smarthome also shipped me the wrong PLM. This basic errors with Smarthome are frustrating. Based on the responses that I have seen in the forum regarding Universal Devices' responses to these issues, I have been very impressed with their customer focused response. Hopefully they can help Smarthome to improve their 'kitting' process.

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  • 1 month later...

The unit I received friday 7/13 came with Rev 2.4 Firm 52. Aside from (apparently unrelated) h/w issues with the ISY unit itself firm 52 seems to work OK. Smarthome support told me explicitly (on saturday) that Firm 52 is known to work with the ISY-26 and should be OK.


Just a datapoint.

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We have just completed testing PLM firm 52 and it's Ok.


With regards,



The unit I received friday 7/13 came with Rev 2.4 Firm 52. Aside from (apparently unrelated) h/w issues with the ISY unit itself firm 52 seems to work OK. Smarthome support told me explicitly (on saturday) that Firm 52 is known to work with the ISY-26 and should be OK.


Just a datapoint.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm afraid the labeling has changed, so I have no idea what I have.


Mine is labeled Rev 2.9. I don't think there is a firmware revision level listed, or if it is, it's underneath the address sticker. I tried peeling up the address sticker, but it doesn't peel-away very neatly, and I couldn't see any printing underneath.


There's another sticker that says 2412S 0823.


Any other way to tell what I've got?

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Hello jtara92101,


Yes, you can use Tools->Diagnostics->PLM Status/Info.


With kind regards,



I'm afraid the labeling has changed, so I have no idea what I have.


Mine is labeled Rev 2.9. I don't think there is a firmware revision level listed, or if it is, it's underneath the address sticker. I tried peeling up the address sticker, but it doesn't peel-away very neatly, and I couldn't see any printing underneath.


There's another sticker that says 2412S 0823.


Any other way to tell what I've got?

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  • 2 months later...

Hello jtara92101,


It should be good. As long as you don't have 2412SH, then you should be OK (70%). There are cases where the 2412S PLMs have 2412SH firmware inside of them in which case, the only way to isolate comm issues is to get a replacement PLM.


With kind regards,





Good, bad, or ugly?

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Hello jtara92101,


It should be good. As long as you don't have 2412SH, then you should be OK (70%). There are cases where the 2412S PLMs have 2412SH firmware inside of them in which case, the only way to isolate comm issues is to get a replacement PLM.


With kind regards,



how could we figure out if we have 2412SH firmware in there?

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Currently, if you connect it to ISY, the following symptoms provide you with hints that it's HL2 firmware:

1. ISY goes to Safe Mode upon boot up (Tools->Diagnostics->PLM Status/Info shows Not Connected)

2. You see a lot of UNKNOWNs in the event viewer


With kind regards,



Hello jtara92101,


It should be good. As long as you don't have 2412SH, then you should be OK (70%). There are cases where the 2412S PLMs have 2412SH firmware inside of them in which case, the only way to isolate comm issues is to get a replacement PLM.


With kind regards,



how could we figure out if we have 2412SH firmware in there?

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  • 1 month later...

I just received my new ISY-99i with the 2412S plm from Smarthome. Everything seems to work except the plm will not send x10. It will send and receive insteon signals, and it will receive x10 signals but not send x10. The log from the isy indicates it is sending the x10 signal but nothing out of the plm.

The plm is #2412S rev 3.


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi -


Did you you post about this issue on Techmall as well? Just want to make sure you're the same guy. If not, we might have a couple people experiencing the same issue.




No that was not me. I am still looking for advice.




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Here is a little more information regarding the lack of x10 command output from the new 2412S. After checking the log again it does appear that my ISY-99i is sending the x10 command to the 2412S. While watching the white LED on the PLM it is normally not very bright and while it received communication from the ISY it flashes off and on. However, I believe that when the ISY is sending the x10 transmit data to the PLM the LED will turn on very bright for maybe .5 seconds then resume to its normal brightness. I have never seen the bright LED level while sending Insteon control signals, only when the ISY should be sending outbound x10 signals. Even if I send an x10 signal from an x10 controller the LED doesn’t light up brightly, it will just flash its normal brightness.


I had just received the ISY and the PLM from SH last Friday and was on the phone Tuesday with them. They also seemed to think the problem is in the PLM and are sending out a new PLM. I just received an email today from SM stating they are out of stock. I was expecting and hoping to have the system up and running again by the weekend. I guess that is out. Also, I wonder what are the odds the new PLM will have the same problem?


Is there anything else I could do or try? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance.


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I just recieved a new PLM for my new 99. Should I worry about the PLM not being proper or having bugs? Other than setting it up (which I have not done yet), is there any way to know its (PLM) validity? This is an upgrade from a 26 to a 99 and I'd rather not incorporate it if there is a chance of more PLM problems...


aLf :cry:

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