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Release 3.1.9 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Having the same problem as Moshe. iPhone 3G, latest IOS, Mobilinc latest ver 3.03.00, just upgraded from ISY 2.8.16(everything on Mobilinc worked), to ISY 3.1.19. Now when I try to sync, it timesout with Connection Error or Network Error, Error code 0, request timed out.


Have tried both Local wireless and 3G connections separately and together/auto

I have deleted and renewd certs, and flushed cache!!


Any ideas,


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j0dan, 3.1.8 or 3.1.9?



With kind regards,





I'm having it really bad with 3.1.9. It's happening several times/day. I've been restoring just the .REC file to fix it.


Last night my garage door opened on its own when I turned off the bedroom lights!!!

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Moshe and skisteep,


The problem has been identified and we are trying to fix it as we speak: MobiLinc is using UPnP to find ISY on the network and we have reduced the limit on UPnP packets. As such, in some cases, MobiLinc will not be able to find ISY. In the meantime, you can set ISY's local IP address in MobiLinc.


j0dan, I am so very sorry to hear. I am quite unsure what to think of the garage door opening ... that's quite serious.


There's just one more path that we are going to review and hopefully this will fix the issue.


With kind regards,


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The problem has been identified and we are trying to fix it as we speak: MobiLinc is using UPnP to find ISY on the network and we have reduced the limit on UPnP packets. As such, in some cases, MobiLinc will not be able to find ISY. In the meantime, you can set ISY's local IP address in MobiLinc.


With kind regards,



MIchel -


The local address is the method I use to configure MobiLinc.



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Quick question: I've noticed a small (probably) issue with the 2430 (ControlLinc) on 3.1.9 (possible earlier versions as well - this is my first beta version).


When adding one - it prompts me if I want it to be a Controller or Responder. It really makes no sense for this device to be a responder so I would think it shouldn't ask and just default to being a controller only. The RemoteLinc (2440) does this already.


Also, I just had a heck of a time with a KeypadLinc (2486DWH8) secondary button, a LampLinc (2456D3) load, a RemoteLinc (2440) and a ControlLinc (2430). all in a scene. I had everything configured in the ISY and I reset all devices back to favtory defaults (to ensure no old links). I then issued a 'restore' to all devices from the ISY (with the RemoteLinc 'listening') to program all devices for the scene.

The results were incomplete. The status lights on the Keypad did not reflect the LampLinc state, neither the RemoteLinc nor the ControlLinc could control the LampLinc - but the KeypadLinc could turn the LampLinc on and off (and the state would be correct in this case). Mobilinc could control the LampLinc and the state on the KeypadLinc was correct in this case. Strange. I do know that when I first deployed the ISY with 2.x I did not have this problem.


I had to remove, one by one - all devices from my scene - then re-add them one at a time. Once that was complete - the scene worked properly.


In the GUI - the ControlLinc and the RemoteLinc seem to report that are both a 'Controller' and a 'Responder'. It's not really possible for them to be a 'Responder' so I think this may be a UI bug. Could this also be affecting the construction of the scene?



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The problem has been identified and we are trying to fix it as we speak: MobiLinc is using UPnP to find ISY on the network and we have reduced the limit on UPnP packets. As such, in some cases, MobiLinc will not be able to find ISY. In the meantime, you can set ISY's local IP address in MobiLinc.


With kind regards,



MIchel -


The local address is the method I use to configure MobiLinc.




Hi Moshe,

Do you have anything in the My Settings->Lighting Controller Secure IP Field of MobiLinc? Under 3.1.9, since UPnP is reduced, MobiLinc no longer can "see" the ISY on startup on your local LAN. As a result, if you have any IP address in the Secure IP field, MobiLinc will attempt to use this IP address to connect to your ISY.


