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Hello all,


wwat, this is not normal and it does go back to the problem of missing links. Please do be kind enough to run your scene profile programs and ensure that you are not losing any database links. If you do, then we would really have to think about hardware/file system issues.


andyf0, yes, we should have a fix within the next couple of days.


IM, that should also be fixed (reporting connection to ELK even though you do not have the module installed). Please make sure you have the latest ELK/M1XEP firmware.


elvisimprsntr, that's not good. Would you be kind enough to keep an eye and, the next time in happens, can you check and see if you get status from other devices (such as INSTEON)? Is it possible that you may have used two different URLs?


With kind regards,



I am curious before I upgrade it with the new module.


Will have a choice as to what scenes/devices the ISY exports to the elk panel. My system has well over a hundered devices with multiple keypads. I have hundreds of scences that reach the 256 limit.

The trouble is this leaves out scences that I want to control from the elk.


The 256 limit is more then enough for me if I could decide what scences were priority to be exported.



  Michel Kohanim said:
wwat, this is not normal and it does go back to the problem of missing links. Please do be kind enough to run your scene profile programs and ensure that you are not losing any database links. If you do, then we would really have to think about hardware/file system issues.

With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


For the scenes in which the devices were still present the links didn't appear to be missing.


Since last night I noticed two other devices that were missing and required adding again. I did try restoring a knowable good last backup but those devices would

not load up, the only way to get them back was to actually enter them individually as a new device.


I noticed in the Excel log (first column 'Insteon Device') at a date previous to the upgrade that one of the devices was actually named

using its code i.e 12 43 6E 1 instead of 'Fireplace Lights'.





ps. another thing I just noticed. Performing a scene test on any of the scenes does nothing. So I right click on the scenes click diagnostics --> Scene test but nothing happens.

  Baypointe said:
I am curious before I upgrade it with the new module.


Will have a choice as to what scenes/devices the ISY exports to the elk panel. My system has well over a hundered devices with multiple keypads. I have hundreds of scences that reach the 256 limit.

The trouble is this leaves out scences that I want to control from the elk.


The 256 limit is more then enough for me if I could decide what scences were priority to be exported.




To answer your questions, Yes. You can select which scenes/devices you want to export to the elk system.. but...


The elk module isn't as much for controlling lights on the elk interface, but being able to control everything from the ISY. With the elk module you can tell status's of zones, alarmed status, armed status. This way you can turn on any scene based on status's of the elk system without haveing to use their less than great interface and email notification system.

  wwat said:
  Michel Kohanim said:
wwat, this is not normal and it does go back to the problem of missing links. Please do be kind enough to run your scene profile programs and ensure that you are not losing any database links. If you do, then we would really have to think about hardware/file system issues.

With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


Since last night I noticed two other devices that were missing and required adding again. I did try restoring a knowable good last backup but those devices would

not load up, the only way to get them back was to actually enter them individually as a new device.


I noticed in the Excel log (first column 'Insteon Device') at a date previous to the upgrade that one of the devices was actually named

using its code i.e 12 43 6E 1 instead of 'Fireplace Lights'.





Wayne, have you had a problem in the past with loseing connection to the devices that are missing. If during an upgrade you lose power to a device and it doesn't restore power until after the system is finished upgrading, then this will cause your programs to do what they did, even if you restore power to the device.



  polexian said:
Wayne, have you had a problem in the past with loseing connection to the devices that are missing. If during an upgrade you lose power to a device and it doesn't restore power until after the system is finished upgrading, then this will cause your programs to do what they did, even if you restore power to the device.



Hi Joe,


Not these devices, in the past I have had issues with missing links from the ISY links table but that may or may not be related.

I was sitting here at the time of the upgrade and there were no power issues at all and these devices are hardwired devices.


Thanks for your input,



Add me to the few who have experienced problems.


Installed 3.1.2, following all directions. Security tab would not show M1 status, so I then installed Elk Module. Things got worse. Now the program folder is not populated.


I did notice that it seems to run a 'discovery' process every time the isy is rebooted or whenever I connect the admin console. (I have a home-grown perl data logger so I can see all traffic on the m1 serial interface, thus I can see everything that goes across the m1exp).


It seems like it can't save anything (text descriptors), so every time it needs to display any of the elk names (areas, zones, keypads...) it forces a refresh, and the ISY gets very slow.

  tunaman said:
Add me to the few who have experienced problems.


