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Insteon Light Bulb.

Brian H

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Yes the Developers Guide the same day also surprised me.

I wounder if anyone has actually tried the slowest On Off Ramp Rate.

Anyone following the thread. I broke down and ordered one. I will try to post findings if no one else has tested things by my estimated 07/31/2012 In Stock Date.

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I am a Expert Adviser in the X10 Forums. I routinely delete spam like posts.

I missed that and my thoughts are they saw my post about the notes being released and copied it and not being a real member of the Developers Group.

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I think you are right. Almost every morning a new userid with 1 post has made an entry with text that makes it look like a response to the topic. Some of these posts are for topics that have had no activity for more than a year, with just enough reference text to get past some automated spam detector. I see the same thing on other forums as well.

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For what its worth, I've been reporting a few spam posts each week for the last month or so. And yes, a few almost got past this human spam detector.



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This seemed like a good idea to me, until I realized that I'd need to put a piece of tape (simplest way) on the light switch to make this work. Not sure I can think of a good use for it, but Smarthome must be doing something right for them to make a product and some random guy (me) sits here and tries to think of a use for it.

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Here is where I plan to make use of these:


The wiring in my house is a bit odd. In my upstairs bedrooms, power was run to the ceiling light fixtures then a run of 14/2 down to the switch boxes. I want to put Switchlinc Dimmers in these rooms but until now I would have had to install inlinelinc dimmers at the fixtures and controlled them from the Switchlincs. Part of the problem is the very shallow boxes at the ceiling fixtures don't allow for the inlinelincs to be installed there. These bulbs eliminate the need for the inlinelinc dimmers. I have a similar issue with the 3way circuit for the stairway.



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Hi Brian,

I know you were on the fence about buying the "Bulblinc".


While I totally understand your decision I was looking forward to hearing your evaluation :(

That was provided it arrived ... in one piece :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I just screwed in 3 "Bulblincs", upgraded to firmware 3.2.6 on my ISY, added the first bulb as a Lamplinc per earlier advise and the ISY has spent the last 30minutes "initializing the system". If it ever completes I'll let you know how these things behave. Light output is probably comparable to a 60W, I replaced several 100W bulbs with these. The light seems less diffuse than incandescents, and it is warm in color. Using a light switch to turn on there is a 0.5 sec delay.

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Run Help | About, verify that both Firmware and UI lines indicate 3.2.6. If the Java cache did not get cleared the Admin Console could be back level. This will result in the wrong command sequence being used which could run for a long time.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I had placed myself on the email notifications list for the Insteon LED bulb.

Got the notification email this morning.

They seem to have filled all the back orders. Showing them in stock and can ship today.

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