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How to setup Fanlin, Keypadlinc and Remotelinc 2 properly


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I've been reading up on how to setup my new fanlinc with a keypadlinc along with remotelinc but really can't find a current answer on how to do it properly. Can someone please tell me how to set this up so they all work together and the led's etc are all correct when selecting from different devices. Thank you.

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EDIT: forgot to include setting the Responder On Levels for the RemoteLinc2 buttons as Controllers.


Define an ISY Scene A. Using a 6 button KPL and 4 Scene RL2 for this example. Add the FanLinc Motor as a Responder, KeypadLinc Secondary button A as a Controller, KPL Secondary button B as Responder, KPL Secondary button C as Responder, KPL Secondary button D as Responder, RemoteLinc2 button A as Controller.


Click the ISY Scene A name, set the FanLinc Motor to High, KPL Secondary button A to 100% On Level, KPL Secondary button B to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button C to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click the KPL Secondary button A node name below Scene A name. Set FanLinc Motor to High, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click RemoteLinc2 button A node name below Scene A name. Set FanLinc Motor to High, Secondary button A to 100% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.



Define an ISY Scene B. Add the FanLinc Motor as a Responder, KeypadLinc Secondary button A as a Responder, KPL Secondary button B as Controller, KPL Secondary button C as Responder, KPL Secondary button D as Responder, RemoteLinc2 button B as Controller.


Click the ISY Scene B name, set the FanLinc Motor to Med, KPL Secondary button A to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button B to 1000% On Level, KPL Secondary button C to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click the KPL Secondary button B node name below Scene B name. Set FanLinc Motor to Med, Secondary KPL button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click RemoteLinc2 button B node name below Scene B name. Set FanLinc Motor to Med, Secondary button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 100% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.





Define an ISY Scene C. Add the FanLinc Motor as a Responder, KeypadLinc Secondary button A as a Responder, KPL Secondary button B as Responder, KPL Secondary button C as Controller, KPL Secondary button D as Responder, RemoteLinc2 button C as Controller.


Click the ISY Scene C name, set the FanLinc Motor to Low, KPL Secondary button A to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button B to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button C to 100% On Level, KPL Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click the KPL Secondary button C node name below Scene C name. Set FanLinc Motor to Low, Secondary KPL button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.


Click RemoteLinc2 button C node name below Scene C name. Set FanLinc Motor to Low, Secondary button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 100% On Level, Secondary button D to 0% On Level.



Define an ISY Scene D. Add the FanLinc Motor as a Responder, KeypadLinc Secondary button D as a Responder, KPL Secondary button B as Responder, KPL Secondary button C as Responder, KPL Secondary button D as Controller, RemoteLinc2 button D as Controller.


Click the ISY Scene D name, set the FanLinc Motor to Off, KPL Secondary button A to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button B to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button C to 0% On Level, KPL Secondary button D to 100% On Level.


Click the KPL Secondary button D node name below Scene D name. Set FanLinc Motor to Off, Secondary KPL button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary button C to 0% On Level.


Click RemoteLinc2 button D node name below Scene D name. Set FanLinc Motor to Off, Secondary button A to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button B to 0% On Level, Secondary KPL button C to 0% On Level, Secondary button D to 100% On Level.




If an 8 Scene RL2 is used it is not a good candidate for this situation because individual RL2 buttons cannot be set to non-toggle On mode. The entire RL2 has to be set to non-toggle On mode OR the RL2 buttons have to be pressed twice to turn On a particular speed because the buttons Toggle On/Off

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Pressing the actual KeypadLinc buttons will work on a variety of KeypadLinc firmware levels. To be able to have another Controller such as a RemoteLinc2 or the ISY PLM (if the Scene is used in a Program) the KeypadLinc must have firmware v.40 or above. Otherwise using the 0% On Level for the Secondary KPL buttons will not turn them Off. If using an older KPL additional ISY Programs and Scenes are required to turn the Secondary KPL buttons Off when using the RL2 or ISY Scene. It is much better to use a newer KPL with v.40 or above firmware.

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Everything worked great, thanks for such and in depth tutorial. I had never really messed with responder/controller and this helped me understand it much more. Thanks.


