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trouble adding new Insteon switch to replace old one.

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I have 4 insteon dimmer switches to replace. I manually replaced for customer and now I want to use the 99i to replace them in the software. I have done this before without major issues.

However this time I cannot add the switches. I do get errors that controller cannot find old switches (that is a given since they were replaced).


not sure why I cannot add the switches this time. Also, not sure why controller would care about other switches if i'm just adding a new one and delete existing links.


something went wrong with this replacement. I have rebooted unit and also restarted the software many times.


any advice as to getting the switches added now? seems like a chicken and egg here.





I have more info on the error when trying to add new switch:

"failed writing device link

(KPL8 - Foyer - Big Light


again not sure why it is trying to write to other switches at the time of adding new switches.

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The old device was deleted from a Scene (“and delete existing linksâ€) after the device was physically removed?


If so that generated updates to the old device address to remove the link records from the old device. Those updates remain pending until the old device can be accessed.


The procedure for replacing a device is to add the new device, right click on the old device and select Replace olddevice with .... When done this way there are no powerline commands to the old device as it is assumed to be unavailable.



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Lee, I believe that is the flow I did and have done in the past.

1. change bad switch

2. go to 99i and add new

a. popup asks 3 questions ( I choose first option delete existion links.)

figured that is deleting any links in the new switch.

3. new switch added to 99i software.

4. select replace .

5. device replace with old one and now to check all links came through.



This time when I changed them I did not get past set 3. This is where I get the message of link issues with devices already on the system.


I guess I do not understand what went wrong this time and maybe I just got lucky the other times?



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Why are the devices being replaced?


It sounds like there was pending operations against some of the old devices before the switches were physically replaced. Perhaps communications problems with the old devices that the ISY has queued up.


If the old devices were not deleted from Scenes and a Replace With was not issued against the old devices, I would connect the old switches to an appliance cord and plug in the old devices. Let the ISY clear what ever pending operations exist. Then proceed with step 4.



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