If you set your Connect Method to HTTP this will force MobiLinc to always use the local IP address which will get around the UPnP limitation in 3.1.9 on your local LAN. Keep in mind that while over 3G, MobiLinc won't be able to connect to the local IP address of your ISY. To connect both at home and over 3G, set the Connect Method to HTTPS, and enter in your router's IP address. This assumes that your router supports loopback (which most do).



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I then issued a 'restore' to all devices from the ISY (with the RemoteLinc 'listening') to program all devices for the scene.

The results were incomplete. The status lights on the Keypad did not reflect the LampLinc state, neither the RemoteLinc nor the ControlLinc could control the LampLinc - but the KeypadLinc could turn the LampLinc on and off (and the state would be correct in this case). Mobilinc could control the LampLinc and the state on the KeypadLinc was correct in this case. Strange. I do know that when I first deployed the ISY with 2.x I did not have this problem.


I had to remove, one by one - all devices from my scene - then re-add them one at a time. Once that was complete - the scene worked properly.


That sounds similar to the bug I'm having a hell of a time with. Check the link tables and see if the ISY link table matches up with the device one.


After doing a restore device, you would have written the bad link tables from the ISY to your device.

(They will match after a restore, but won't work correctly.)

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After doing a restore device, you would have written the bad link tables from the ISY to your device.

(They will match after a restore, but won't work correctly.)

Sounds like a match indeed - my devices link table did match the ISY after the restore when the device was not working properly.


Do you by chance have either a RemoteLinc or ControlLinc is in affected scene? There seems to be a UI glitch around the handling of these two devices (at least in my setup). The UI seems to think that the ControlLinc and the RemoteLinc can be a responder - which does not make sense. I've been thinking that may be the source of the issue for me - but it sounds like it may be something more fundamental.



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After doing a restore device, you would have written the bad link tables from the ISY to your device.

(They will match after a restore, but won't work correctly.)

Sounds like a match indeed - my devices link table did match the ISY after the restore when the device was not working properly.


Do you by chance have either a RemoteLinc or ControlLinc is in affected scene? There seems to be a UI glitch around the handling of these two devices (at least in my setup). The UI seems to think that the ControlLinc and the RemoteLinc can be a responder - which does not make sense. I've been thinking that may be the source of the issue for me - but it sounds like it may be something more fundamental.




The bug for me seems to happen when I adjust scenes using programs. It can take anywhere from hours to days for the problem to happen. I either have the internal ISY link table become empty or even get swapped with another devices.


It has nothing to do with what's in a scene. I don't have any RemoteLinc or ControlLinc's. I might buy one of the new RemoteLinc's after someone else has worked out all the bugs. :)

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j0dan, I am so very sorry to hear. I am quite unsure what to think of the garage door opening ... that's quite serious.


There's just one more path that we are going to review and hopefully this will fix the issue.


With kind regards,



Are you sure this can't be caused by LED brightness commands? That's the only thing in common with the 3 devices that have this issue. I have an ICON switch that gets the same scene adjust commands as two of the other devices with this problem and its link table has never been corrupted.


I've disabled the LED brightness commands for now to see if that helps.


Can you PLEASE make a way to load the link tables from a device to fix the internal link table? I have this happening on two well used KeypadLinc's. I've spent many MANY hours re-configuring the same devices and programs.


When will a new release with bug fixes to test be available?

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Hello j0dan,


I am almost certain the problem is related to scene adjustments OR a defective SD Card. Did we try sending you a new SD Card to try?


Unfortunately I do not think we would have enough time to do both (find the bug and allow for individual link records to be restored) within the same release as it would dramatically increase regression testing time.


Please do let me know if disabling those programs helped at all. If not, then I would have to suspect a corrupt or defective SD Card (but that would not make sense since the problem is always the same devices which are in those programs).


I am hoping to have a better understanding of our next release date by upcoming weekend.


Sincere apologies for all these problems ... I know how frustrating this has been.


With kind regards,


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Hello j0dan,


I am almost certain the problem is related to scene adjustments OR a defective SD Card. Did we try sending you a new SD Card to try?


