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Run at startup


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Reading the user manual, it sounds like checking this option will make the ISY run the checked programs upon a restart.


So if the power goes out, then comes back on, the ISY will run any checked program, and in effect test the If statements, what should have been turned on will be turned on, what should have turned off will turn off, etc.


Am I understanding that correctly?

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Yes, the Program is triggered after the ISY boots up. What it does when triggered is entirely up to how it is written. Not trying to be vague here, just nothing about Run At Startup that is absolutely related to turning devices On or Off.

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Ok so I have a program that says turn porch light on at sunset. Say the power goes out 30 minutes before sunset. Then 30 minutes after sunset the power comes on. If my program says turn porch light on at sunset and I have Run at Startup enabled, then the Isy when power is restored will test that program and turn the porch light on because the IF is true. Correct?

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I am sure the WAF factor at your house is going to be low when you cut the power to the house for a half hour before sunset. Good luck Lee!



Once again Lee falling on his sword for the rest of the ISY community.


What a guy!


I think I can just unplug my ISY and PLM just before Sunset, plug it back in some time after sunset and see if evening lights catch up. Going to my friends this evening so I can't test tonight, but will try tomorrow night (Sunday) and report back as well.

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This is the test Program that has Run at Startup which did not turn On the ICON device.


       Time is Sunset 

       Set 'ICON Relay 2' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


What is needed is a Program specifically written to "fix" things. This Program has Run at Startup and is Disabled so it cannot be triggered by device activity. I chose the To time as Sunrise the next day. It could be anything that defines the desired range,


       Status  'ICON Relay 2' is Off
   And From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)

       Set 'ICON Relay 2' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hoping UDI will chime in. I understand Lee's program but it seems that most users would not figure that out (I didn't without Lee's help). I wonder if UDI would modify the Run At Startup to do just that, run any program that is checked as Run At Startup. If power goes out and a program or programs have Run At Startup checked, then upon restart, those programs test the IF statement in such a way that if it should be on then turn it on. Seems to me to be an easy way for most non-sophisticated users to catch-up after a power outage without coming here for help.


More intuitive = more happy users. :)

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First of all, thanks so very much LeeG!


nowandthen, run at startup does precisely what you wrote in your last post and LeeG helped verify. Would you be kind enough to let me know in what respect you would like us to chime in?




Catch up schedules/grace period applies ONLY to programs that are time based.


With kind regards,


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First of all, thanks so very much LeeG!


nowandthen, run at startup does precisely what you wrote in your last post and LeeG helped verify. Would you be kind enough to let me know in what respect you would like us to chime in?




Catch up schedules/grace period applies ONLY to programs that are time based.


With kind regards,




Hi Michel,


I guess I find it unusual that you have to check the status of the device, as shown in Lee's program. Perhaps checking the status is not necessary? His program that worked also had a from/to unlike his first program that didn't work. My front porch is basically as Lee's working program is written except I don't check status in the IF section. It's a From/To program.


I'll unplug my ISY and see if my from/to program will catch up on start up.

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I unplugged my PLM and ISY just before sunset. I have a number of programs that run from sunset to sunrise (next day) or from sunset + 5-10 minutes to sunrise (next day). They do not have the status line in the If section like Lee's program, just a From/To. I waited until about 20 minutes after sunset then plugged the PLM and ISY back in, hurray! the lights caught up! That's all I was looking for, a simple, ISY for dummies switch. :lol:


I suppose if the power goes out at 2 AM then comes on at 3 AM, the lights won't catch up as it is already next day (If from sunset to sunrise (next day)). But nothing is really critical and if they don't turn on for the rest of the night then so be it.


Off to figure where this "Missed Schedule Grace Period" setting is located, and try to understand what that means... :D

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Off to figure where this "Missed Schedule Grace Period" setting is located, and try to understand what that means... :D


I do believe that this is the amount of time the ISY will look back into the past on power up to find items that need to be "Caught Up" to current. Without this, how would the ISY know where to begin catching up the schedules ?




EDIT: Here is what the Wiki has to say:

Catch up schedules at Restart - When this box is checked (default) the ISY will attempt to run all programs that are time dependent beginning at midnight until the present time.

Missed Schedule Grace Period - If Catch up schedules at restart is not checked or if a program is not run because the ISY is busy this will check for programs that were scheduled to run from the period specified until the present time. Default is 15 minutes.

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