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How To: Interface ISY-99i with Pioneer Receiver


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Hi Guys, this is my first post and first HOW TO in ONE!, so enjoy this momentous occasion :D

I would love to put this in the WIKI if any mods out there want to give me some perms.

This should get you started on getting your ISY to control your Pioneer Amplifier or Receiver.


What I will Cover:

Power ON

Power OFF

Volume Up

Volume Down


Un Mute

Edit and switch to an internet radio station.



This Code should be Compatible with the following AV receiver models:

Europe: SC-LX83, SC-LX73, VSX-LX53, VSX-2020, VSX-1025-K, VSX-1020-K, VSX-920-K

USA/Canada: SC-37, SC-35, SC-1525-K, VSX-33, VSX-1325-K, VSX-32, VSX-1125-K,VSX-1120-K, VSX-31, VSX-1025-K, VSX-30,

Other Countries: SC-LX83, SC-35, SC-LX73, VSX-LX53, VSX-31, VSX-1020-K, VSX-920-K


I tested this personally with a Pioneer Elite VSX-32.

but I would LOVE feedback if it did or did not work out for you below.


YOU MUST HAVE THE NETWORK RESOURCE MODULE, so if you don't have that yet, go buy it form the help menu in your ISY. (Purchase Modules)


First thing first: Figure out the amp's IP;

This can be done via the settings page on the amp's OSD or if you are lazy and don't want to step away form your PC, go find something pioneer related in your DHCP Lease table.

Pioneer owns this MAC address Range: 00:E0:36, so look for any MAC's that start with that.


In ISY, go to: Configuration->Networking->Network resources.


I have attached a file called PioneerAV, import it to get yourself rolling the fastest!

just replace my ip with the IP of your receiver and your good to go!

MAKE SURE YOU DO AN EXPORT AND BACKUP FIRST OF YOUR ISY BEFORE IMPORTING! I don't want to be responsible for breaking something if your firmware doesn't match my firmware.


Creating from Scratch:

Create a new Program.

for Organization sake I separate my programs functions with a period. so lets create a new program for turning up the volume..

Name it: PioneerAV.VolumeUP


Next Click the Edit button next to it's name.

Set the settings as follows:

http  GET Host Port 80 Path /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VU


Hopefully it should look something like this:



Replace the "" with whatever your IP of your receiver happens to be.


Save and Save and Save and TEST!

AWESOME isn't it?


I made a button on my KPL that actually turns up the volume 5 decibels each time it's pressed by creating a program that calls the network resource Pioneer.VolumeUP ten times! (half a db each call).


Now to call other functions.. use the "Copy" button to copy this one and then change the Path / to match one of these in the list for each additional function you wish to call:

Function                   Path
Volume UP                    /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VU
Volume Down                /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=VD
Volume MUTE                /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=MO
Volume UnMute             /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=MF
Power On (zone1)          /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=PO
Power Off (zone1)          /EventHandler.asp?WebToHostItem=PF


Hopefully that should be enough to really impress yourself and get you started.

if you want to attempt to reverse engineer the receiver's webpage yourself.. all of the functions can be found at: and about 3 quarters of the way down.


Now for some advanced stuff!


Try this code out to set and switch to an internet streaming station.

  • This example sets the text: "SKY.FM - Spanish Guitr"
    and edits the 24th Internet Radio Preset with the station: ""
    and then switches to that station if in internet radio mode.


Create a fresh new network resource;

For this Example we can call it: Pioneer.RadioStation.ClassicalGuitar


Use these settings, remembering to swap out your IP:

http POST Host Port 80 Path /InternetRadioSettingUpdateHandler.asp
Timeout 500 Mode Raw Text


in the Body paste this in:



Edit the Content-Type to match this:

text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n


When all is ready.. you should have this:



Save and Test and Viola! Some advanced Internet Radio Station switching!, no longer limited to just 24 stations :)


I hope you enjoyed this how to and stay tuned for other how-to's on items like :idea: Sony / Pioneer BluRay players (track switching),

and how to :idea: ARM / Disarm DSC Alarm Systems with more on the way.



Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to monitor this post for at least a couple months.


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Hello Mr. Ringström,


Thanks so very much for the how to and, yes indeed, we would love to have you include it in the Wiki. Would you be kind enough to send an email to support@universal-devices.com?


Also, it would be best to export your rules and have them as Zip file which everyone can import into their ISY and then simply change the IP.