Installed 3.1.2, following all directions. Security tab would not show M1 status, so I then installed Elk Module. Things got worse. Now the program folder is not populated.


I did notice that it seems to run a 'discovery' process every time the isy is rebooted or whenever I connect the admin console. (I have a home-grown perl data logger so I can see all traffic on the m1 serial interface, thus I can see everything that goes across the m1exp).


It seems like it can't save anything (text descriptors), so every time it needs to display any of the elk names (areas, zones, keypads...) it forces a refresh, and the ISY gets very slow.


With the programs folder, clear your java. It will disappear on your whenever you reboot your isy. try using this link for less errors:




Reading tunaman's post was like reading my own experience, wouldn't display the ELK detail correctly and made the ISY extremely slow. Eventually the ISY locked up and would not respond. I had to power cycled several times, sometimes it would connect to the elk, but data returned was always partial. But now my ISY will not communicate with me, MEM and ERROR lights blinking. I will have to call tech support on this one.

  boots said:
Reading tunaman's post was like reading my own experience, wouldn't display the ELK detail correctly and made the ISY extremely slow. Eventually the ISY locked up and would not respond. I had to power cycled several times, sometimes it would connect to the elk, but data returned was always partial. But now my ISY will not communicate with me, MEM and ERROR lights blinking. I will have to call tech support on this one.


I believe the Mem & Error lights is a DHCP error.


I can't physically access my isy right now, but I'm beginning to suspect there may be a hardware/memory issue. I'm guessing that if I could see it, I would also see memory & error lights flashing.


I did telnet in to check memory:>sm


Static = 0 used, Heap = 3145728 free, Total = 3145728


Cur Cur High

Size Tot Free Used Used

600: 1034 983 51 51

197: 4 2 2 2

106: 270 270 0 28

64: 255 249 6 99

132: 90 90 0 0

706: 530 312 218 222

24: 12000 11723 277 277

4096: 10 10 0 2

10240: 5 5 0 0

17408: 5 5 0 0

32: 300 287 13 16

1024: 35 22 13 17

8192: 14 11 3 5

32768: 9 9 0 1

131072: 2 2 0 0

128: 1088 64 1024 1024

8180: 1 1 0 0

4574: 22 17 5 5


While I don't know the inner workings, that looks suspicious to me.


tunaman and boots,


Both of those problems are related to the fact that ISY cannot extract information from ELK and then gets into a tight loop (this has been fixed in 3.1.13 to be out shortly). What you need to do is to make sure:

1. Your M1XEP and ELK M1 have the latest firmware without which you will experience other intermittent behavior including sluggishness and unresponsiveness

2. Make sure you can connect to M1XEP on port 2101 ... you can try: telnet m1xep.ip.address 2101


Please do keep us posted.


wwat, that's really odd. I think we have to start thinking about a new SD Card



With kind regards,



Hi boots,


Is ELK RP connected to your ELK at the moment? Please note that if ELK RP is connected then you will have problems connecting ISY.


Also, do you have the latest firmware for M1XEP and ELK M1?


With kind regards,



ELKRP not connected, and was not connected during any ISY connections or updates.


During my ISY updates and ELK module installation yesterday the Elk firmware was not the latest, but only off by one update, July 2011 I believe. This has since been updated to latest firmware and same ISY issues did result.


Michel -- Elk-RP is not currently connected, but I was able to connect last night without issue.


For what it is worth, I did make sure to stop all other connections to m1exp last night, and then rebooted the isy. Same behavior.




1) I am using 4.6.8 firmware on the Elk. Elk has the 4 series and the 5 series depending on which wireless system you use. I use neither, so 4 or 5 are both fine for me. It seems that most people are running the 5 series. Should I switch? Was the ISY firmware/module designed more for one or the other?


2) Also, my bootware is one revision old. According to the release notes, very little changed. In addition, there isn't anywhere on Elk's website to download the latest bootware. Could the bootware be having any impact? (3.3.2)



I have the ELK module installed and everything for me works fine so far. I did have an initial problem when

I had 'access' checked on the user code that I set up for the ISY. The ELK response was very slow or not working.

Another small issue is that after the module was installed and working I changed the F button descriptions on one of the

two keypads, but I can not get the ISY to pick up that change in the config, security system, area, keypads panel.

Also should outputs 7 - 16 be available for programs etc. My outputs start with 65.

This is a great addition to the ISY. Thanks for all your effort.


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