Unfortunately I do not think we would have enough time to do both (find the bug and allow for individual link records to be restored) within the same release as it would dramatically increase regression testing time.


Please do let me know if disabling those programs helped at all. If not, then I would have to suspect a corrupt or defective SD Card (but that would not make sense since the problem is always the same devices which are in those programs).


I am hoping to have a better understanding of our next release date by upcoming weekend.


Sincere apologies for all these problems ... I know how frustrating this has been.


With kind regards,



I haven't been sent another SD card yet. I may have one here to test with if it makes sense to. But like you said, that is not likely the problem.

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It seems like I am having trouble when I restore devices as well. The problems began when I restored a couple of the devices on my system.


FYI to help look for problem.

I factory reset my switch and ghost lighting stopped.

I restored from isy and it came back.

I looked and compared link table and all were identical.

I added the device again to the system by auto linking and told it to leave all links. It found more links in 10 scences that it was not in before. I believe that this is why it was turning on and off.

I hope this helps



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Do any Programs change Scene On Level and/or Ramp Rate (Adjust Scene) on a regular basis throughout the day?






No just slave link and in a all on/all off scene.

I have had something similar with the ezio 8. If I add any new devices it always finds the ezio in scences that it does not belong. I have to remove it after adding new hardware. I plan on not using the ezio after the elk module comes out.

It is being used as a place holder. It took up 8 of the 256 devices max and we can't select the 8 I want to use until the module. To many devices and scences.



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I have not restored any devices but I am seeing some very strange behavior with 3.1.9. I don't see anything very odd looking in the event viewer, except that there are open failed messages periodically for ELEC.CFG and ELECMTR, but I don't have any of the electricity stuff enabled. MobiLinc HD is behaving strangely: on the iPad it will not sync and on the iPhone it can see status but can't control lighting. I have had one light go on even though it should not have been commanded to (and this unit never displayed any problems in the past), and it did not show as on in the admin console display. Another light that was commanded on by a program just flashed on then off. A few more tries (the program is activated by a motion sensor) and it stayed on!


Ghosts in the ISY? I think I will reboot, which I have never needed to do before.

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If you originally chose the 3rd option to register your device in ISY, then ISY maintains all those links that were inside your switch and every time you restore, ISY will restore them. The best thing to do is to remove your switch from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back to ISY using the first option (remove existing links).




The warnings (file open) are completely normal. If there are no reports of the activity in the log, then the problem is between devices and ISY is not a party to this behavior. In short, all device activity is logged in the log. As far as MobiLinc, there's a known issue with 3.1.9 and synch with MobiLinc. This has already been fixed and shall be included in 3.1.10. If you cannot control your devices via 3.1.9/MobiLinc, then we will need to make sure Wes is made aware so that we can diagnose and fix the problems.


With kind regards,


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Another data point....


I upgraded to 3.1.9 RDPed into my Windows box over a 3G connection from my iPhone without any problem, clearing Java cache as the procedure requires. I've also used Mobilinc without any problems, both VPNed in to my home and using external WAN IP address/port forwarding, and I am 1500 miles away from my home. I've also used Mobilinc HD on my iPad2 from my hotel. I did not change any ISY settings or devices, nor did I perform a restore from backup.



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I upgraded to 3.1.9 from 3.1.3 and I am having a few issues. Sometimes I get "no connection available" for different units. I can then either turn them on and off and then they return or I have to change a setting like brightness or on level and they come on line.


I also had an issue when linking a new 8 button unit. I tried the usual of "start linking" and it only added 1 A B C D. Then it would say no connection available. I then tried linking using "new insteon device" with my device id and it added it fine.


Last problem is that my normal way to log in does not work all of the time. In the past I have used my ip log in on Safari (I have a MacBook Pro) but now I have to use the admin console to log in in order to consistently see everything.

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