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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Hello Mr. Ringström,


Also, it would be best to export your rules and have them as Zip file which everyone can import into their ISY and then simply change the IP.


Thanks again and with kind regards,



Hi Michel,

That's exactly what I did.

Did I not attach the zip file properly? it shows up for me..

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  • 1 month later...

...Say you're not quite up to speed on how to reverse engineer something like this. I just got a Denon AVR-1912 that has a web gui interface to control it. By using Chrome's 'inspect element' I believe that the links to the controls call the scripts in a separate javascript folder, like so


But when I look at the index.js and jquery.pack.js files, it is all gibberish to me. I have some experience with HTML and PHP, so I had imagined that it might not be too hard to extract what is being sent when you click on an individual control, but I am having no success in mimicking the format you use.


Any advice on how to do this? I'd love to be able to have my ISY fire up internet radio when, or as my alarm clock.

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  • 1 month later...
...Say you're not quite up to speed on how to reverse engineer something like this. I just got a Denon AVR-1912 that has a web gui interface to control it. By using Chrome's 'inspect element' I believe that the links to the controls call the scripts in a separate javascript folder, like so


But when I look at the index.js and jquery.pack.js files, it is all gibberish to me. I have some experience with HTML and PHP, so I had imagined that it might not be too hard to extract what is being sent when you click on an individual control, but I am having no success in mimicking the format you use.


Any advice on how to do this? I'd love to be able to have my ISY fire up internet radio when, or as my alarm clock.


Hi jakekooser,


I could help you figure this out.


what timezone are you? would you be cool with sharing your screen with me and I could walk you through how to do it remotely?

If the java-script looks all crazy we could try to use a packet capturing program and analyze the data.



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  • 5 months later...

Hi Chad,


I didn't realize it had been so long since I tried messing with this. I have just come back from being gone for a month, so that accounts for some of the time... I downloaded wireshark and tried to see the command for turning the receiver on, since that is really all I need to do but I can't figure out where the command is. This is what I get when I place it in standby mode VIA the web interface:


"GX`rE~n@geP%QPPOST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 65
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.30 Safari/536.5
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
Cookie: ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE



I have tried building a network resource but have had no luck yet. Any ideas?



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  • 1 month later...
Hi Chad,


I didn't realize it had been so long since I tried messing with this. I have just come back from being gone for a month, so that accounts for some of the time... I downloaded wireshark and tried to see the command for turning the receiver on, since that is really all I need to do but I can't figure out where the command is. This is what I get when I place it in standby mode VIA the web interface:


"GX`rE~n@geP%QPPOST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 65
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.30 Safari/536.5
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
Cookie: ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE



I have tried building a network resource but have had no luck yet. Any ideas?




Hey Jake, and other readers.


Looks like


is where the magic is.


You may also want to also add a header for your cookie.


Click Add under headers when editing the program, beside the "enter name" type in "Cookie" in the right ajacent box type in "ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE"


You can use this to turn the device off, as for on, you can brute force attack it with some possibilities or you can take a look at the source code of [iP-of-Amp/MainZone/index.put.asp], and look for the text "PutSystem_OnStandby"


if you get the system to turn off, then try this (only a guess..):


to turn it on.


I'm sure it's something not containing the word standby though..


by the way, in this system your not doing a "GET" it looks like you doing a POST.

so this is what your program would look like:


http POST Host: Post 80 Path /MainZone/index.put.asp [encode URL unchecked]

Timeout: 500 Mode: Raw Text



So If Everything is done Correctly, you should see this in the "Actual Box"


POST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Connection: Close
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 65
Cookie: ZoneName=MAIN%20ZONE



Let me know if that works our for you guys.



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Thanks for the update Chad. Your work / info is saving me a ton of time trying to get this working.


Viewing source on the Denon4308 Web Page is not giving me much help. I'm going to try wireshark to catch the posts and i'll post back my finding's.



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Thanks for the update Chad. Your work / info is saving me a ton of time trying to get this working.


Viewing source on the Denon4308 Web Page is not giving me much help. I'm going to try wireshark to catch the posts and i'll post back my finding's.



No problem Russ,


I don't always have time to browse forums, but when I do I love to help.


and while I'm here anyone else just getting into wireshark and packet analyzing here is a tip:


Filter out all of the noise and try to filter just things coming from your PC:


ip.src ==


or just things going to you device:


ip.dst ==


Place this in the filter box.


Also make sure you are expending the data by hitting the plus sign(s) in the non hex looking results..