Only thing I did differently was not add button d of remotelinc to the scene d, I wanted to use that for turning my light off and on which works fine. Since I can turn the fan off and on by pressing the left button of a-c I left d alone to control the light. Everything works fine but if I turn on the fan the led's come on correctly on the KP linc but when I press left button on remotelinc the fan goes off but the off/led does not come on. Is there a way to do it like this? Is there a way to create a few scenes for a-c and tell it to turn on led when I press left side only?

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To be sure I understand the problem, pressing the Off side of RemoteLinc button C turns the Fan Off, turns KPL button C LED Off, but you would like to turn KPL button D On to indicate the Fan is Off. That can be done if that is the requirement. Let me know if that is the correct requirement and I can describe how. If that is not the requirement please expand.

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no sorry, explained it wrong. When I click off button on RL on a-c the fan goes off but the Off led on the KPL does not light up. All the LEDs on KPL a-d go out. I'd like the d on the KPL to light up which is the off button for fan when the left button on RL is pushed.

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Easy. Define another ISY Scene X. Assign KeypadLinc button D as a Responder to Scene X.


The following Program will detect RemoteLinc buttons A or B or C turning Off and turn On the Scene which has KPL button D as Responder which turns On KPL button D LED. Since turning Off KPL button A or B or C also turns the Fan Off but does not turn On KPL button D, three more Control statements can be added to the If bellow checking for KPL button A or B or C switching Off which would also turn on KPL button D.



Control 'RermoteLinc2 - 4 Scene - A' is switched Off

Or Control 'RermoteLinc2 - 4 Scene - B' is switched Off

Or Control 'RermoteLinc2 - 4 Scene - C' is switched Off



Set Scene 'SceneX' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Glad to hear it is working as you wanted. An Insteon On command can turn a device On or turn it Off with a 0% On Level. An Insteon Off command can only turn a device Off. Could not use a Scene directly because the left side press of a RemoteLinc2 4 Scene button always generates an Off command. It takes a Program to detect the Off command and issue an On in response.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey LeeG,


Why 3 separate scenes for High, Medium, and Low? I have seen this mentioned several times in the forum.


Why not just one scene called Fan. All the controllers are added and the motor speed is set and the >v.40 KPL secondarys are adjusted for 0% on level for each controller as necessary?

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So only from ISY control perspective? Meaning that if we want the ISY to be able to call different fan speed scenes we need multiple scenes? But if I just want two KPLs and Remotelinc2 to be in a scene with the Fan motor it would work fine?


As long as I never need an ISY program to call a fan scene speed, this would never be an issue, right? The twelve controllers can each call for the proper fan speed in a single scene.

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Wow, from the phrasing it sounds like I'm being lead to the slaughter. I have not tried what is being suggested but I cannot think of a reason a single Scene could not be used. Each Controller in an ISY Scene has a unique set of Responder values which allows the needed buttons to be set to 0% On Level to achieve the Radio button aspects and of course the FanLinc Motor speed can be unique for each Controller.


Have you tried this and run into problems?

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Well sort of...


Not a lamb to the slaughter at all. Just curious as to why I find repeated mention of multiple scenes when I have never needed them.


And then today I was adding another Fanlinc and a V.41KPL and a MiniRemote (Remotelinc2) and I ran into a problem. The miniremote does not have the KPL secondary sliders so I can do the KPL button tracking without ISY programs. I went to the forums for info and all the reference were for a multi-scene approach. While that did not fix the problem I came here for, I became curious why my single scene methodology is not commonly utilized.


As I do not have the ISY call the fan scenes ever, it had not even occurred to me that multiple scene would be required. For my purposes, I like the single scene approach. Clean and tidy with no downside I can see.


As for the unrelated issue of the KPL secondary sliders not showing up in the scene when I choose either the ISY scene node or one of the MiniRemote controller nodes, I suspect that is due to me being on 3.2.6. I know that this new feature of the KPLs was just coming out when 3.2.6 was released. I can do it from another KPL, but apparently not from the MiniRemote.


I am stuck here for a while. Mac, Java, 10.6.8 The new ISY firmware does not work with the Java I have, and to get the new Java I have to change operating systems, which may necessitate new hardware. It is a whole thing.

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Hi Illusion,


I am stuck here for a while. Mac, Java, 10.6.8 The new ISY firmware does not work with the Java I have, and to get the new Java I have to change operating systems, which may necessitate new hardware. It is a whole thing.


You can indeed upgrade and use:

http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i//admin16.jnlp ... this is a special URL for MAC 10.6.x users.


With kind regards,


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