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ISY99 acting REALLY SLOW!!


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Okay this is starting to really annoy the hell out of me, not to mention my WAF is going WAY DOWN . My ISY99 has been incredibly slow since I got it. It seems to randomly lock up (the event lock does not show any activity, despite elk zones getting violated, lights going on and off.) Half the time the 99i Administration Console App (the java app that you can install to put a shortcut on your desktop), reports that no ISY is found, but upon a refresh, there it is. About a third of the time, after I launch into Admin Console, before it gives me the login prompt the Admin Console just closes unexpectedly. When saving programs it take about 30-45 seconds to save a single program (where it would take about 10 seconds on my ISY26). When performing of backup of my ISY I get all sorts of errors ('Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: An existing connection has forcibly closed by the remote host' , 'Socket Timeout Error', and a few others that I cannot think of right now.


I have physically removed ALL other devices from my network, by disconnecting their cables, and I have seen no improvement. I have turned off my windows firewall and turned off Microsoft Security Essentials, I am running Windows 7 professional 64bit.



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Try Disable all Programs and turn on Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3-Device communications events selected. That might show what the activity is.


It’s pretty clear from the various symptoms the ISY is busy trying to handle something.


I think opening a Ticket for UDI tech support would also be a good idea. Not sure what the coverage is on a weekend.

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  • 1 month later...

Was there a resolution to this? Now that the hardware issue with my 994 was resolved, I'm experiecing all the same symptoms (network connectivity symptoms, that is) as reported here. None of my other networked devices seem to have an issue, and other devices on the same router have no problem. Yes, I've tried different port, different cables, etc.

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Was there a resolution to this? Now that the hardware issue with my 994 was resolved, I'm experiecing all the same symptoms (network connectivity symptoms, that is) as reported here. None of my other networked devices seem to have an issue, and other devices on the same router have no problem. Yes, I've tried different port, different cables, etc.


My problem was multi-pronged in the end, what I had to do that worked in my case was:

* Change the switch (a few ports on mine were failing).

* Exchange out the ethernet cable connecting the ISY to the switch. (I have multiple switches in my home all connecting together and then to a router. (Mine was experiencing intermittent problems, when I used the same cable with my computer it worked fine, but on the ISY it didn't like it. Go figure)


And if that all fails, do what I did move the ISY to a completely different circuit in your home. That fixed the problem. (You may say that I don't want to move my ISY, well neither did I, but that is what solved it for me.

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Hello ralbright,


You mentioned that you have ELK ... do you have any common areas setup in your ELK? If so, please note that there's a bug in ELK M1 firmware which inundates ISY with events from common areas. Sometimes, this will bring the unit to very slow response times.


Also, please do make sure you are on 3.2.4 so that we have the same baseline for testing.


With kind regards,


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