This is where you will find a lot of the data you are looking for and will allow you to copy it in the ISY.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Had some luck getting both my Denon AVR-4308 and Denon AVR-991 working. After some miss steps and off on a bit of a tangent, I'll try and outline how I got it working so anyone else can hopefully get their receiver working without too much trouble. Many thanks to Chad for this post. Without his help and guidence I would not have got it working.


Step 1)

Make sure you can access and control the receiver through its Web Page. Note the IP address and if possible assign a reserved DHCP number on the router so the address does not change. If you cannot fix the IP address using the router, then manually assign an address on the receiver. The network commands will stop working if the IP address changes after you have them set up (speaking from experience on this one, lost a day trying to figure out what had changed after I thought I had it working).


Step 2)

Using WireShark, monitor the traffic to the receivers IP address. When you start WireShark, you will start to see all kinds of traffic. To cut down on the amount of info, add the following to the filter box

ip.dst == && http
then hit apply (change this address to the one you used in step 1 for the Web Page Access.)


Step 3)

Using the Web Page, turn the receiver on and off, change vol, etc, and note in WireShark the packet(s) that are sent.


For my Denon4308, I only got one packet on a Web Page change: HTTP 618 POST /MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp HTTP/1.1



For my Denon991, each time I clicked an icon, I was actually sending two packets: HTTP 472 POST /MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1 HTTP 119 Continuation or non-HTTP traffic


Step 4)

In WireShark, click on the HTTP POST packet, the packet info will appear on the bottom window. Hit the plus sign beside "Hypertext Transfer Protocol".

Look for the POST section to get the URL. For the Denon 991, its "/MainZone/index.put.asp HTTP/1.1\r\n"


To get the Body info, you need to look for the Data Section. On the Denon4308 it was in the same POST packet. On the Denon991, the Data Section was in the Continuation Packet.

When you select the Data Section ([+] Data (65 bytes)), the bottom window will show the body command highlighted in blue in both Hex and in Text format. On the Denon991, the text was

"cm d0=PutSy"

"stem_OnS tandby%2"

"FON&cmd1 =aspMain"

"Zone_web UpdateSt"


Which actually translates to



If you don't want to type it out, you can grab the text to the clipboard as follows:

expand the Data [+] sign, highlight the data string "Data: 636d64303d...", Right Button on the string > Copy > Bytes > Printable Text Only

There is no right button paste when editing the ISY-99i body section, however CTRL-V will paste this text back out into the window


Step 5)

Create the Network Resource in ISY-99i


Configuration > Networking > Network Resources > Add

Enter a Name (i.e. "Denon4308 Power ON")


Now Click on the URL (Select to Edit Content)

Set the Protocol Information as follows:

http POST, Host, Port 80, Path "/MainZone/index.put.asp", Leave Encode URL unchecked


You may need to play with the timeout (default 500ms), I seemed to have good results when I made it 2000ms


Change the Mode to "Raw Text".


For the Body, There is a bit of detective work to try and find out how much of the origonal info you need to send.


For the Denon991, the cmd0 was all that was required.

So for the string


I only needed to send the cmd0 part



For the Denon4308, When you click on an icon, all of the page info is sent back, so you need to filter out whats actually changing and only send that portion back.

So for the string when Vol was changed


I only needed to send



Step 6)

For testing, I started with one command (Power ON). After I added the Network Resource, I turned OFF the receiver using the Web Page. I then used the "Test" button in the ISY-99i Network Resource screen to send the command.


Step 7)

After I got one command working, I slowly added more commands using the copy button, and then editing the body of the Network Resource.









Here is a summary of the Network Commands I am using



Denon AVR-991 (POST Command)

http POST, HOST:denon991, Port:80, Path:/xxxxxx (no slash on end), UnCheck Encode URL, Timeout(ms):4000, Mode: Raw Text


System Power (Path:/MainZone/index.put.asp)

Note: Turning on system power, turns on zones to last on/off setting. Turning on zone changes system power to on automatically


   Power Off      - cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FSTANDBY
  Power On       - cmd0=PutSystem_OnStandby%2FON


Main Zone (Path:/MainZone/index.put.asp)

