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Insteon Motion detectors REv.2.0


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Hi I just purchased four new insteon motion detectors REV.2.0 and can not get a status on ISY 99 for sensor or dusk/dawn,only a "OFF" status for low battery.The ISY version is 2.8.16.I do have status on some of my motions although all the battery indicators are showing low Battery.(Batteries are new) Any help?


Thanks Tim

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I entered the motion in Auto Discover or select the device type.I try to query battery that is still OFF and LOW.Dusk to dawn I used set options it does not matter if always or night only is check still no status.I Do have motions that show status.These are motions I just purchased.They all have the same # before the REV.# (1711)



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Hi Mike I Already tried that I think there is something wrong with the motions also.The problem is I have seven of them that just came in.I think they work to trigger a device but for some reason ISY does not acknowlege them.They all have the same assembly date.I do have other motions with the same version #.I call smarthomes to dicuss and the said to contact you.


Thanks Tim

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Hi Michel,


I have seven of the motion sensors 2420M. Long time back they used to alert in ISY with Low Batt signal before going completely out but now they do not anymore. I cannot recall exactly which ISY version used to display the low batt indicator. This was also way back when the low batt "on" would stay stuck in ISY after changing the battery in the motion sensors.


My sensors are a mix of old and v2.0. ISY usually receives their on/off status updates (maybe 90% of the time), motion sensors directly linked to switchlincs or kpls trigger near flawlessly (99.5% of the time).


would be great to increase the consistency of ISY reading motion sensors


would be great to have the low batt warning back



If I can help test something for you all here just let me know.




(isy99ir pro 3.1.6)


here are a few of the errors I noted from log related to motion sensors



Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 12:46:53 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 01:18:57 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 05:23:36 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 06:49:45 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 10:07:47 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 11:51:45 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 12:51:40 PM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 01:00:39 PM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 05:26:36 PM System -2

Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Sun 2011/09/04 08:47:41 PM System -2

GarageMotionLight Mon 2011/09/05 07:10:08 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Mon 2011/09/05 07:54:23 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Mon 2011/09/05 08:22:37 AM System -2

Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Mon 2011/09/05 11:18:52 AM System -2

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Correct. Looking back I do have a few prior warning emails from April of this year. Sometime after that I did have three units die of dead batts with no warning.


Looking now in the ISY current state of battery status is blank on all of them except for the one I just queried that now shows "off". Could it be that after a power cycle from prior version upgrade that the batt status just stayed as blank and never triggered to "On" ?



Entirely separate note on the -2 errors noted in log.

I have one motion sensor that is giving these pretty regularly. Few other devices on occasion give -2 but none give regular errors like this one. Noted that this Motion sensor is only linked to ISY, is about 10 feet from ISY's PLM, and has a few lithium batt.



Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 06:31:45 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 06:58:36 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 07:35:53 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 10:07:10 AM System -2

Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 10:08:07 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 10:46:31 AM System -2

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Hello junkycosmos,


ISY does not persist the state of devices. So, it's normal for you not to see the low bat state since Motion Sensor only sends when low bat is sensed (to save whatever remains of the battery).


The -2s are troublesome for Motion Sensors since they should not be responders. Would it be possible to remove one from ISY and then add it back in and see if you still get the persistent -2s?


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel


Thanks for the reply. Just removed the device and attempted to re-added it (remove links, auto discover type, specified address of 11.9F.F4).


After about 1 minute I was given the error

"Node not added - failed restoring device" Please see screen shot as it also mentions CLI WBug


Tried second time to add unit back in and received similar error, again after 3 scrolls of status bar.


Do I need to specify the device type ?


Noted too that I only recently added this particular sensor to the ISY about a wee back to replace one that completely died. This unit is "new" but was in the closet for a while and is a v1.1. The other units which show the occasional -2 have been on the network for a few months.



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Hi junkycosmos,


Thank you. Yes, you do need to choose the device type from the list.


The major problem with those -2s is that, I am assuming, they are being initiated by the Motion Sensor and they should NOT since Motion Sensors should be passive. I think this might be contributing to battery life because it seems that the motion sensor is not going to sleep.


With kind regards,


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understood and agreed


tried adding device 3rd time .. this with remove links, specified address, and specified unit (10.01 2420 Motion) and received a weird failure..



Took the motion sensor out of linking mode and retried the exact same steps as 3rd try above and it added quickly (6 seconds or so).


Now that sensor is re-added I will place back in original location and see if errors persist.


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Hello remedy1234,


I still have not heard back from SmartHome ... the thing is that I am not even sure a new Motion Sensor will fix this issue. I finally got the new Motion Sensor and I cannot reproduce any of these problems so it's quite hard to decide what the issue is.


Can you tell me the exact procedure you followed to add the Motion Sensor? Did you use the drop down and made sure your Motion Sensor is in programming mode?


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel


Good news to report here on the motion sensor and -2 errors. Since I deleted and successfully re-added to ISY above I had seen no more -2 errors from that motion sensor.


One item I failed to note prior was that I accidentally renamed my motion sensor the same name it was prior to removal. Had not thought much about it but later I noticed that the re-added motion sensor seemed to be automatically recognized by a few previous programs (batt low and dusk). Said otherwise the programs did not state "unspecified device" like I am used to seeing when a device is removed. Almost as if the programs automatically recognized the old previously deleted device and placed it back into the program when I re-added it. No big deal but I wanted to mention.



Separately I'll note that I do continue to see a few other -2 errors which date back long time from other units so I am curious actions I could take to clear those up eventually.



Sensors / MOfficeM2-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 10:46:31 AM System -2

Sensors / MOfficeM2-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 01:17:05 PM System -2

((removed and re-added MOfficeM2 sensor))

JeffOfficeFan2 Tue 2011/09/06 02:57:24 PM System -2

MOfficeR Tue 2011/09/06 04:27:37 PM System -2

Sensors / SunPorch-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 06:07:54 PM System -2

Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Tue 2011/09/06 06:26:50 PM System -2

Sensors / MasterBath-Sensor Wed 2011/09/07 07:22:00 PM System -2

GarageMotionLight Wed 2011/09/07 08:04:38 PM System -2

Sensors / DwnMotion-Sensor Thu 2011/09/08 04:09:18 PM System -2

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Hi Michel

Yes I did enter it correctly.I have other motion detectors that have Verion2.0 that are older and the give me on/off status.I had called smarthomes and spoke to Steven and he had the same problem when he took one off the shelf.He told me he was going to find out what was wrong and never got back to me.I had called back and spoke to Matt he told me to contact you.I have sent some back already because ISY does not acknowlege them and I can not use the timer on the ISY.I have 5 motions now that ISY will no acknowledge I bought them at the same time I guess I'll just send them back and try again.


Thanks Tim

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Hi Tim,


Ok, I have 1711 Rev 2.0 installed and working properly and reliably.


Here's my configuration:

1. Jumper 5 is shorted

2. I used Add New INSTEON Device and chose Motion Sensor from the list


Please note that if you use anything but Automatic in Link Management | Advanced Options, then you are bound to have intermittent issues.


Hope this helps.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel

I just tried to link 4-motions with 1711 REV 2.0

1.Jumper 5 Installed

2.link management/advanced options/automatic

3.Add new insteon device

4.auto discover (10.01)(2420) INSTEON motion sensor


I got the same for all.status only on Low Battery.I tried to set options there is no difference.


I have six other motions that have status.I pick one deleted it Link it the same way and is working fine.The difference is the ones that will not link I bought all at one time and are 1711 REV 2.0 ???


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