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Import / Export Variables

C Martin

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Maybe a good way to handle this is when a program is imported that includes variables, a menu pops up asking you to remap the variables.


This has been an issue for the majority of people I have sent my day/week/month/etc programs. There are a lot of variables in there and many come up multiple times. If the person has already used variables then they have to remap them.


If during a program import a screen popped up for each id location referenced in the program, showed the current name for that ID location and gave you the option to keep it, or repoint the program to a new location and simultaneously name that variable, that would be slick. Of course, it should then repoint every additional instance of that same variable to the new location as well.

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Can you seprate only the xml files for variables and restore them only? It would be nice for when I send my program to people if I could include the variables for them. Many of the folks I have sent this to have no variables set to start with, so they could just overwrite the current file and they would lose nothing.

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