   MainZone Off          - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FOFF
  MainZone On           - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FON
  Source BD             - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FBD
  Source DVD            - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDVD
  Source CD             - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FCD
  Source PHONO          - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FPHONO
  Source DOCK           - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDOCK
  Source SAT/CBL        - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSAT%2FCBL
  Source TV             - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FTV
  Source GAME           - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FGAME
  Source DVR            - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FDVR
  Source V.AUX          - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FV.AUX
  Source NET/USB        - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FNET%2FUSB
  Source FAVORITES      - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FFAVORITES
  Source INTERNET-RADIO - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FINTERNET+RADIO
  Source MEDIA-SERVER   - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FMEDIA+SERVER
  Source USB/IPOD       - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FUSB%2FIPOD
  Main Vol -50dB        - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-50.0
  Main Vol -40dB        - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-40.0

Zone 2 (Path:/MainZome/index.put.asp)

   Zone2 Off             - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FOFF&ZoneName=ZONE2
  Zone2 On              - cmd0=PutZone_OnOff%2FON&ZoneName=ZONE2
  Source Source         - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSOURCE&ZoneName=ZONE2
  Source Sat/CBL        - cmd0=PutZone_InputFunction%2FSAT%2FCBL&ZoneName=ZONE2
  Zone2Vol -60dB        - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-60.0&ZoneName=ZONE2
  Zone2Vol -21dB        - cmd0=PutMasterVolumeSet%2F-21.0&ZoneName=ZONE2



Denon AVR-4308 (POST Command)

http POST, HOST:denon4308, Port:80, Path:/xxxxxx (no slash on end), UnCheck Encode URL, Timeout(ms):4000, Mode: Raw Text


System Power (Path:/MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp)

Note: Turning on system power, turns on zones to last on/off setting. Turning on zone changes system power to on automatically


   Power Off      - radioSystemPower=STANDBY
  Power On       - radioSystemPower=ON

Main Zone (Path:/MAINZONE/s_mainzone.asp)

   MainZone Off   - radioPower=OFF
  MainZone On    - radioPower=ON
  Source Tuner   - listInputFunction=TUNER
  Source Phono   - listInputFunction=PHONO
  Source CD      - listInputFunction=CD
  Source DVD     - listInputFunction=DVD
  Source HDP     - listInputFunction=HDP
  Source TV/CBL  - listInputFunction=TV%2FCBL
  Source Sat     - listInputFunction=SAT
  Source VCR     - listInputFunction=VCR
  Source DVR     - listInputFunction=DVR
  Source V.AUX   - listInputFunction=V.AUX
  Source NET/USB - listInputFunction=NET%2FUSB
  Source XM      - listInputFunction=XM
  Source HDradio - listInputFunction=HDRADIO
  Main Vol -50dB - textMas=-50.0&setMas=on
  Main Vol -60dB - textMas=-60.0&setMas=on


Zone 2 (Path:/ZONE2/s_zone2.asp)

   MultiZone2 Off - radioPower2=OFF
  MultiZone2 On  - radioPower2=ON
  Source Source  - listInputFunction2=SOURCE
  Zone2Vol -50dB - textVolume2=-50&setVolume2=on
  Zone2Vol -42dB - textVolume2=-42&setVolume2=on

Zone 3 (Path:/ZONE3/s_zone_3.asp)

  MultiZone3 Off - radioPower3=OFF
  MultiZone3 On  - radioPower3=ON
  Source Source  - listInputFunction3=SOURCE
  Zone3Vol -50dB - textVolume3=-50&setVolume3=on
  Zone3Vol -42dB - textVolume3=-42&setVolume3=on

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks to alx9r for this great info. Turns out the TCP network control protocol provides full control over the AVR including changing setup parameters if desired. I have updated my network resources to use this protocol. Here is the new file for import.



System Power On - "PWON\r"
System Standby   - "PWSTANDBY\r" 


Main Zone

Main Zone Power On   - "ZMON\r"
Main Zone Power Off   - "ZMOFF\r"
Main Zone Source DVR  - "SIDVR\r"
Main Zone Source HDP  - "SIHDP\r"
Main Zone TV/CBL         - "SITV/CBL\r"
Main Zone V.AUX           - "SIV.AUX\r"


Multi Zone 2

Multi Zone2 Off       - "Z2OFF\r"
Multi Zone 2 On       - "Z2ON\r"
Multi Zone 2 Source - "Z2SOURCE\r"


ISY-NetRules-Backup.v3.3.2__Thu 2012.09.20 08.59.27 PM.zip

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys,


Chad - Thank you very much for your contribution... I have a Pioneer VSX-1021-K and your original post worked very well to set up the basics, but I was unable to retrieve a full list of commands using the file mentioned (/js/common.js). I was able to open the file but I could not find anything useful or even references to the basic commands, so I think my receiver is architected a bit differently than yours. Mine does not have a full-featured web interface which could explain the difference, but it does seem to respond to all the raw commands just fine.


