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Problem to put 2 2476d in the same scene (3way switch)


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I had 2 2476D setup in a scene in order to create a 3 way switchs. I was working fine for the last 6 months. yesterday I find out that the remote switch wasnot working any more.

-By using the console apps of my ISY99I I was able to turn and of both devices.

-I try to remove from the scene bioth devices, delete the scene recreate the scene with success.

-I paire the 2 controller manually by following the SwitchLinc process of Insteon and that resolve the problem.


I went into the diagnostics menu and show all link. I got 11 lynk defined, Why? I was expected only 1 link.


I don't understand why I was not able to doing it from the ISY console Apps.


Any Idea?





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There are various links established between a device and the ISY when the device is Added to the ISY. Set button links should never be done outside of the ISY. The ISY is not aware of this activity. It will lead to unpredictable results over time.


To the original problem, sounds like the remote SwitchLinc lost its link table. The solution would normally be to Restore Device the SwitchLinc that is not working. Do not do that now. Since the Set button links are now there I recommend deleting both devices from the ISY, add them back using the default option “remove existing links†to get rid of the Set button links. Then add the two SwitchLincs to the Scene as Controllers.



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