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Weatherbug at Startup


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Thanks. The first part of question is to undertand if weatherbug data is updated before programs run at ISY reboot/startup.


The reason for asking is I have a programs that run based on ouside temperature and need to know if they will typicllay have good data during ISY reboot sequence . If not I need to include a program that will run at end of startup plus some wait time to make sure things are in correct state.

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Hello hart2hart,


The module subsystem is started after programs. The reason that I do not understand your question is because as soon as WB data is retrieved, then the corresponding programs are run. So the maximum delay is equal to the Polling interval you have chosen for your WB module.


I think the problem is that you are thinking in sequential terms while ISY does things mostly in parallel and as events happen.


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel. I understand ISY is event driven and you have confirmed I've got some thinking to do.


Difficult to describe without posting programs but I've got thermostat value and mode that are set based on time of day, temp, security system state(home or away), day of week, manual override variable, plus any physical changes made at thermostat. Too make sure all is in sync, in a reboot/power failure situation, I've got a little work to do...Simple thing may be to reduce weatherbug polling interval and be out of sync for small time.... First off, I need to see if last WB polling time is saved through reboot and if it is can I force it to do an immediate poll...

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Hi hart2hart,


Yes, polling intervals are saved. I think I understand what you mean ... having a shorter polling time is not necessarily a good thing since WB may block you from getting future updates if it considers you a hacker.


Perhaps we should start by the program details and figure out what are the most important things that have to take place at reboot.


With kind regards,


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Thanks for assisting me think through this...


After looking at data, it appears last WB polling time and data are saved during reboot/power failure so as you said ... all programs will run at startup based on last temperature value and therfore all settings wil be in sync. This means no signifcant issues will exist with HVAC enviroment settings. Temperatures change rapidly here but a switch between heat and cool mode will not occur within 30 WB minute polling interval. If power off for long time so is HVAC unit and ISY would run WB polling at next restart, programs would run and we're in sync! (albeit a little warm or cold). I've got APC UPS that sends text at power loss and power restore so will know even if I'm away.


Helped to type it out.... Do you see anything I missed in ramblings?

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The issue I have with Elk is somewhat similar in that the zone status and output status do not seem to be polled at startup and so my programs that use that data are not executing properly after a startup. With weatherbug it is a better situation because you know it will be polled shortly whereas with Elk it seems that there is never a generalized polling. . . unless you do it manually. Values only get updated when they change so if there is no change they stay blank.


For you, I would suggest putting your weatherbug dependent programs in a folder. Write a program that checks weatherbug data for being "0". Until at least one of the values is not 0 (humidity would be a good one since it should never actually be 0), then have the folder set to inactive. This is assuming that you are correct in saying that unpolled weatherbug data shows up as "0".

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Hello hart2hart,


Last WB data is NOT stored anywhere ... only the polling interval!


With kind regards,




Not to make big of issue out of this since I have text alerts, program to sync all back up, and it happens very rarely ... but would like to understand. I can create programs to determine but thought you probably would know...


Does WB always run shortly after startup. So if polling interval is 1 hour and poll occurs then 30 minutes later a power failure and reboot occurs. Will WB poll occur as part of startup or 30 minutes later in keeping with last time polled?

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As a failsafe I've created hourly programs that look for inside temp values that are out of range. If their then branch runs they set mode to auto, temps to normal values, and a manual override flag to prevent weatherbug from triggering programs that may select settings based on potentially bad data. ....and sends me txt and turns on button on keypadlinc in bedroom.

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