After some digging, I found a link that references some additional commands for Pioneer receivers:

http://www.mikepoulson.com/2011/06/prog ... oneer.html


...Which lead me to the following FULL list of commands from the manufacturer:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3275573/2010%20 ... r%20CI.pdf


Please note that there are some Japanese characters in the file so you will be prompted to install the Adobe language pack. Don't worry, the document is in English :) The PDF is oriented towards using the Telnet interface for management (as opposed to HTTP) - but the commands seem to work either way as long as you follow the pattern that Chad provided. I would wager that using Telnet might also allow you to get feedback from the device back to the ISY, but then again I just bought the networking module a few hours ago so what do I know!


Also, in case anyone cares to comment - I am curious about any "practical" uses for ISY integration of receivers and/or Blu-Ray players - which is next on my list, followed by my Sony Google TV (if that is even possible). So far, the best I can dream up is to adjust the volume when the furnace turns on (Insteon thermostat), since the unit is quite loud. Perhaps a "hot tub" scene may be in order to switch to "Speaker B" , change the receiver input, and adjust the appropriate lights. I'm sure there are a million uses that I haven't even thought of yet. Any suggestions?




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  • 1 month later...

Hi All, In response to Ron's question, I am using an 8 button KeypadLinc to "simplify" turning on all of the AV equipment, selecting the proper source for viewing the desired device, and dimming the lights. Tried using a macro in an all-in-one remote but it gets pointed away from the desired devices before it has time to finish running the macro. Tried in vane to explain how it needs to remain pointed at the TV until everything is on.


Instead went with the Black Box on the end table approach. The buttons are setup as follows Off / Cable / Apple TV / and PC. To control the Denon I am using the Network Interface to talk directly with the device. To turn on the Cable Box / TV I am using a Keene IP to IR device to send IR codes from the isy. A small problem was that the cable box does not have discrete On / Off IR codes. Pressing Cable I am not sure what state the box is in. Turns out on my cable box you can set it up to turn on the switched outlet on the back when it is powered on. I used a cheap USB charger to output 5V when the cable box is on. I then wired up a IOLinc to detect the 5V by putting a transistor across the sense input. There was enough room to put the transistor and required resistors inside the stereo jack. The cable looks like a USB to 2.5mm Stereo adapter. Now the isy has the status of the cable box in order to act on the Power Off or Cable buttons.


With the extra buttons, I used one to control turning On / Off the Aux Kitchen Speakers. The second button is setup for my father-in-law to hit when he comes over. It turns on everything, dims the lights, then puts the cable box on his favorite channel. All he has to do is sit down and hit the sports button.



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  • 1 year later...

I just recently installed the network module, mainly for Sonos, and I was able to integrate it well using the zip file that was provided in another post. I also have a Pioneer VSX - 822 so I figured I would make use of the module and integrate it as well. I tried to import the zip file that is listed but for some reason it will not import (tried several times). I tried to follow the step by step to send the commands to the receiver but that did not work either. I found that I could telnet to the receiver using port 8102 and sending the commands through PuTTY telnet works perfectly. Does anyone know how to send these commands through the network module? I'm not sure but I think that the other Pioneer modules may have a network GUI to send commands. This receiver has a minimal GUI that does not accept any commands and really has no control value. Thanks for any help in advance.


Update** So I figured out that you can integrate the VSX - 822K using port 8102. I also figured out to use the Dennon commands that are listed in this forum (download and import the zip file) and using the Pioneer commands that are also in this forum. Still can't figure out how to use Pandora. Haven't been able to find the commands for Pandora other than to switch to the Pandora input but can't get it to play.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Chad.


I'm using a Yamaha Receiver RX-A3030. I have everything needed to get started, not sure what to put in the Path section. can you help me out on the settings as you do for the Pioneer? any help will be appreciated .




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I have attached a complete list of IP/RS232 commands that are for the following Pioneer receivers:

  • VSX-30  (RS232 only)
  • VSX-31  (RS232 only)
  • VSX-32
  • VSX-33

  • VSX-1120

  • SC-35

  • SC-37


I was specifically looking for the ability to set discrete volume levels on my VSX-32, and my problem is now solved with the help of this thread and the attached document.  Thanks.




Pioneer IP-RS232 Commands.pdf

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