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Don't understand why my Irrigation program ran today


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My irrigation program triggered today and logged the values to Email. Obviously, there's something I don't "get".


The logged values indicate that my irrigation requirement was at 0.2644 inches while my trigger was set at >= 0.35 inches. The program ran and completed (logged the irrigation end Email) despite the trigger value.


What am I missing? Do I need to copy the Irrigation requirement in order to use it as a condition?


Thank you,




       Time is  4:00:00AM
   And Module 'Climate' Irrigation Requirement >= 0.35
       Set 'Sprinkler-Relay' On
       Send Notification to 'Yahoo' content 'Irrigation Start'
       Wait  3 hours 
       Set 'Sprinkler-Relay' Off
       Irrigation - Cycle Complete
       Send Notification to 'Yahoo' content 'Irrigation End'
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Values logged at program start:

  • Date, Time, Deficit, ET0, Requirement
    2011/07/14, 04:00:01, 0.2644 inches, 0.119 inches/day, 0.2644 inches


Hello IM,


Would you please let me know if you received an email after cycle complete?


I think the problem is that the variables in the email are both pointing to water deficit (yesterday).


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


I had the same thought - no Joy.


I checked the "Irrigation Complete" Email and the Irrigation Requirement value had not changed. Unfortunately, this Email was generated immediately after I had issued the "cycle complete" command. The ISY had apparently not had time to update the value.


I was also logging data at 1 hour intervals. The interval prior to irrigation shows the "requirement" at .2644 inches. The interval after irrigation shows 0 inches (reset by the cycle complete command).


3 AM Log (Prior to Irrigation)

Date,Time,ET,Current_Temp,High_Temp,Low_Temp,Humidity,Wind_Speed_AVG,Wind_Speed,Pressure,Light,Rain_today,Dew Point, Irrigation Requirement, Water deficit

2011/07/14,03:00:25,0.1229 inches/day,62.2 °F,64 °F,62 °F,78 %,2 mph,3 mph,30.08 inches,0 %,0 inches, 55 °F, 0.2644 inches, 0.2644 inches


8 AM Log (After Irrigation - Irrigation requirement set to 0)

Date,Time,ET,Current_Temp,High_Temp,Low_Temp,Humidity,Wind_Speed_AVG,Wind_Speed,Pressure,Light,Rain_today,Dew Point, Irrigation Requirement, Water deficit

2011/07/14,08:00:25,0.1691 inches/day,62.7 °F,64 °F,61 °F,59 %,5 mph,4 mph,30.09 inches,7.4 %,0 inches, 48 °F, 0 inches, 0.2644 inches


I've been playing with test programs varying the "irrigation requirement" trigger. I had thought there might be a factor of 10 error somewhere. Again no joy. The following program still triggers with the irrigation requirement of .2612 as shown below. The irrigation requirement qualifier is limited to 20 inches - I can't test a factor of 100 (26.12 inches).


If I'm doing something wrong, I sure can't see it.


Update: I rearranged the condition to test for Irrigation Requirement < 20.00 Inches - the program does not run. Do we have a factor of 100 error here?





       Time is  3:36:00PM
   And Module 'Climate' Irrigation Requirement > 20.00
       Send Notification to 'Yahoo' content 'Irrigation Start'
       Wait  30 seconds
       Send Notification to 'Yahoo' content 'Irrigation End'
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




30 minute turnaround on a bug fix? I'd be willing to wager that's a new benchmark. I've become accustomed to excellent service from the UDI team, but will try not to hold you to this standard for future releases.


Confirmed proper triggering with V3.1.5. Using a .6281 Irrigation requirement, the ISY correctly evaluated a true (> .62) and a false (>.63) condition.


Thanks again for excellent support of an already outstanding product,





Fix verified with V3.1.5.


Confirmed proper triggering with V3.1.5. Using a .6281 Irrigation requirement, the ISY correctly evaluated a true (> .62) and a false (>.63) condition.


Thanks again for excellent support of an already outstanding product,


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